Guys what do I do if I think I'm the future saviour of the religion of Islam? I swear I match all the signs

Guys what do I do if I think I'm the future saviour of the religion of Islam? I swear I match all the signs



kys Islam must die its a toxic religion.


Walla it's not that bad bro

Fucking hate when the muslims are saying this 24/7.

Yakhy chill

Fuck you and fuck islam

My uncle believed he's the Mahdi. They say we come from the lineage of the prophet and whatnot.

Tell us more.

holy fuck bro does your name syart with an R?

Almost my friend ya Allah make it so he completes longcat next time

Either someone destroys this religion or it will destroy itself. I know this thread is b8 but I'm talking to all you Muslims who keep bullshitting saying "It's a religion of peace" when historically and literally it is not.

Read your own fucking texts idiots. Some things are blatantly written to be taken literally for the reader not figuratively.

become the prophit that jesus fortold
and save the non believers from their child molesting, women beating ways.

Nice finally I swear to god man this is the first time my thoughts reach reality. I've never ever said a thing about it

OK so the name is supposed to be the same as the prophet or similar. Check
Dad's name like his dad's name. Check
Mark on the forehead. Check
Mole on cheek. Check
Wide abdomen. Check
Wide shoulders. Check
Leaf like mark between shoulder blades. Check...kinda...I'm not sure

I mean now that I say it out loud it's retarded...
But I mean it's close right?

like with people who claim tehy are teh second coming of jesus, they are often coinciding with delusions of grandour and mental illnesses.
if someone was a great spiritual "prophet" they would follow in the footsteps of the religion and be well versed in the teachings.
similar to how palden dorje achieved the level of rinpoche at such a young age

No. A

Kill yourself

Yeh man I know it sounds retarded. I'm just giving this thought my 2 cents. But the thing is the mahdi wouldn't know he's the mahdi so I fucked myself already

From God not from us. You should read our text though I swear if you understood Arabic you'd find it so beautiful. It reads like a poem. Man look all of religion is up for interpretation it's just that, unfortunately, Islam is mainly spread around war torn countries. You should know better.

Why is it offensive when I'm only joking around and tell muslims I work for the CIA? They get all severely angry.

I dunno man are u implying that your watching them cuz they're Muslim or something. If so probably bruhhhhhxndnz

>the mahdi wouldn't know he's the mahdi
well if this is true then he/her wont be born into an islamic faith.

I always find it quite funny that most of the major religions proclaim of a forth coming spiritual leader and an end of days, with judgement.
maybe these things actually all coincide and this mandhi you are looking for is a massive fucking meteorite that will fulfil all 3 of the prophesies.

YO where you go, let's talk more about this. Whhy did your uncle think he was the mahdi?

No not all of it is up for interpretation you fucking twat, the damn Hadith is mainly a commanding book to kill heretics, apostates, and adulterers. I do read the texts probably more than you. See here we go again with you zealots, dodging the obvious. It is a endless cycle with you people.

You're religion is cancer. Literally, figuratively, and etc. Jainism is a real religion of peace, they do not bomb unbelievers in the name of Allah like the Quaran gives them the right to do.

شو هاد دخيل رب الحشييييش

Why wouldn't he be born into Islam? How is it mutually exclusive? I didn't know about imam mahdi till about 4 years ago and it was by mistake going through some end of the world sites. Man I've never read the quran and I guarantee you most muslims who aren't born in war torn countries haven't read 3 pages. Im just learning to pray and get that chi going to God da one n almighty

Not really implying anything. I got the idea from Andy Milonakis when he was on a rampage saying "IM AN FBI AGENT!" so I got in the habit of saying "I'm a CIA agent"
I make friends with all the international students at my university, even a lot of muslims until I say "I'm a cia agent" then I'm never invited to eat during eid anymore. I'm agnostic btw so no affiliation.

Lol ok man you clearly read nothing. Also, Judaism talks about how anyone not Jewish is as good as an animal sooo suckadickkkkk

Why is that? That's fucking lame. Freaking Muslims smh

ولله حاس حالي انجنيت

You seem cool but that sounds incredibly autistic... BUT WHO AM I TO SAY ANYTHING HHHHHHHH

Well, I genuinely appreciate the communication and I could be autistic - I sure do like Texas!

Until then! I'm a CIA agent!!!

>Jainism is a real religion
this, jainism, buddhism, baha, no one can kill or create war in their names as they go against the fundamentalism of peace, non harming and not controlling others.
islam does an opposite, though I a not blind that there are many qualities to the religion.

