ITT we discuss without being 12, what would happen if Trump wins, and the reasons why he is running for election

ITT we discuss without being 12, what would happen if Trump wins, and the reasons why he is running for election.

1. Lets start at the beginning, Republicans caused the mess in the Middle East back in the late 70s and early 80s. Russia was invading Afghanistan, so the US intervened and trained the militia in the country and helped fight off the Russians.

This helped with the majority of the Islamic countries, favouring the US, Iran was selling oil cheaply to the US and UK.

Then the new caliphate entered Iran and new leader was put in place the Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran told the UK and the US no more cheap oil, and offered oil at a reasonable price, the UK agreed to the price, but the US did not and was offended by it.

At this point the Bush family is dealing with the Bin Laden family, deals being made and money being given.

Reagan and his administration didn't want to use their own oil resources yet and wanted to get that cheap oil deal back, so they helped put Saddam Hussein into power in Iraq, and over time, gave him money, weapons and chemical/biological agents to use against Iran. In total the Reagan administration gave $1 trn to the upcoming war between Iraq and Iran.

It was a terrible war, but no ground was made, and hundreds of thousands dead.

Now Iran, Afghanistan and Syria started to look unfavourably on the US and the animosity started.

Back in Saudi Arabia, Osama Bin Laden outraged that his family continues to deal with the Bush family and organisation they run leaves to go to Afghanistan to help make his name and fight against the US and Russia.

Other urls found in this thread:

2. Several years later, when things seemed to die down a bit, Saddam decided it was time to use those arms given to him to good use and he invaded Kuwait. Oh shit storm time!!!! The US was not pleased at all, as Kuwait is a peaceful Islamic state, so they had to intervene before the information got out that Saddam was still using the arms given to him, and worse was to come.... he still had a surplus of chemical weapons.

He used those weapons on the Kurds in the North of Iraq.

So a little war took place, and us Brits helped out also, eventually they pushed Saddam out and told him not to do it again... or consequences.

3. 9/11 - The day Osama Bin Laden got back at the US for the war on Iran. Many people died at the hands of Islamic Extremist Terrorism. There was an outcry from many Islamic countries on the attack, which most people don't remember or choose not to remember, as the media keeps pumping into people's heads that all Muslims are a threat.

And then 7/7 in the UK, when more people were killed.

4. The US government soon realised that military and CIA documents were to be released to the public and it would show they had helped with given Saddam chemical weapons.

So the ruse started that we would invade Iraq to stop the making of Chemical weapons and WMDs. Both the US and UK citizens were led to believe this, well the majority. There was no more weapons of mass destruction as they were used in the previous military campaign. But to keep the eyes away from the documents they continued to push to dethrone Saddam, who they put there in the first place.

Of course the Islamic nations are mostly pissed off about this, here is the US and UK using underhanded tactics. so now perhaps they believe that Osama could be right. However only some parts of Islamic countries garner more support for Al'Qaeda. Parts of Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Syria.

Saddam is hung, and the US/UK try to instill a new democracy into Iraq. This infuriating Iran the most, and Al'Qaeda who now broke into sister groups to fight against the "western economic world". Why economic? Because that is all the US and UK is interested in, is the money to be saved and made from it all.

5. Bin Laden is captured and killed, several of his generals now dead, Al'Qaeda is very much fractured, but it starts the formation of smaller groups into ISIL who will merge into ISS to form ISIS or the Islamic State, who are now attacking Syria because the current leader of Syria Al-Assad is very much pro-Russian. And the rebels and ISIS fight each other and the Syrian Republic to overthrow Al-Assad.

At this time the UK and US are holding back as this is an opportunity to remove Putin support from Syria. Of course things get worse with beheadings etc on the part of ISIS and Boko Haram has been abducting and killing young girls and Christians in Nigeria.

So the US step in and order air strikes against ISIS targets, the Russians then enter the fray and target not only ISIS targets but Rebel targets too. They denied hitting the rebels of course. And Turkey also starts hitting rebel targets as well, which people believe was Russia buying help from Turkey's ruler Erdogan. Which we found out later presumably starts the coup attempt that failed.

6. Why is Trump going for president? Simple, the Republican big wigs and friendly businesses want to wash their hands on what has happened over the 30+ years. So they encourage Trump to go for Presidency and accuse Obama of being a Muslim, and supporting ISIS. They even go as far as to try and say Clinton is a terrorist Sympathiser and wants to start World War 3.

