What are some of your guys serious red flags?

What are some of your guys serious red flags?

I'm really into this girl i've been seeing for 3 weeks but shes just demanded I delete all my female friends phone numbers since we're 'getting serious and nothing should ruin it'

The sex is some of the best ive had but Im starting to think shes batshit crazy,

She talks about Marilyn Monroe once a day, was into corsetting, freaks out if I try to tease her in any way. Gets angry and sulks if i don't ring her.

Bin that cunt asap OP, thank me later

Get rid of it OP its broken and its going to take ALOT to fix it

Drop her ass.
Her making you delete their phone numbers is a major red flag.

serious red flags
when they have sex with guys other than me

when their penis is more masculine than yours

The more time you spend being her boyfriend the more obsessed she becomes with you Here's what i suggest you to do:
>Fuck her one last time, make it be the greatest of all
>Bye bye

That's not a good idea. If she's really that crazy and obsessive the last thing you wanna do is go sticking your dick in her.

Demand she deletes all her male friends contact infos from facebook, cell phone, wherever she added them (no male friend contact for her as long as you must avoid female friend contact)
It's no fair if she gets to keep all her friends and you don't.

Otherwise, kick her out.
No female tells me who I am allowed to see and talk to.

Op does this and she kills him. Good advice.

She's a cheater, step away. I had one who did the same, turned out she liked cheating

So many fucking retards in this thread.

Buy a second phone. Swap all the numbers. Keep old phone around her and be like yeah girl I deleted that shit now suck my dick.

Then go text your mates about what a crazy bitch she is later. Eventually she'll be like hey its ok if you text those girls again and you can be like nah it's cool I've never noticed they were gone.

Women out of their teens who still dye their hair neon green or purple and shit

Wht about very bright blonde/platinum blonde

And what exactly do you do if your female friends want to hang out / go to movie / whatever else they are interested in?
You gonna tell your bat shit crazy gf "I don't have time for you today"?
I'd like to see that.

>going through this much shit just to stay with a crazy bitch


My red flag.

Uh yea shes pretty nuts...and thats coming from a chick with some issues too lol

Dump her OP.
>3 weeks
Thats fucking hilarious. Theres nothing serious about 3 weeks of dating.

Also im a jealous cunt with trust issues myself but even i dont stop my bf from having female friends. The only thing i expect is that i get to know them personally and if i find them to be unhealthy to my relationship ill tell my bf how i feel about it and of my reasoning sounds same then typically he will stop talking to the girl. If he thinks im just being paranoid then he will lessen the encounters with said female but not cut them out completely

Tell her if she promises to deep throat, rimjob, drink your cum and be the dirtiest of sluts, you'll do it but don't get comfortable, always have another babe.

Tits or gtfo

Nah im good faggot

when they is normal and well adjusted

You have nothing to worry about.

Its not like your boyfriends mind would go when one of his big titted friends starts flirting with him. Wearing a really revealing top and bouncing her tits around on purpose in his face. Your boyfriend has probably railed a few girls behind your back and knows he can do it again.

Weak attempt bro.
I trust my bf. Its sluts i dont trust.
My bf is fucking awesome.
I just dont want sluts even attempting to go near him.
