Hey guys

Hey guys,
I'm thinking about joining the USMC. Is there anything i need to know or do? I spoke with a recruiter today but i thoight id hear what you all have to say about it. Has anyone here served in the armed forces, and if so, what was it like?

My buddy was in the Marines. Biggest motherfucker I've ever known. When he came back from AIT he said he was gay. That was the last time I ever talked to him.

OP, dick is really enticing in the Marines.

im in the marine corps
its easy after bootcamp

Just go to college.


I think you should abandon this madness and make a technical course

What usually happens after bootcamp?


If i went to the marines, i could get my college education paid for. What is your reasoning for your response?

Go to /k/, find the thread for people in the military, and don't come to Sup Forums for advice again

OP Make sure you are 110% sure that you want to join! GET the job you want! Recruiters are fucking lying fags!

I went in the reserves and I fucking hated it! So learn from me!

Not OP. I went to college. I did well too. Yeah I have a job. Pays decent for a recent grad. 40k before taxes, plus commission and bonuses. If I bust my ass I can maybe make 55-60k after taxes. Doing a shitty fucking 8-5:30 job that sucks the life out of me. I might join too. But to be an officer. Not a grunt.

Could you elaborate on this, user?

they will tear you a new one dude the usmc is hard core and the cos dont take shit from anyone they will not hesitate to beat the shit out of you if you cross the line so if youdo stay on your toes

You can't pay a technical course? How much time you will spend in the army?


Charge hard, and don't be a pussy, devil pup.

Not Army. Marines.
And i was planning on going to an actual college to get an actual degree.

There is no AIT in the Marines. That's the Army bruv.

Gonna need a greentext on the peanut butter son.

Study and kill your asvab. Get a decent MOS and make sure it's in writing before you oath in. Get or stay in shape. Make it through boot, get college degree asap, keep a good record, go OCS. Make your 20 years, retire. Be 45 years old, get civilian job at 60-80k plus military retirement and benefits. Go to high school reunion and laugh at fat asses who've been working their ass off for 20 years and have never left the same town. Then have his wife give you a blowjob in the bathroom. Cum on her face and dress. When he steps up, beat his ass.

Reminder: Marines are the most retarded people you will ever meet. The idea of one attending a college is laughable.

Become a trade apprentice if you can't afford college. You're not cut out for college. If you were, you'd be considering the Air Force instead.

what do you want from the military


Active duty usmc here. Been in for 7 years. Currently in Okinawa, Japan on a "deployment" I'm an 0311 rifleman. I strongly advise against joining during peace time, but if you do join then get yourself a nice pog job that will set you up for the future. My only hope when I get out is flipping burgers. No one wants to hire a baby killer.

Salty airman is salty.

Not as salty as the food in your chowhalls, though.

This is what I'm talking about. You assume I'm in the Air Force because you're dumb and jump to incorrect conclusions. I'm actually surprised you've mastered basic sentences. Might need to work on not turning every sentence into its own paragraph.

Might as well. If you're the type of person that thinks joining the marines looks like a good option, you were never going to do anything great with your life anyway. The corps exists for people like you to serve in it.

Yeah, I served. 8 years. No one can stand the Marines, for all the usual reasons. But I suppose it's better than paying to imprison you guys for all that time instead.

Be prepared for a miserable rest of your life once you're out.

Ok Coast Guard. No one invited you.

You join the Air Force if you want college paid for.

You join the Navy if you want to see the world.

You join the Army if you have nothing better to do.

You join the Marines to be a Marine.

I hope this thread taught you something, OP. Expect everyone to look down on you. I mean, you'll be a Marine, so fuck what they think, but they still will, because it's literally all they can do.

Some one in the Air Force for 11 years who has deployed with the army. THIS.

>get called out for making dumb assumptions
>better do it again!
Like talking to a nigger.

If I were you, with the time that you will spend in the marines I would do a technical course would come out of there with a job, would be easily absorbed by the labor market, would go to college, and would work and study at the same time.
In my opinion you spend less time and make more money doing it.

Doesn't matter how many times you tell these kids. There will always be a contingent who thinks they'll never turn 30.

>You join the Marines to be a meat shield.