>most muslims who aren't born in war torn countries haven't read 3 pages
I know that a lot of muslims in my country, especially younger ones dont read, they just go mosque on Friday, though you still receive teachings at the mosque so the fundamentals are there.
A lot of muslims have called that type of muslim a "Mormon muslim" friendly mocking that they aren't following the right path but are still practising.

personally I think it is stupid to live by values and traditions witout even studying them and understanding them. that is called indoctrination and it is never a good thing.
I was brought up in a christianhousehold and always saw the contradictions.
contradictions that are still there and are based in the foundations of all abrahamic religions, including islam.

if you want to build your "chi" (holy ghost) in islam to get closer to god, the only way is through the sufi path.
study the quran then ask your iman to point you in the right direction.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Kill yourself please, the world will be better without you people. Religious cunts refuse to use their brains or logic. At least animals don't believe in an invisible man and think they have an internal afterlife cunt.

You can't reason a person out of a position that they weren't reasoned into.

>internal afterlife
I could not think of 1 thing that would be more worse than this, eterrnal afterlife those religions believe.
like when we die we have to wait around in a void for everyone else to die (which may take billions of years) then get judged on our actions and sent to a hell or a heaven.

fuck that i want non existence or to become a part of the ether

Absolutely man. Personally I don't know many things but obviously growing up in a kind of western life(though it's an Arab country) I often asked my dad why there was so much bad shit written in Islam and he seemed to know the answers or just interpreted them the way he likes. Either way they were good answers.

Dad why does God say pork is haram?
Cuz back in the day they were too dirty to clean son.

Dad why does God say "you can marry up to four wives if you can treat them equally, but you cannot"? What does he mean?
Well back in the day during the expansion of the caliphate when ur buddy dies you should marry his wife so you can take of her (not sexually) cuz women couldn't work back then.

I forgot most but if you can give me a good one I reckon my dad told me the answer once

My bad thought u wrote Judaism lolz. If your atheist the be atheist, I truly wholeheartedly believe in God. I don't think the prophet talked to God or anything but I don't think he wasn't chosen by God. All the main prophets were basically revolutionaries who brought out a new way of living life better. But that doesn't mean that I don't think God didn't choose them. It all depends on your idea of God im

seems like your dad is a smart person.
scholars who try to translate and then dictate an ecxact meaning of the texts is why the religion has many sects and why in some cases it has radicalism.
A more pragmatic view, as like how your dad has obviously saw it is a more sensible view iimo

I mean why did muhammed have to convene with god, and no one else can because he is the last prophet.
Does it not make more sense that he read the words of moses, christ, the gospels etc and thought of a way he could benefit his surroundings. I.e using religion. that makes him a wise person in of itself.
Talking directly to got makes him either psychotic,schizophrenic or multiple personality (hearing voices).
mysticism and dictation is a part of dogma, that make all religions who preach it a cancer, that gives it a bad reputation and encourages crazy behaviour.

Putting the teachings into practise is where the preciousness of these religions rely.
Some things most wont do because of the dogma and behaviour the religion encourages.

>ll the main prophets were basically revolutionaries who brought out a new way of living life better

all created revolutions and changed their local areas drastically for the better.

Yeh man it's such a double edged sword though. I mean I think the guy was legitimately trying to help people but a lot of shit just got lost in translation.

There's that saying that "The Bible enslaves the foolish and enlightens the wise." But it works with any religion really.

The main factor in interpreting religion is, imo, your society as a whole. Whether your society is healthy or not (my English isn't too good right now but I mean if it's getting fucked in the ass cuz of war or something)

>The Bible enslaves the foolish and enlightens the wise
there is a lot of wisdom in the bible, I read it all in my youth, a lot of shit too. Ecclesiastes, proverbs and Corinthians are great books.
Just reading those are thought provoking enough for a seeker of truth.
I never found those religions to be better than a way to live a daily life in righteousness, they do not have a path or a goal.
That is why I looked to more eastern religions, which are by far more complex and more ancient. Based more on the individual and his/her will than religious dogma and social conditioning.

I'd like to ask which eastern religions but I'm outta time bro, I got work in like 6 hours. Good shit though thanks for everything gang.

Night Sup Forums
Fuck captcha it's so fucking annoying piece of shit fuc u

Hello mate, can we talk privately ?

Op if you seriously think this then let them know whos behind the curtains.