Trump is charismatic, his only redeeming quality, he isn't a billionaire like most people think, he only makes around $150m a year clear, he owes billions to German banks for the loans he took out to build his casinos and golf courses, all of which is an asset of $5bn not the $10bn he suggests. And the banks really still own them until he pays off the loans.

Tied with the growing Media rubbish that black list Muslims as evil, accuse them of Female Genital Mutilation (which is an African tribal belief - Hence why Ethiopia still do it), that Jihads are about attack other nations when Jihads are about a defence of your land or yourself, they say that Halal foods contribute to ISIS which is totally rubbish - the halal certification does contribute back to the Islamic Centre of Human Affairs yes.. but that money is given to poor areas of Islamic countries to develop them. They say Halal is brutal in the way it slaughters cattle, however ignoring it is the exact same thing as Kosher butchery too. However many US and UK muslim abattoirs actually do stun the animals before cutting their throats, which is more accurate than the bolt to the brain.

Anyhow, we are off track a bit, with the media demonising Muslims, Trump strokes that by saying he will do X and Y and Z, to try and make the Republicans look like they care and want to protect everyone, all they care about is hiding the fact they caused all the problems, want to encourage hate towards the Muslims to keep the high amount of spending on Military that is hardly used and CEOs and Shareholders get richer through government contracts to make more. And of course to forever use an ever increasing National Debt to pay for Healthcare etc, while GDP profits and taxes are going straight into pockets. Leaving the public tax payers to try and foot the bill for the National Debt and it's increasing interest accrued every second.

7. So what happens if Trump wins? The economy will inevitably start to crumble, the US who is currently buying goods from Germany and China as they do not have the workforce to make them, does not have the infrastructure to sustain the every increasing National Debt, they will encourage spending and for people to take out loans and mortgages as those create false money into the economy, interest rates will drop, the currency will also drop. It will be a bad time for the US, while shareholders and fatcat CEOs prosper and if the US economy starts to weaken severely they will move to safer tax havens like Switzerland etc and run the Companies from there.

Be assured Trump's only interest is to pay off his debts to the German banks, and there will be shadow corps set up and run through his kids, to funnel money to Trump Inc. Of course it will be shady deals etc, with the help of the administration to make it happen, and they will help him, as he is now the face to fool Americans into thinking everything is fine and they should go about their lives.

All at the same time, less spending on Educations and Emergency services will happen, no point spending much money on Teachers when all they do now is hand out leaflets and workbooks to Students and not really teach them. The country is in a mess right now, and will be worse off with Trump.

Not going to get better with Clinton either, but she is the lesser of two evils, unless you go for a neutral party like the Greens. Then perhaps some change will be made there.

wait wut, what chemical weapons did we give them, sounds like shit OP.

No problem.

Shows you the documents at the bottom of the page too, when the popup happens click the x to reneg the one time offer deal and you can read again.

So nobody else have anything to say, or bring to the table? Perhaps give their legitimate reasons on why they think Trump would be good for the US?

>IF he wins
>If he looses

>Simple, the Republican big wigs and friendly businesses want to wash their hands on what has happened over the 30+ years.

This is your premise? You think that the Republicans want to just throw away 30 years of slowly taking hold of congress?

As we speak the RNC is going apeshit over campaign funding right. They want to divert funding from Trump into the Senate and House races to salvage whatever they can before the incoming landslide washes 30 years of blood, sweat and tears right down the drain.

Yeah pretty much. Even when I was writing all that, I was getting to thinking, why do Americans get caught out with all this gullible shit constantly?

there too stupid to see that there country is slowly going down the drain.

Well no it was to hide what they did in the Middle East as of course it was a catalyst in the shit going on today.

Im kidding you guys where never great

I see you didn't read, I am British. But thanks for the post.

I see you misunderstood that what i said was directed at americans

Wasn't clear sorry bruh.

your trips don't lie

That already transparent and it's already history and it's not been very kind to Bush/Cheney and big oil. Take a good hard look at the last few months, actual Republicans, meaning the RNC and the traditional base did not want anything to do with Trump. They did not encourage him, Trump basically hijacked the party while everyone thought it was a joke. This is evident by the legions of Republican officials who've rescinded their endorsements and some even went so far as to endorse Clinton, Negroponte-tier Republicans too. Tom Ridge-level. Ex cabinet members, National Security Officials, ex Nat'l Intelligence .. not to mention an army of former and a few current congressmen. I don't see how you can claim that the Republican base wanted him, this a was a bad joke that morphed into a coup

OP what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

So Salty Captain Fagsuckles. At least the OP brought up reasonable points you fat overweight piece of shit.

i can see that one was a bit over your head

You brought up no points to argue OP.

