Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

Pacing, not enough Clark Kent, too much Louis, Martha was handled poorly, not enough Lex


Is this a meme?


Nobody under the age of 25 "got" it.

>giving that piece of shit anything more than a generous 5.5

>not enough Lex
>wanting more

It exists.

6.7 is too generous. Are you a DC shill?

You know it's funny, I opened this thread wondering how many posts it would take before I heard the buzzwordest buzzword in all of buzzwordland,

And it turns out I only had to wait one post before someone said "pacing"

Ben Affleck.

>what's wrong with the movie
>lol buzzword
Crawl back into your hole, DCuck.

it did a lot of stuff right(batman, bruce wayne, one scene with clark kent was handled well, alfred)

I didn't really get a good grip on his paternal issues or what his philosophy actually was, I enjoyed his portrayal


the scenes don't flow together naturally, it's jarring at times, but not terrible, because some of the content is pretty good

Jokes on you I haven't even seen the movie.
I have however read enough of these threads to spot a hivemind opinion when I see one.
>scenes don't flow together naturally

Your mouth is moving and I can tell you're trying to talk but all I hear is


>my powers tell me you haven't watched this movie


Oh, so you are a Redditor too.

Sorry your movie was trash.

Did you just make this thread so that you could get angry at different opinions?

It was alright but it needed to
>not have superman kill the warlord
>not blow up the courtroom and actually do shit in there
>not kill mercy
>cut el flasho scene
>cut email scene

>pacing is a buzzword

When is summer vacation over for you kiddo?




Pretty much everything except the cinematography

The cinematography is film student-tier anyway.

Those insults are almost as generic as your critiques.

If I had a nickel for every time someone hating on this movie said "pacing," "jarring," or "flow" I'd be one rich man.

You already set your mind that everyone who rightfully shits on this movie is wrong, so why would anyone put any effort?

You think that maybe you hear it a lot because it's a legit criticism?

the audience

I'm sure it has flaws. Just like I'm sure I won't hear any specifics from you, just the "general consensus" as absorbed from your peers.
I think there is a degree of hivemind mentality that allows people to simplify and quantify generic criticism of something that they're actually too dense to pick out or develop themselves. I think human minds are clay to be molded and that not one of you has an original thought about this film that hasn't been repeated a million times on this website.

I think these threads are 90% ad hominems such as "DCuck" and 10% repeating the same buzzword criticisms as the last 100 threads.

>I haven't even seen the movie.
>but I've browse hundreds of threads about it

A film having tonal inconsistencies and pacing issues is not a buzzword criticism.
You see it a lot because it is the best way to state in short what's wrong with the movie.
Just because you don't know what a word you see a lot means doesn't make it a buzzword.

>tonal inconsistencies

That's that other one, thanks for reminding me.

Nobody ever references anything specific in these threads, it's always just generalized "artsy" descriptions of the overall product.

It's such a lazy cop-out way to insult a film. Like a meaningless little-nothing that masks any specific criticism.

bruce lifting and doing pullups to train for the fights against a kriptonian

lex luthor feeding the general gum bears and the jar of piss analogy

the montage with superman being all mopey and depressed from saving people

thinking more about it, pretty much every sentence told by lex luthor, such as "three syllable word for little mind" & "DING DING DING!!"

Batman deciding that Superman is not dangerous because Superman wanted to save his mother which shares the name Martha with Bruce's mother

Batman killing people and using guns, even though he should despise weapons since they caused the death of his parents

Alfred piloting the batwing and killing people

Alfred looking to young compared to how old Bruce looked

Wonder woman played by a skinny actress with an accent, made it hard to understand her (coupled with the loud music)

Wonder woman stealing Bruce's hack drone even though she was unable to use it

Luthor leaving Mercy to die for no apparent reason

Doomsday being a boring orc brute creature

Batman asking superman if he bleeds

Superman not asking why did Batman chase the transport, or not realizing they are transporting kryptonite

