How long does it take to reset your tolerance to weed?

How long does it take to reset your tolerance to weed?

I went from zero tolerance to an obnoxiously high tolerance (pure hash oil barely does anything) in like a week.

I've taken several month long breaks before but that's obviously overkill. Anyone know a good rule of thumb?

420 rule. 20 days smoking each 4 days without smoking

That doesn't sound right

if you want to get as fucked up as possible, mix it with tobacco

Did you ever smoked weed lel

try killing yourself.

30 days!

when you do smoke the stuff. try to do it litely. that way your nt flooding your body and the body is reacting to build up a tollerance so quickly,
just saying......

what kind of fucked up rule is that

sit in a sauna for 20 minutes, reduces tolerance noticeably

No. You've got it wrong. You mix it with ricin to increase its potency.

a week or two should do it

Trips of truth kek

>Pure hash oil
>Suprised tolerance goes to shit
Take a month. Smoke regular weed like a normal person. Fuck man.

idk i havent been able to not smoke for 3 weeks at the very most and in 5 years since i started

Switch to cocaine. When that doesn't do it. Go crack. if that don't do it, go meth. And if all else fails... Go heroine.

6 months. Then its reset to 0. if u wait a month you are right back at where u started after a couple of joints. Trust me


Maybe if you're a fat shit.

Switch to only alcohol for a few months or something.

never said I was surprised. I just don't like regular weed even if it's super strong, it just requires smoking way too much plant matter. I prefer edibles but I'm trying to save the remainder of what I have

that's definitely not true

Weed tolerance seems about the same as caffeine so this might just be all it takes

Mixing with a little bit of tobacco definitely makes it a bit more intense

I used to smoke errday, then i had to take a break for reasons. When I smoke weed like that and take a break, my brain feels like im still 'mellowed' even though im not high. I usually wait 2 weeks and then the feeling goes away. When I smoke after the two weeks, i get pretty high

OP. Weed tolerance doesn't just reset. If you want to lower or get rid of your tolerance you must incorporate exercise in your routine. THC is fat soluble. As user up above somewhere said. Sauna also helps quite a bit. Sweating and burning fat will flush it out of your body. Depending on your size and weight, it can take a couple weeks to a couple months.

Try doing it for 3 weeks.

You think super-heated oil is better for you then a little excess carbon etc?

Your lungs have an easier time processing a coating of crap than growing new alveoli.

Make smoking weed a weekend thing. That will solve all of this. Stop smoking all day you retard

I workout 3x a week every week and sweat like a pig, it's been hot and humid as fuck. I'm in decent shape and all but does that really make a difference? I don't understand why having THC stored in your fat cells could contribute to tolerance, as far as I know they're broken down and no longer psychoactive.

I should also specify it was butane hash oil. I wasn't suggesting it's easier on your lungs, I'm just saying it's far quicker to smoke oil, plus it burns better. I should invest in a vaporizer...

Going to a sauna helped me quit cigarettes man.

Whenever I sweat a lot, a cigarette will taste horrible for me. I guess Thats one of the reasons smokers are generally inactive. So I'd just go to the sauna for an hour and ride my bike around. 2 years for me. Still smoke the marrywanna though

Well bro, it depends on how much you smoke.

If you are smoking hash, you must be a hardcore smoker.

In your case it will take 6 months (I am not kidding) to totally delete the THC content on your fat cells. After 6 months you'll smoke and you'll feel it like it was the first time.

If you were a mid smoking guy, between once a week or 3 times a month, and smoke middle quality, it would take 3 weeks to a month to reset tolerance totally.

Everything is about THC and CBD in your fat tissue. Depends on your metabolism, how much exercise you make, what food you eat, etc, so you gotta tell us a little more about yourself.

I suggest to look it up on the 420chan or in google, there are some nice THC/Fat/Smoking-regularity charts.

I was just smoking one joint at night, it was just super fuckin strong.

Yeah, like coffee I think its best to do it 1-2x a week on weekends. People who smoke it all day every day are retarded

I feel sorry for people like you OP. I've been smoking weed everyday for about 8 years not and I still get stoned every time. Obviously not as high as the first few times I smoked but I never expected too either. These days I just have a one hitter on me all the time.
Honestly I think people just sike themselves out by constantly worring about how high they are going to get. Just enjoy the stone, man.