You're the faggot.
>Fucking. Kill. Yourself.


It started in the 30s. The nazis liked the radical Islam. Hitler considered to take the Sharia as constitution, Islam as state religion...

What the fuck this relates with Trump, faggot? He came from OUT of the politic stablishment, not one of the traditional republicans. You copy and pasted all that and didn't even thought about it.

The false testimony that led to the US intervention in Kuwait

Now let's look at some of the democrats facts.
1. Dems were the first Americans to institute "gun control" to keep firearms out of recently freed blacks post civil war.
2. The KKK was the terrorist wing of the democratic party.
3. Andrew Jackson was the democratic president that marched the Indians on the trail of tears, the Indians took him to court and won. He did it anyway.
4. The series of laws passed called "the civil rights movement" only met serious opposition from democrats.
5. The internment of Japanese Americans was proposed, and got the majority of its support, through the democratic party.
6. It was a democrat who thought taking the currency off of the gold standard was a good idea.
7. Detroit has been under democratic rule since the 60's and just look how well that's worked out.

Oh please, throwing in a couple of facts about Russia and Reagan doesn't excuse the fact that his whole premise is ridiculous. How does the republicans electing Trump erase the last thirty years? It makes no fucking sense. He wants to talk about Obama founding ISIS? Hes not far off the mark. Pulling out of Iraq on the original Bush timeline, along with his and Clinton's regime change scheme in Syria is directly responsible for the shit fest we have today. GW owns a big piece of it as well for going into Iraq in the first place. We might as well say that Clinton is behind Donald Trump's campaign. They've been friends for years after all. He's donated lots of money to the Clinton Foundation, as well as her senatorial campaign. I wouldn't be surprised if old Bill called Donald a year or so ago, and convinced him to run. They knew what a glorious shit show it would turn into. The only question is if Donald is in on the joke or not?


And Hillary actively supported virtually all of this, while Trump calls the interventions a mistake and opposed them beforehand.
Elect Trump and you'll see less foreign intervention proxy wars.
Elect Clinton and you'll see more.
Sometimes it IS that simple.

He's a plant. He's a lifelong democrat with ties to Clinton.
He was asked to run by the Clintons in order to hand them the victory after they spent millions smearing the legit republican candidates.
Because they knew how unpopular she is and that it would only get worse as time went on, with the email scandal, Benghazi still fresh, etc.
Trump is allowing himself to be smeared by media for this hand off win for the popular vote.
Not that it matters, though, Clintons bought or have blackmailed all the electors in the electoral college they need by now to secure the win from them, which is how the president is really determined.
As the wikileaks emails showed with the DNC and Sanders scandal, this shit was bought and paid for way before November elections.

MINORITIES FOR TRUMP! The Democrats are the bigots!
>said nobody ever

The dems and republicans switched parties over the course of time. The dems were on the right, the republicans on the left.

All the trouble now is from the 70/80s.

It is a question I like to ask anti-Islamics is when was the first Islamic terrorist attack?

Now don't be confused between wars and terrorism, they are separate entities, unless you want to link American wars with terrorism on their parts.


Killing the one man mean and scary enough to keep the durka-durks in line started ISIS. When Bush killed Hussein he "founded" ISIS. With bad old Saddam out of the picture the durks were free to run amok

you are a moron. Ill put it to you like this. Every country on the planet has an elite 1%. Each of these elites do not always agree and shit hole countries elites are still bottom feeders to the richer country elites. This has and always was a never ending battle between the power elite. IF you want to say the US did X Y and Z with out looking into WHY THE FUCK they would do that then you can do the same for any other country the US is advisory with.

China has rovering death Vans
Russia is a state sponsored mafia
Brazil has terrible income inequality.
India's Cast systems (they can say they dont do that anymore all they want but the facts state otherwise)
N Korean Labor Camps
Somilia Death Squads
Saudi Arabia Crucifixions
Irans public exuctuions on trumped up charges.
Japans pedo problem.
South Americas drug/cartel problem in general.

OP here, actually anyone else than the Demos and Pubs would be a better choice.

Republicans and Democrats are all money hungry, and have their hands in the cookie jar with many companies, who crave business contracts with the government when it can. Which is why they always fund both sides, no matter who wins they do.

while he does call them a mistake he'e lying about having opposed them from the start.

did you finish reading my post? I gave GW his part of the credit. Its a bit more complicated than one action.

