Repeat after me

Repeat after me

Good Afternoon Madam President

Other urls found in this thread:

Im actually really sad she's gonna win

I'm ecstatic. Oh this election's been fun... Trump and his supporters have been so endearing in their naivety and ignorance!

8 more years of republicans whining and crying... I can taste the tears now. Delicious.

Then maybe Elizabeth Warren will get her 8 years. Oh and the gun ban, I'll be in 7th heaven when that happens (in 15 or 20 years)!

Yeah, its sad... I would be sad with Trump too tho.


I like how the shills cant even use a non-touched up picture of hillary

Hillary is hot like I actually got a boner from that pic

good afternoon shill. you on this list?

there is nothing there to win. she's brain dead.

sure kid. Obama couldn't do it, she won't.

If you actively support drumph you should be gassed


sure kid.

Repeat after me

Kill yourself you mindless pond scum shill

good afternoon president madam

who is she?

The next US president :)

Hillary is such an awful, corrupt politician. She should've been beaten so easily.

Shame the GOP elected a complete buffoon in Trump. He's handed the election to her.

If there was a normal republican candidate, plenty of people would vote for them purely because they're not Hillary, but somehow Trump has managed to make Hillary look like the better option.


doesn't know what time of day it is anyway kid.
save your breath.

sure kid. nice selfie

The reason Obama hasn't been able to do it, is because of republican obstruction.

Republicans are dying off. Texas is a swing state now. Hillary's winning in Georgia.

The country's electorate is becoming much more liberal, with legal immigration and the literal death of white conservatives.

sure kid. nice bubble you live in.

lol mostly all women. And still have to be paid to pretend to support Hillary. What a bottom barrel loser candidate

Yeah fucking white trash lol

>sure kid, nothing personnel

sure kid.


ok kid

sure kid. making fun of the retarded is a character flaw. your parents must be so proud.

Why all the shillery?

It's not like anyone who posts here actually votes...

Bitch is blowing millions to pay internet warriors for nothing...

Good Afternoon Madam President

we're correcting the record. trump's lies abound.

and to correct the record - we're salaried (we keep seeing posts asking us how we're paid, in virtually every election thread).


I saw something like that too it was a tweet about banning guns it was the same tweet posted by different accounts

sure kid.

sure kid.

Op here, I am voting
Im voting Hillary
So are true Americans

>Texas is a swing state

sure kid.

Sigh, sheeple gonna sheep...

Everyone knows Hitlery won't survive a single term, even if she is elected via widespread vote fraud, total media bias, bribery, etc.

You seriously have to be totally disconnected from reality if you support her in any way.

sure kid.

>true American
>Supporting a globalist puppet
pick one

sure kid.

sure kid.

You mean the handful that show up at her "rallies", whom were probably paid to be there? Shit, you idiot liberals would've done better with Oprah...

President Hillary Clinton?
Don't you mean President George Soros?

good afternoon brain damaged traitor

Someone's done his homework...

>250 dollars have been deposited int your correct the record account

The irony in your post is so ironically ironic


sure kid

For each shill thread, need to pick a name off this list and start doxxing

If only you weren't a mental 12 year old...

It's ok, you'll understand one day, son.

I'd bet a million dollars you're under 30 and make less than 50k a year.

sure kid

oh look, a kid who calls others kids

> idolizes an old woman
> insults people by calling them kids

Mommy issues

31, 57k last year as an ase certified mechanic, wife is a holistic md, and i have a son.

Try again, child.


must seem like a lot of money to you, spamming for $5 or 6k salary

How is this any different from any other president or politician anywhere, ever in the US?
Powerful and influential people have always had a direct link to politicians to address issues that concern them. That's how capitalism has always worked, for good or bad.

theyre will be a civil war before there is a gun ban, buddy. dont get your hopes up

I think you're confused

I don't understand your broken english and nonsensical idiocy, and neither do you. Bot or tard confirmed.

way off there kid. most posters, you included, are too stupid to know what that reply entails.

Fuck off you mendacious cunt.

>tips fedora
Another argument won for madame Hillary.
$1 has been deposited to your account

Your daily reminder that anybody making favorable threads about either of the two official asshats is either a troll or a shill.

lies, you´re a pathetic loser

on one hand, everyone trump is losing by double digits and all his supporters are 12

but on the other hand, they are spamming desperately

the desperation is setting in Trump is going to win despite the fake polls


I really should've done a pink one sooner.

kek yes, the dying, poor white south will rise again! your meth-infested shithole of the south and Midwest are inconsequential.

and ONLY extremists would resort to violence when their guns are banned. you're the MINORITY NOW. demographics are changing massively and rapidly - do you get that? literally the rest of the country wants massive gun control NOW.

we have your names.

is that you Camden?

or are you Caryn?

Caryn Lenhoff
Age: 24

813 Rd Hilltop


DE, Newark

(302) 737-4654

You sound a LOT like the guy you idiots keep painting Trump to be, you know...

>Thinks the entire south is like some poor remote coal mine in the north east or Midwest

Kek fuck off faggot, the south will rise again and strike back if it gets stepped on.

just the mindless cheerleaders.

Do some research goddammit. Polls are all paid for and doctored. You're a moron if you think anything you see on tv or hear on the radio is even close to reality.

This truly scares me. Conservatives have whipped themselves into such a fervor about guns and gun rights that they see guns as the only thing standing in between a civil society and chaos. It's a ridiculous assertion, but I think you're right that there will be violence before we can address the issue of guns in this country. Founders fucked it up again, get ready for a second civil war / insurgency.


god you're stupid.

>yet again, another stupid 12 year old drumpf supporter destroyed by the sword of your intellect
>tips fedora



Founders didn't fuck up anything. The 2nd amendment exists for a reason. If you wanna live in a shithole move to Europe and bend over for some "poor" "helpless" "refugee"


The problem is that you think guns are actually an "issue". I'd imagine that in your twisted, schizophrenic liberal mind, guns are only bad for civilians, but TOTALLY NECESSARY for our military to fight proxy wars for corporate interests and black budget funding, right?



Heil Hillary!
Heil Hillary!
Heil Hillary!

She will bring about the fall of western Civilization!

if this is true, you need to post pics of your tits, then we'll probably listen to you and vote for hillary.

There's a whole world outside your trailer park,
you should check it out sometime


Shill more faggot. You fucking desurve it. Copying the info

"fuck it, just vote for hillary. no refunds" - bernie sanders before he drove off to his lakefront vacation home in his r8.

Caryn, what a stupid SJW name

""""BUILD A WALL""""""

kek, and Trump's latest:

"Obama took us into Afghanistan. Before Obama we weren't even IN Afghanistan!"

>inb4 "what he meant to say was...", or "the liberal media's lying!", or "you're taking what he said out of context", or "he was just being sarcastic", or "he never even said that!"


Right, you should visit that world sometime. Start with Africa, and even Germany or Sweden. Listen to what the locals have to say. Of course, if you're a woman I wouldn't go out without several men to protect you, and definitely not after dark.