

Outside theism. Next question.

Outside theism. Next question.

it is a competing religion for the hearts and minds of theist children kiddo


Lol pathetic.

They Need JesusChrist in their hearth accept him as their Lord and Savior
not judging others just read about him and try to be more like him




Rejection of theistic claims due to insufficient evidence.

if one is to be truly athiestic, he must accept the theory of spontaneous generation of life and the eternality of matter, completely ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics. the atheist must rely on random chance to generate an amazingly complex and orderly universe, thus proving that the atheist has more faith than anyone has in any god.

lack of a belief in a god or gods







Evolution doesn't conflict with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, but do you know what does? God.

Oh look, its the never ending shitpost.

A theist is someone who believes in a deity.

An atheist is someone who was cucked by the belief in a deity, and when they realize this, they loose their faith and become consumed with resentment but continue to spout their old gods morality. Nothing more than godless Christians.

>inb4 he took the bait

To be fair, there's more evidence for random chance than god. Cmon man.






You're doing god's work user!






Prove the universe is orderly. Your brain is programmed to see patterns, yet you might not understand the physical or chemical reasons for these patterns. So prove the universe is orderly, and you are correct.





Every day the same bait. Every day the same bait. Every day the same bait. Every day the same bait. Every day the same bait. Every day the same bait.

Just accept JesusChrist as your Lord and savior, I mean you can see the universe honestly you believe in nothing ?
You think if you die you just die while in the bible it says the earth is like a sphere
in various ocassions not trying to judge you but if you try going to a church probably would help if you don`t like it go to another type of one
That would be my opinion


Okay, I'm out.
Someone else dump lolis with either other lolis, tentacles, or demons.


You know what would help you? A book on grammar. Holy shit learn to write a sentence please.


there is a god

Fuck you all


Isn't atheism technically a religion?

Why do predators, the most bad ass space villian have to have a mouth that when opended, resembles a spread meaty vagina?


Oh my god some people... Please PLEASE get educated.

Nope, it is the lack of belief in a higher power or it dumb terms, there is no God


Read bible stop been a wanna be hardcore edgy person, examine your life is it great right now ?
don`t even reply to me just do it before you go to sleep.

Haha ok you can't be serious. Besides, the bible is a pretty mixed bag. It has some good stuff but also some horribly outdated garbage. I don't want my values tainted by something so unreliable.



I am, yes. But I'm also lazy and casually indifferent to human suffering. Which still makes me better than BibleGod, since I never flooded out a whole bunch of babies by opening the giant window I put in the sky that holds back the infinite water of space.
Oh wait, that doesn't exist either.


Atheism is a religion in the same sense that corporations are people. It is a legal fiction.

But I thought it was the religion of no religion.

Hand on the bible believe in false idols.



You thought wrong. Do ANY amount of research from anyone credible and you'll see.


Areligious and atheist are different. I'm a Buddhist and an Athiest.


Do a prayer to JesusChrist if I seem so funny at night and you`re a non believer ask him to be a martyr of some kind.
I bet it would change your life there is nothing to be afraid of in your opinion right ?
do it



>can't define
Not taking the bait OP


But why, when filling out a form for religion, do you put athiest?

Doesn't that make it a religion?



Look up "legal fiction" on Wikipedia please.



Jesus fucking christ..


Wikipedia isn't a source. I am done shitposting.



Atheism is a religion in the same way that not playing baseball is a sport or not collecting stamps is a hobby.

Athiesm is the belief in oneself, the belief that you can be greater than a crazy man in the skys. If you don't follow these principles you're NOT an atheist, rather a sheep to modern society.



> Athiesm is the belief







Are you saying atheists dont believe in anything.

fuck!! I'm so sick of ATHEISTS! They're not real. They believe in god and they know it. Their just trying to act cool. it's not cool, so stop it.