Yeah. I'm in the Army, out in 2 months. Look into the details of what being active duty is like. I never imagined waking up at 5 every morning and running every day, I thought pt was only in basic training but I was in for a nice surprise. There's a lot of stupid shit man and alot of stupid people will have control of your life. Its definitely a one of a kind experience though. If look into the reserves of i were you. And if you decide to join, make sure your 3 mile run, pull ups, crunches and whatever pt shit you have to do in the marines is at the very least passable. Don't wait until you get to boot camp to get in shape like your recruiter will suggest if you ask for a later ship date. And my body fucking hurts like shit now after only 3 years.

You could be an 0302? (Infantry officer)

OP.....listen. it's not awful it's what you make of it just like alot of other things. Alot of jobs suck, and you can quit them. You can't unfortunately quit this one. So be sure. Don't just go infantry because you think it means you're better. If.you suck you suck. Do something that fits your skill sets. It will probably be hard the first entire year. bootcamp, job school, going to the fleet and being the new.guy. it's alot like other jobs. vut then it's nothing like other jobs. You'll meet some awesome guys. And talk about getting out like it's prison. It's up to you

And DO NOT go infantry dude. Do something useful in civilian life for when you're done.

>Being mad something assumed about him
>Assumed Marines are to dum 4 scool

Former Army Medic here,
Before you choose a branch of service, think about what you want to do. I have a medical career. A friend liked working on cars so he was a mechanic.

Once you get through the training, which is a high stress mind fuck for good reasons, your duties are not much different than a civilian job, so pick something you want to do, or will help you with the career you want, then find a branch of service that will let you do that.

Remember, even if we find you a complete waste of resources and hope you get killed in action so you can realize your retarded blaze of glory death fantasy straight out of Klingon mythology, so we won't have to deal with you & pay for your therapy & incarceration when you get out brainwashed and traumatized and needlessly belligerent, alcoholic, abusive, and utterly unable to function in civilized society.

The difference being I've met marines and all you know about me is what I've typed. You suck at arguing, Cletus.

>implying I'm mad because I keep correcting poor mouthbreathers

Just think, user, after you get out of the marines, you could go work for the CIA and be a terrorist. ...jk, you won't have the social grade to fit in working at a grocery store, much less sneak in & around foreign diplomats as a secret agent.

PROTIP: Practice for the ASVAB. It's easy as shit if you know what to expect and if you score high (I think around 94-95%) you can get any job you want and they'll bend over backwards for you to get it

My Dad, uncle, brother, and three of my best friends were marines. And no, you fat lazy fucks, you're not still a marine after you're out and becom a useless turd.

They're all obnoxious retards with zero grasp of history, and a freshman year propagandists script in place of an understanding of global politics.

And forget culture. Farmers self-educated with a bible in the 1400s have more of a grasp of culture.

Literally the dumbest people I've ever known.

Not for me, meaty-user. Scored enough to get into 0200, but since the mother I haven't had contact with since 2002 has dual citizenship, to cow-killing I went.

I went to USAF instead. Became a satellite op, went to work for Space Command.
I hadn't even graduated high school, & didn't study for the asvab. It's not rocket science.

Relegating yourself to being cannon fodder sounds badass when you're a teenager, but 6 years is a long time to be stuck at the bottom of the shitpile. realize that other marines fail out of what they're trying to do and wind up doing what you're striving to do.

>In training
>always in a rush or stuck sitting around waiting
>always hungry
>Get to mess hall
>see individual packs of peanut butter
>grab packs to go
>get stuck waiting, again.
>pull out pack for a quick snack
>get caught by drill sergeant
>"What are you doing maggot?"
>only allowed to eat when told to.
>Extra duty/exercises
>Others in unit saw you and didn't stop you/report you
>Extra duty for them too
>Others now have grudge against you
>you have to sleep some time.....

the peanut butter packets in the mess hall, they're so tempting

for the love of god DON'T TOUCH YOUR FUCKING FACE

do you have a long history of eating crayons and paste? if so the marines is for you. Go be a cocky asshole! make fun of other branches before you even join! It'll be great! or be of use and join one of the better services

Dont take peanut butter packets
Dont touch face
Dont adjust your screwed up sleeves in formation
Dont stutter on general orders or creeds
Dont stand out to look special (try to stand in middle of the formation if you can)

">Drill Sergeant"

meh... I'm not in any more. I can call them whatever I want

>I'm thinking about joining the USMC.

Kek, go for it, faggot.

If you don't get bounced and actually survive, you'll have a few stories to tell at the bar when your an old loser geezer-type faggot.