The whole "unidentifiable bullet" arc was there for no reason, it felt like Louis Lane had more screentime than the actual heroes, she was forced in so many scenes

Batman leaving the kryptonite spear behind

The forced "Superman is Jesus" motive, having batman craft a kryptonite spear just for the sake of it

Batman going to rescue Martha just to give us the warehouse fight, even though superman could have saved her in a second without any risk

the aquaman and cyborg trailers looked really bad for me

they couldn't keep Superman dead for more than 20 minutes

Lex Luthor actually outsmarting Batman, by tricking him into "stealing" the kryptonite and manipulating him with the joker letters that he didn't read for two years

batman imprinting inmates

batman vs superman fight scene lasted less than 10 mins


BvS was a masterpiece that was too smart for Marvel fans. Deal with it.

It wasn't four hours

I mean I guess it's fun when you tell this to yourself in private while browsing RT trying not to cry, but if you think that your culturally bankrupt opinions on what a "masterpiece" is holds any weight then you're deranged, simply as that.

I think you're just fishing for replies because no one is retarded enough to claim to have not seen a film yet then also say that he regularly reads threads about it.

>directed by Zack Snyder

>I enjoyed his portrayal

Seriously? That was by far the cringiest part of the movie! I was literally uncomfortabnle in my seat watching it.

I'm not a comic book guy and I've never been into Superman really, so I don't know much about what Lex Luthor is "supposed" to be like, but Jesus, Eisenberg was terrible. He was like a high school drama kid trying his best to do a creepy mad scientist impression. I was embarrassed for him.

indoctrination to mediocrity blinds kinosenses and people can't appreciate it


3/10 movie. Civil War was better

>pacing is a buzzword
go back to Sup Forums

Affleck did tire,d middle aged, slightly chubby Batman really well


Civil War was a 3.2/10

objectively better

i have yet to see this movie.Though from the previews i think it'll be pretty cool.

Do you think, as someone who doesnt follow superman or batman, i'll enjoy this movie more because im not concerned with the movie pushing the characters into doing things their comic versions wouldnt?

would you have liked this movie more if it wasnt batman vs superman but just two new completely made up heroes but the same movie.

Civil war and BvS are similar movies. The underlying theme is all about world peace and the effect of super powers on that. However, the morals are quite different:

> BvS
Learn to recognise the humanity in your enemy

> Civil War
Listen to, apologise to and forgive your friends

One is a difficult lesson to grasp and important on the world stage. The other you should have learnt by 4 or 5 years old and is important at kindergarten

Seriously though

Dawn of Justice is definitely one of the more definitive artistic statements in the superhero genre.

While it may has deficiencies in the pacing and editing department (issues no doubt remedied in the upcoming Director's Cut), the things it accomplishes despite those flaws are remarkable.

So funny that BvS,CW, and X-Men are all WEIRD as fuck films

BvS is so against its source material, in a somewhat misguided unnecessary attempt to 'advance' it
CW is underwritten to a ridiculous degree and repeats itself and other films tirelessly while also finding time to advertise future flicks
Apocalypse is by far the most 'X-Men'y X-men film yet its also Singer's weakest, which probably shows he should leave the franchise for new blood

These were the Big 3 this year

But it seems like the little guys (deadpool, suicide squad, dr. strange) will just be better

30 minutes of fun action combined with 2+hours of a mess plot.


My biggest issue was the characters motives batman wanted to fight superman cause he was too powerful it doesn't make sense "he has the power of a god let's fight him" even though batman knows he has saved people wonder woman decides to fight just because. They killed of superman which if you read the newspaper it says clark Kent died ruining every other superman movie by not having half of his character the other justice league members were thrown into the movie for no reason, but I really enjoyed it and at the movies where it showed a poster for Excalibur which is for shadowing superman's death cause king arthur gets impaled at the end and stabs the antagonist with his sword while being impaled and both die just like the end fight

for you