I want a dog. What's the best dog? I don't want no shit dog

I want a dog. What's the best dog? I don't want no shit dog.

Labrador Retrievers are the stuff, man. Better get one before you get old

Vetfag here. Don't get a small dog unless it's a dachshund. Phone probably auto corrected that word wrong so just think
>no small dogs but everyone likes a good weiner now and then

Also for the sake of all that is holy don't get a fucking jack Russell

Fucking Tibetan Mastiff master race of you have the cash and time to raise a fucking war hound.

Can confirm goldens are great


Cane Corso

These little fuckers.

Everyone knows the best breed in the world is the labrador. That's why they're the most popular.

They're very intelligent, loyal and friendly. Hence their use in both the public and military services. Plus, they're cute as fuq

Get a chow chow

Get a Russian mountain dog, them dogs are the best dogs

Get a Russian mountain dog those fuckers are the best

Small dogs are the balls. You can carry them in your purse

Kill yourself

Why? Who would take care of my pup then?

Chinese crested. I actually have one.

German shepherd, make papa hitler proud

Get a husky x. It will howl you to sleep.

German shepherds are better police dogs. They are smart, loyal and INCREDIBLY fast. They will outrun your car.

get yourself an argentinian dogo

you're not on reddit, quit calling dogs 'doggo'