Why do people do drugs or drink alcohol if its obviously bad for you healthwise?

Why do people do drugs or drink alcohol if its obviously bad for you healthwise?
>pot weakens memory and makes you lazy before you fags even start

Are they just retarded?
whats your reason

How old are you OP?

Feels good man, shouldn't you be resting right now aren't you training to lose your first UFC fight CM Punk?

OP is 12

op here
im 20
never did drugs or drank because i was raised right


Being bored with life, feeling that it has nothing worthwhile to really offer.

avoiding the questions

but its detrimental towards health

>Being bored with life, feeling that it has nothing worthwhile to really offer.
This is why AA/NA groups and the 12 steps are all god / "spirituality" based and why they only work for the ones who become "born again" with a "higher purpose"

yes but losers arent the only ones drinking
a lot of my rich friends who love life drink because "everyone else does it". isnt this just dumb mentality

Boo-Hoo enjoy being a pussy who never experienced these things

>implying rich kids are not bored with life

eat shit then
>never experienced these things
bet you experimented on your sexuality with your male cousin you blasphemous swine

>raised right
It's "raised correctly", you illiterate fuckwad

Such hostility.
Smoke some weed. It'll calm you down.

english isnt my first language
irrelevant to my major anyway english/psych double major.

Nice strawman you pseudo-intellectual

Because I have a shit load of mental problems and my life used to suck and being fucked up made me temporarily forget. I'm sober these days because I have to adult now.

Mkay I'll bite. The reason people do it is because it's chemical based, makes them feel good, smokers like it because of the nicotine and drinkers enjoy the fact it lowers inhibitions and let's your memory foggy.

Didn't you learn the basics in school?

as dumb as it sounds its because everyone else is doing it. ever hear of social drinking? its a way for autistic kids on college campuses to communicate with each other by making drinking and drugs seem like the best hobbies ever. I used to smoke weed in college but stopped when i realized these kids im surrounding myself around were retarded af.

when i was 18 i smoked weed because it was fun.
when i was 23 i started doing heroin due to some social anxiety shit and it always calmed my ass down so i could talk to girls without being some shy little faggot.
now im 27 and im an alcoholic because i want to forget all the fucked up relationships i had and the bitch that i fell in love with.

life wears on you user. if youre not gonna be a miserable addict youre just gonna be miserable and sober.
also its not any more unhealthy for you than being a fat fuck. drugs keep you slim anyway.

You won't get out of life alive, so smoke weed an get wasted.
Also it's called being sheltered, not being raised correctly.

Where's your country of origin?

yes but its clearly not solving your life's problems. literally terrible investments for your life. youre losing money to procrastinate getting your life together

>English is irrelevant to my English major

what the fuck you smoking user

I smoke weed because being high feels nice and jacking off while stoned is fantastic.

i dont know any happy and sober people. and i dont know any happy addicts. i know addicts and nonaddicts who do what they think will make them happy

I'm not a drug addict nor an alcoholic user. I have the odd drink here and there, like tonight for instance, why? Because it makes me feel good and I don't drink so much that I get a hang over.

If you live life just to be healthy then that's fine, whatever makes you happy, drugs and drinks make others happy, doesn't always have to be about escaping some dark past.

>many papers showing alcohol and drugs are bad for health
please tell me more why experiencing these substances are a good idea?


i was calling you an english major or whatever liberal arts major you decided on.

i study bio-molecular and chemical engineering

the most honest answer so far. i like this user

its still not good for health
only exception is red wine now and then

right on my vegan straight-edge brother

Also why do people eat meat if its obviously bad for you healthwise?
>red meat increases cancer risk before you fags even start

Are they just retarded?
whats your reason

exercise you obese walrus
exercise is proven to make people happier by naturally affecting serotonin levels

does being that healthy really your source of happiness? or are you just as scared of death as the rest of us and deal with it in a different way?