Don't listen to these haters OP. You're fucking beautiful! and don't let anyone tell you any different. The reason all of these permavirgins are getting ass rustled is because they can never be with you. They don't understand women.

If you want you can add me on skype and we can talk 1 on 1.

Here is my skype Hitman9726

People tell me im a really good listener and I have to agree i'm pretty damn good lol.

Just make sure you don't add anyone else on steam because they are trolls and will most likely just call you names.

here is my skype again add me Hitman9726

Google showed "amatrice 20 ans nue", cool shit

Now I gotta convince my brother this. He smokes up to 3 grams a day, goes through so many blunts. I went to his place and saw an entire trash bag full of empty swisher packs collected throughout the months. He grows and sells with our uncle and basically has as much weed as he could ever want. I don't know how he still has his job or his car.

The thing is, I went from January-May without smoking at all.

Then over the summer I smoked sparingly maybe 2x a week on average. It wasn't until the past few weeks that I started smoking several times a week (and smoking hash oil and eating edibles...)

I'm not looking to pass a drug test here. Isn't weed tolerance mediated by cannabinoid receptors in the brain...? I can't possibly imagine why it would take months for those to revert back to normal. I am in good shape and have low body fat, workout a lot, but 6 months just sounds crazy high.

kek.. i see what you did there

Some euro fags actually do this with their joints, I call em spliffs when they have tobacco. Don't really care for it.

here in uk we call them splifs too ;)

>implying THC being released from stored fat would even be active or would pass through the blood brain barrier

i just use a one hitter, keeps me high, virtually no tolerance for weeks or months even

The more you smoke the faster you metabolize. If I dont smoke for just 1 day I notice a huge diff.

No, in that case 6 months is overdoing it. I think for you, it'd be 2 months to reset tolerance. If you just want to decrease tolerance, 2 weeks. But you should stop with hash and edibles, do them just on special ocassions

Yeah this is what I've been saying. I would have thought that cannabis tolerance is completely dependent on the density of cannabinoid receptors in your brain, not the amount of THC in fat cells. It's not like when you sweat out the THC you get high.

It takes two months or so if you smoke heavily, for very few people up to three for it to completely leave your system. Tolerance breaks should be around 2 weeks, depending how heavily you're using. If you're dabbing hash oil i'd go 3 weeks to a month without smoking.

Cannabinoid receptors in the brain are 45% fat. And that is the last fat tissue you loose when renewing the fat on your cells. So yeah, it won't be active, you won't get high by sweating, but you MUST release the THC on fat tissue so cannabinoid receptors can receive new THC.

hmm, okay. That sounds reasonable then. I've been cherishing psychedelic experiences lately (not just weed) and I crave that intense experience you can get from weed but it's just not practical to do all the time.

i'm french and every body do this but it's more for money saving and being able to smoke a whole joint without being totally fucked up, we also smoke a lot more hash than weed

not that I don't believe you, but where did you hear this?

dude just pop an Acid then weed will be fucking instense from there on

Degenerate europoor.

I don't really like acid and weed together.

Nitrous while tripping on acid is the shit though.

i find my tolerance threshold to lower towards weed after heavy acid trips is what i tried to get across

Not heard it, read it on several boards, specially 420chan, then, some years ago and after having to see a nutriologist, he explained that is not that cannabinoids contain fat, is that they work based on ATP, an energy particle that cells produce, and its purely produced with glucoids and fat. Therefore, they need to have "fresh" fat to receive new THC.

interesting. i wonder if taking creatine could decrease tolerance...

Wow, awesome. This is the first time user agrees with user in exactitude.

That, between several other products. There are lots of oils that contain Omega, that help replace the fat in your body with the fat they contain.

But, using a mixture of products won't help if you keep smoking. You can benefit from them marginally, like making the process faster by a week or so. If you exercise, 2 weeks. But most important thing is to stop smoking and not touch the greenies until you complete your days.

I mean