For the civilists who live there they are the same. For example, ask the Syrians how it feels to constantly hear the loud noises of the drones flying over their heads with explosions from time to time, losing one familiar person after the other.

Nice of you not to read anything. Good Job!!

Hear him out, he's making valid points.

The Elite do control 80% of what goes on in any interconnected society nowadays.

>The only question is if Donald is in on the joke or not?
Not OP, but I doubt it but I don't think will that conspiracy theory will ever go away. Trump has made mention of losing the elections a few times in the last week. That's just odd for any candidate. Even Mondale never said anything like that and he knew he was going to get completely obliterated by Reagan.
>'If I lose Florida, we will know that there's voter fraud'
>'If at the end of 90 days I've fallen short.'
>'If I lose, it’s OK I go back to a very good way of life'
>'If I lose, I'll have a nice long vacation'
>'If I lose, I don’t think you will ever see me again'

Even though I don't think it's a big conspiracy that last one does make you think. WTF you're gonna go into hiding?

Exactly. With democrats and republicans you get your choice of different colored authoritarians.
Left wing or right wing, same fucking bird.

That's true, plenty of vids out there to show him he didn't oppose them at the start.

Trump is a habitual liar, he does it all the time to make himself look better.

He hired hundreds of illegal mexicans to build several of his casinos, and then shits on them recently with his speech about them all being rapists and drug cartel lol

He is a christian, try again?

I am so tired of that bullshit argument.

I'm sure a couple switched parties, but the majority stayed.

Hell one of the lefts major icons to this day is the founder of Planned Parenthood, who said she wanted to exterminate niggers.

So yeah keep spreading that tired lie.

maybe I should counter with a huffo blog post, that'll shill 'em!

How many wars did he vote for?

Uh Democrats historically wanted to keep slavery and then wanted to keep segregation. The republicans freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow.

some faggots like to say oh the paries shifted.

No you faggot. Go look at places that are heavliy democrate and you can clearly see they still have Jim Crow style living just they dont say it and they use econimc and police power to keep it that way.

Are repbulicans evil as they have been painted ? No are their evil ones in it ? Yes. However Repbulicans are much more pro freedom of do what the fuck you want as opposed to the democrats that want to make rules and regulate eveything and tell everyone how they should be.
Now that all you dems know taht Bernie was in on the scam with Hillary for her to be preisdent. Would it surpire you that Hilirary also got trump to Run to sabatoge the Repbulicans run except they dindt think he would make it as far as he did and he is kinda stuck there now.

HENCE why he doesnt give a fuck and is trying everything he can not to be president.


I dont care about my grammar or spelling

He then went off on a tangent which doesn't really bring anything to the fold.

I agree with him, but he assumed instead of reading though, and as said gone off on a tangent.

Just goes to show sometimes even left wing biased "media" tells the truth every so often, same with right wing biased.
Keeps shit stirred up.

Well true. Elitism and the discussion of such deserves its own thread. Daily.

Thank you user. So tired of liberal racist using that lie

Three years after this incident
Roughly one month later

>Elect Trump and you'll see less foreign intervention proxy wars
50 former Republican National Security Official disagree with you


Yep but he wasn't the first.

Munich olympics and Israeli team held captive, is the first recorded terrorist attack by an Islamic extremist (although the leader had half Islamic and half Christian beliefs) it is the first time.


OP your early timeline is fucked (much like the rest of your post).
1. The Russians invaded Afghanistan AFTER the Ayatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran.
2. Oil producing countries do not set oil prices, they either produce more or less and the prices are set by supply and demand.
3. Reagan didn't have oil resources to use. They belonged to individual companies who could decided to drill or pump based upon market conditions.
As your timeline progresses you become more accurate but your assertion that Trump is a bigger globalist or more likely to engage in shady deals than Clinton is provably false. Clinton's financial shenanigans are pretty well known and documented. As for being a globalist all that "make America great" and "build a wall" rhetoric clearly says otherwise.

Kek not knowing facts and history.

>liberal racist

you fucked up in this part bro

You forgot to mention that USA made huge deals with ISIS, because like you said, they only look for profit, and exchanging outdated weapons for cheap oil sure sounds like a profit.

Also, you seem to forget that Clintons are huge warmongers, and that they are pro-NATO expansion, attack Russia verbally, and with this pace, if Clinton gets into the office, WW3 would likely start.