I dont eat red meat
and veganism is cancer

Pescatarian is the best life style. I occasionally eat chicken breast because its good source of protein

I thought we were done with this "just say no" shit when we legalized pot.

Fucking young republicans.
And fuck you for making me download a pic of this hag

>not good for your health


Moderation, user. If you have an addictive personality you will be fucked yes. The odd drink or drug usage as long as it's in moderation is usually fine. The only people who shouldn't use are mongoloids who can't self regulate

not the veganfag you responded to but being healthy leads to more happiness.
furthermore i personally dont fear death, but am more disappointed in it. i would rather live to my potential then die at age 29 from lung/liver cancer

i literally never leave the house and am deathly afraid of taking risks and death so i put other people down based on their personal opinions & ideologies regarding drugs to feel superior

i aint fat you faggot. if i was id have worked on that instead of my perceived social awkwardness.
anyway i do workout and i use to do kung fu. its not like you have to do one or the other.
your perceived duality between the two is an illusion motherfucker. "go do some lsd you fucking neanderthal"

Did you ever eat a burger, pizza or anything remotely unhealthy in your life, OP? Just because it tasted good? Yea, I thought so. Case closed, faggot.

thats like saying getting an x-ray for no reason every now and then is a good idea.

>Why do people do drugs or drink alcohol if its obviously bad for you healthwise?
Alcohol isn't necessarily bad for you. Alcohol in moderation actually thins the blood and helps circulation, thus lowering the risk of heart failure of heart attacks.

Binge drinking and alcoholism are unhealthy. Most addictions occur because of previous traumatizing events, PTSD, depression, mental illness etc.

The worst drug I've ever done was MDMA. Most researchers state IF you are going to do it. Do it once, because the damage to your brain is to a certain degree irreversible. The second worse drug I've ever done is nicotine. I just can't fucking quit and I'm highly dependent on it.

Other than moderate drinking and smoking I don't touch hard shit anymore. My family has a history of mental illness.

not in like 4 years. might have had a slice of pizza 3 years ago i dont remember. i eat chocolate but it can be healthy after dinner so i guess not

You're missing out then user

on obesity? you know there are healthy alternatives for almost everything right?

>chocolate can be healthy
So can a glass of red wine. Are you just a raging hypocrite? Is this thread really that terribly thought through? Man, you disappoint me OP. A faggot as usual

Cause one slice of pizza more than once every 3 years is going to make you obese.

> be student
> be bored because studying is too easy
> start smoking weed in free time because bored
> now mostly smoke week and do as little shit for uni as possible
> still get compliments for my work and how good it is

You really must be 12, if you consider 4 years of any significance

i said red wine now and then is fine. in my main post im talking about people who drink a lot to an healthy level

gonna be a religious fag here and say moderation probably is the best solution. this was a main teaching of The Buddha and that guy seemed to have worked life out pretty good. not being a degenerate. not being a dogmatic priest.

>shit, my stupidity and horribly flawed logic has been exposed - better try and explain my way out of it

Kind of retarded to pretend all drugs are bad for you, op. I can't even believe I'm biting this entry-level bait.

Lots of fun (illegal) drugs have a very good track record for battling depression and addiction. MDMA, LSD and Ketamine for instance are being studied by MAPS for theraputic evaluation. They're even better when you do them all at the same time lol

LSD and Psilocybin are good for you

It probably is a good idea to get an x Ray every now and again. How else can we view our bones?

You obviously where not raised right if your posing this shit too Sup Forums

>spoiled since kid
>too much money in inheritances to even spend it in my whole life
>bored of traveling around the world and fucking top tier hoes
>bored of free time and do whatever the fuck I want

thats why I use drugs, mostly weed and cocaine

I like having fun. Therefore I drink alcohol.
I like having fun, therefore I smoke weed.
Also your implication must be bs as I have incredible memory ever after smoking weed very often for 6 years. Lazy? Maybe a tiny bit but it depends on the person smokin'.

I'm gonna die someday anyway, might as well enjoy myself while I'm here.