So.. Has anyone done robbed a grave? Tell me the feels! Lets have a story thread!

So.. Has anyone done robbed a grave? Tell me the feels! Lets have a story thread!


p.s. pictures from the catacombs

ps: picture from the catacombs too

I stole a bracelet from a floating casket in New Orleans after Katrina. Was straight bones. Bracelet was silver. Pawned it for heroin. Didn't get cursed.


The no curse part is good to hear? How was the process though?


Good job based user

Easy except opening the lid. It was like shut super tight from the rain swelling the wood. No smell, old granny dress with some dark bones. I found the bracelet roughly where the head would've been. The bones were all shook to one side because it was tilted. Not proud of myself but the opportunity arose and I took it.

great story.

And the tools? Bring a showel and thats it?

Seems like a lot of work for little value

Naw, I wasn't planning on doing it. I was walkin' around lookin' for shit to steal and saw the casket floating on the other side of a fence. The cemetery was seriously like a quarter mile away. I hopped the fence and tried opening it out of morbid curiosity. I eventually used like a rigid metal sign post (think stop sign) that I was carrying around, to pry open the lid. It was simultaneously uneventful and creepy. I even paused for a minute reflecting on the terror a freshly dead body would give me.

Wtf is wrong with Sup Forums?

Nice! Sounds like a walk in the park! How's heroin? Still on it?

I thought for a minute about taking the skull but I didn't for two reasons: this was immediately after Katrina and didn't want to come across the Nat'l Guard carrying a fucking skull and also there was like mud-matted nig hair still stuck to it.

>Wtf is wrong with Sup Forums?

You misspelled New Orleans.

Nope. 6 years clean. Did Suboxone for like 3. I've got a respectable job and shit now. I've only ever told one person IRL about this and they died a few years ago. I always thought about visiting that cemetery and placing flowers or something on the grave but there'd be absolutely no way to know which one. I did close to the lid before after I stole the bracelet. As weird as it sounds I didn't want the bones and dress to be exposed to the elements.

Whats the story behind Katrina? Job treats you well? Maybe you also know how to extract opium?

Story behind Katrina? I'm not sure what you mean. I was living in New Orleans at the time very close to the lower 9th. Everyone knew Katrina was coming but we didn't think it was any different than other storms so we didn't change our routines.
Eventually the levees broke and all hell broke loose. I never saw any dead bodies floating but heard plenty of stories. Vigilantes were everywhere just carrying rifles. Eventually I started carrying a lil' .22 revolver with me. I didn't loot per se but I stole hella shit that had floated away or been left unguarded.
Job's nice, I lucked out. They know my past. I make 60k a year with benefits and get to travel.
I do not know how to extract opium.

Oh that Katrina! Right! Damn, thats some luck! Thanks for the story!

I actually posted "enjoy your poltergeist in that thread, good times, good times

injun joe did, i seen him while hiding in the tall grass with huck finn

Was the national guard really enforcing curfews at being Nazis?

There's a /b story where someone stole from the catacombs. It's greentexted. I'm sure some fag got saved it.

I had heard about curfews in some of the more lawless neighborhoods. They were cool with me everytime I saw them. I told them I wasn't evacuating and was ridin' out the storm and they gave me a bunch of bottled waters and some weird Chinese canned foods.
One time I was out at night and they drew thier M4s on me and asked what I was doing. Told them I was looking for my dog. They frisked me, found my .22, shrugged and gave it back to me then offered me a water, kek. It was surreal. Like living in the apocalypse. Besides them, no other gov't entity was helping. I never saw a cop or paramedic. Just red cross and several private organizations offering food and shit.

Thats gold!

not a greentext, I was there when this shit happened and posted in that thread, twas legit, al the timestamps and what not. I had more pics of it on my previous computer but I was a retard and didn't make any backups back then and lost them
