Hello everyone

Hello everyone.
I like to know what type of body you have.
Just post if you're a male or female with the name of the bodytype that you have.
Be honest, I will make a report!

I'm a male with the bodytype skinnyfat.

skinnyfat, pretty average bod reporting in

Male, skinny

Chubby, almost builtfat


Chubby. Male

fit male i mean

Male, skinnyfat

Male, chubby

Chubby male, just a bit more muscle on arms because working with powertools and stuff but nothing good looking

Skinny Male, though starting to move towards skinnyfat

Male, fit. I want to be athletic in like 1.5 years.

Male skinny, deceptively strong.

beware if you're the kind that can eat a lot and stay skinny, it will not last forever and when growing older, you will probably get fat because bad eating habbits.

Chubby male.

Male, Auschwitz

Male. Athletic

lots of stamina,
stronk af

male, skinny

terrified of this


Literally the perfect bodytype for a male.

Male, toned

Male, Auschwitz


Skinny and on my way to fit

Male, skinnyfat/chubby

Male, between fit and builtfat
