'This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!'

>'This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!'

>Ewan, your friends are dead

>Do you know Whooyer Steeling Fromme?

Who was this character? It seems like this bit of dialogue was never explained

>even upon death, Bankman is still fapping to all the money he still has until his dying breath

I think he was Bank Managers friend in the mob. He was trying to negotiate a truce by explaining that were on the same side

>Ike Hill, the bus driver

to this day i don't understand the mouth grenade thing

was it supposed to be like a "prank" grenade? or was it an actual smoke grenade? why did he leave it in his mouth? why not just spit it out and throw it away?

i honestly have no idea

>Is it a problem?
>No, I'm Dunnheir

That's a big gun

>If you're good at something, never do it, Furphy

No idea how that slipped past the script writers

>never do it for Fry
you retard

Best crime drama since the Departed desu

Also I'm pretty sure having a smoke grenade detonate in your mouth would be fucking horrific. IIRC they're like flashbangs in that they get obsenely hot after detonating

So throw it away? The retard didn't get his hands tied.

this city
just showed you
that it's full of people
ready to believe in gooooood

can somebody explain why the manager is a meme?

i've never liked that scene and I can't figure out why. i want to make fun of it, too.

He's a big guy

>Do you have any idea who you're stealing from?
>Junior Franz R. Dedd

that's that blind nigga who likes to listen to alienz

>You and your Franz are dead!
>Uh, you don't get to bring Franz
What is the connection?

The legendary thief, Dunheir. A tale of hubris, and how it leads to the fall of man.

Do you feel in charge? Does this shotgun give you power over me?

uh.. do you have any idea who's plane you're crashing