As for the Trump's part, he wants to reform/dismantle NATO, to make peace with Russia, and to end ISIS. That also brings profit, but also greater peace and less collateral damage

oh, you're muslim, and peaceful muslim too! Must be the stage 1, maybe 2

Look ill tell you again

The elite 1% go to war and the rest of us get caught up in it.

In the 60 OPEC did an Oil embargo on the US for supporting Isreal. NOW do you think the most powerful country in the world is going to have some dune coons telling them what to do forever? FUCK no. Look at OPEC now. Its shattered. READ BEFORE YOU TALK OUT YOUR ASS.

Now you can say all you want how the US shouldnt be in any ones business HOWEVER you use all the advantages the US gets by doing shit like that. You can not have your cake and eat it too. Simple as that. OPEC fucked us we broke them.

The only time I am aware of is an interview where he is asked if he's in support of the war and he reluctantly says "Yea, I guess so".

Why do liberals support and idolize Planned Parenthood. It was created to kill blacks.

Its really very unpredictable what will happen if Trump wins, but as far as i can tell its totally unlikely anything good will come of it. One thing is for sure, he would piss off all our allies and neighbors. And with tensions already high across the globe, very easy to see how things could escalate quickly.
On the domestic front, i think he wont get much through congress but will still screw up the economy. His constant inflammatory statements will rile the markets. Cancelling longstanding free trade agreements will totally tank the economy, we will see another serious recession. And if he can make good on some of his plans for tax cuts etc, he will totally have screwed the little guy that he says he is trying to look out for.

This is well known and well documented, opInions to the contrary are simply that.

>different colored authoritarians
This. It's the one true and simple fact that scares me to hell.


WW3 has started faggot. Doesnt matter who was getting into office or not.

So? History disagrees with them. How are you going to change the fact that Clinton is in support of foreign interventions, voted in favor of them, advocated them publicly and via secret mails, etc.?

If trump wins we'll have our first tranny first lady

>It was created to kill blacks.
Yes, pls point me to your thedailybeast article "evidence"

I feel like I would have learned more in history if you were the teacher. I didn't know any of this shit, as a run of the mull dumb American. Thank you. How will things play out if Hillary wins?

>Clinton is lesser of two evils

1. He was placed in power in 1980, his actions started in Feb 1979 yes, but the party didn't gain complete power until early 1980, infact 4th Feb 1980 to be exact. Russian troops were amassing in Afghanistan since 1978 under a false treaty.

2. The Iranian Shah sold the US and UK cheap oil for their role in helping Afghanistan during the initial phase of the their long 10 year war with Russia.

3. Reagan had other resources, and he spent $1 trn into readying Iraq to combat Khomeini, putting Saddam in power (hence his love of cowboy movies) and gave him a fair amount of arms and mechanised vehicles. The rest of the money Saddam bought cheap stuff from Russia, as the Russians saw this as an attempt to prevent America from gaining the Iraqi favour. So he ended up with some migs among other things.

I don't care about Trump but how did Reagan give Iran or Iraq or both 1 trillion dollars worth of anything when the United States didn't even make over $1 itself back then. With all of our expenses that would've taken 10 or 20 years to accomplish. Just calling bullshit on that. Also, communism was the nation's struggle of that time so of course the Republicans were responsible because they were in control. If the Democrats were they'd have done something else just as dumb or irresponsible like make deals directly with Russia or sell out the US to the Chinese. They're all guilty don't act like we're in the state we're in because of just the Republicans.

Wait, I thought Iraq didn't have any chemical/biological weapons. Remember, Bush lied about wmds

Nope not a muslim. Nice way to jump to conclusions though.

I am an atheist who has taken time to understand religions, all of them.

The media in the US and even in the UK are so anti-Islamic it isn't even funny, the misinformation and lies spread about is bad... it is exactly how the Nazi's operated against Jews.

not him, but uh, margaret sanger was a eugenicist, and a racist, and planned parenthood kills more blacks than the police could ever dream of doing

this doesn't really bother me, but we don't have to pretend like it's not the truth, like that bill gates dad was an american nazi lawyer and a eugenicist, or that monmouth university used the data of nazi experiments in studies or any other 'thing'

No. You arent getting it is all. You are looking at things in a very small time frame. I promise you start reading some history adn start piece it together to current day. You can then see a large war between powerful families that has lasted over a thousand years.

You are just looking at the Arab/USA/Jewish conflict that has been going on since Israel was created. You can say oh bush did that Bin laden family did this. Whatever. It all boils down to the Arab nations crippled the US with its embargo. The US trys its hardest to makes sure things like that dont happen twice. So they picked apart OPEC over decades. Look at it now just look at OPEC and look at what kinda influence they have on the global stage. Its not nearly the voice they used to have. TL;DR Dont fuck with the US with out preparing to fight.

