Sup Sup Forums, PewDiePie here, AMA

Sup Sup Forums, PewDiePie here, AMA

hvordan føles det at være en faggot svensker?

Why are all your fans autistic?

Hur känns det att vara en ful och stinkande dansk?

Prove it. Timestamp.

You're content is almost shit-tier now. Congrats.

Sup felix your ass hair tasted nasty .. should have sold it on ebay

Of course when you have so many fans some of them have autism

hvordan føles det å kle deg som dama di?

hey pewds, i'm gay

Jag gillar riktningen du börjar gå med kanalen, tror du kommer utveckla den till något mer än att sitta o skrika :) Du kan ha rätt bra åsikter om vissa saker. Tycker du ska fortsätta på en vägen, då din grundbas också åldras.

You soft fucks hardly touched that cake number 3.

Hi gay, I'm dad

Why is your current content basically Filthyfrank but watered down to the point where only 9 year olds and people with special-needs would find it amusing?

How do you feel about your fans who are less than desirable? the ones who are like 11 and cant take it when anyone criticizes you.

Also, do you ever regret choosing the kind of content you make? Some times do you ever want to just completely change your channel?

assuming this is real. it isnt though.

Uncalled for fam

Your earlobes are lined up with your nipples.

Because unfortunately most of my fans are 9 year olds so I have to appeal to my audience

2 key words you overlooked there buddy
"watered down"

I'm pretty happy with my fanbase actually, for a while I wasn't too happy about my content, which is why I'm copying filthyfrank now

Off to bed sleep tight bois don't stress it Felix people don't get your struggle to make relevant content to your already built audience just keep on keeping on

Hey man I still have some left for ebay

Pewdiosos piosos sucki mcmukki

For the people who think this is real

Oh shit hit me up ... and put it in a fucking plastic bag next time man.

Thanks man I will

Look at this summerfag, trying to get us to write insults to use against the real guy. Your mom is calling you summerfag.

why is that picture shit tier? because op's not pewdiepie

Sure man no problem


omg you seen the matrix too??!?

Hvordan føles det ay få sit land voldtaget af arabere?

This is obviously fake guys

no shit