Why would I change it? Foreign intervention is necessary when maniacs are try overrun their neighbors, ignoring treaties and dragging our allies into shit they want no part of. Trump can hide is isolationist head in the sand for a few weeks at best. Middle East is the obvious shithole but what happens when Putin starts annexing shit again - and he will - what's Trump gonna do when that shit starts bordering our allies? Say he was just being sarcastic? No, Congress is going to steamroll right the fuck over him and he's going to be a useless deer in the headlights. He has to claim "isolationism" because he has no fucking idea how foreign policy works. Putin masturbates at the thought of a Trump presidency.

It sure matters. If it doesn't matter, then why are media/jews/elite/actors/loominaty/everyone shilling against Trump so hard? They absolutely fear that he's going to expose the grand Ashkenazi scheme.

oh, ok. Then just watch that youtube video i provided, and you'll understand why there are so many contradictions in Islam (peaceful vs isis for example). You're being taqiya'd by muslims, bro.

Also, imagine that you do all the crimes Hillary is accused for, and that you get in front of the FBI court. What would your sentence be? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get free pass like she did. That should tell you about what type of person she is. Fucking establishment

The Torygraph and Daily Fail have been craven twats for as long as I can remember, but it seems like they've really stepped up their jeremiads and invective in the past two-three years. I'm just sad Nigel Farage ain't PM, to really run England into the ground (and thus pave the way for NI and S independence.)

yes Munich, But that was the first one i could find that was on American soil. Also looking at a list of terror attacks in america, in the early ninety's to late ninety's. Seems like when the true call to jihad was answered by Muslim Americans/immigrants with the only attack linked to AL Qaeda being the first bombing of WTC.

He did it through the national debt in through the Defense Budget, it wasn't $1 trn off the bat, he split it into many payments over time.

The national debt at the time was $1trn and by the end of his term it had tripled to $3trn.

He was an idealistic typical holywood star who believed money grew on trees..

He did put money into education I give him that, but the majority was spent on Americas potential future in the middle east by trying to secure themselves there.

It failed big time.

don't forget the Iran and Iraq War which CIA/Regan administration funded Saddam.

Are you not seeing it? He was always meant to sabotage the GOP. No one thought he would make it as far as he has. Now he is just saying whatever the fuck to not get the job and the news is getting ratings galore by reporting on what the dude says. If he wanted to expose some grand scheme then he would have by now. Just like Berning would have said that the Democrat Primaries was a scam but he didnt cause he was in on it as well.

You can think its not true all you want but I dare you to go digging into what I say and look at the facts yourself. Tell me its not all one giant dog and pony show.

you forgot to mention how all of those "republican" warmongerers are not backing trump in any way, and their candidate is hillary,,,,I think we know who the real warmongering neocon is....thanks anyway op, still voting trump.

Who said we should oppose literally every foreign intervention? It would be silly to believe that. However Clinton definitely supported the wrong proxy wars and I don't see how that is a good thing. I'm fairly certain Trump isn't against the concept of intervening, but against certain unjustified interventions. Doesn't that sound like a good thing?




Dont forget when the Russains funded all those other countries or The UK went across the world just to beat up a weak ass south american country or how China is fucking over its neighbors on the daily.

Pretty much shut the fuck up all powerful countries do shit like this and it will never end.

Yep, so basically all recently within the last 40 years.

No coincidence that America started their campaign to get into the middle east that everything started. Not just America, the UK too.

I am Scottish, and it does look we will end up with a 2nd referendum which will pass this time because our last one if you remember failed due to promises that we would stay in Europe, and we would get x,y and z.

Now we are out of Europe and didn't get x,y and z.

Scots voted to show they are not likeminded like the English, who are starting to become more far right friendly with groups like EDL, Pegida, NF, Britain First, Anti-ANTIFA etc

When you see them using the olde "no surrender" on flags etc, it makes you shudder that they are pampering the die hard protestants up here also.

I personally want to ship the die hard catholics and protestants over to NI, and leave them there, let them fight it out.

Maybe they can take the neds with them also.

Honestly, if u think Bush/Republicans are solely to blame for ISIS and Obama/Democrats get no blame for pulling out US troops then you are simply completely biased. Also, why does no one blame the terrorists? If 911 doesn't happen then the US doesn't overreact