About to go to McD, what should I get?

About to go to McD, what should I get?

Get fucked

NYPA, dumbass.

2 mcdoubles, no pickles and a sweet tea.

Literally that. Just had one last night, so good

2 bacon egg and cheese biscuits. Do NOT buy orange juice there. You can get a whole quart for the price of their small.


Burger King

That's not what it means, newfag.

> 2016
> eating at CuckDonalds
Seriously amerifats have ruined this planet

2 McDoubles without onions, a McChicken plain, medium fries, 2 apple pies, and an Oreo McFlurry.

muh diabeetus

I don't even know how new you need to be to fall for this bait.

here my standart list :

x1 royal with cheese
x1 9 chicken niggets bbq and curry
x1 curled fries
x2 cheese burger
x1 hamburger

x1 caramel frappe

see if they have dick, u fucking faget

>current year
>citing the current year

> curled fries
> curry


>Double quarter pounder, no meat
>McFlurry, plain
>A large cup of ice, half full


Get obese


everyone loves curly fries and curry sauce on chicken

White grapes

dont forget the diet soda

Large big tasty, large fries, water.

are you a nigger or a poo in loo ?

57 straws and 103 honey mustard sauces

how fat are you?

we no has deez heres

pick up one of the hot black chicks working there.

german..in germany..lol

70kg, 175m..i would have to eat that for 3 months in a row to get chubby lol

>black chicks

Sorry but I'm not gay

Is that the tyler1 special I see?!?!

Two double cheese burgers, no onions, a McChicken, two apple pies, medium fries, and an Oreo McFlurry.

A big Mac with sum xtra sauce

Spicy Sriracha Mighty Angus Burger.

are you trying to kill yourself

Get your stomach stapled

Get 10 mcdoubles, take the buns off 9 of them and combine them all together

tell the worker cuck that there is a way out

19 bigmacs and a diet coke "cause you on a diet"

Is this the new "your mother will die in her sleep"

well in that case

Гамбургер пиздец

sorry i don't speak hebrew..
but if you're american...just a little reminder that the niggers already started the racewar and you guys are sitting at home..scared...while the jews made you love your merkel 2.0 ...550% cletus..550%

Says the goy who elected merkek 1.0

Mein Standard:

1x Große Pommes (wenn Curly, dann Curly)
1x Doppel Hähnchen mit Honigsenf (die sind echt der Knaller)
2x Cheeseburger
1x 9er

a whopper

A single ice cream cone.


That's not funny, my child's baby daddy died that way

what this guy said

>if you're american
i'm not tho





a fish samwich with cheese on the side.


Do they still have the Buffalo Ranch McChicken? That was the best item, but I think they got rid of it with the dollar menu. There's really not much point in going to MacDonald's without the dollar menu. Burger King has better deals.

Some taste, you disgusting fuck.

Say what? Never heard of the dinner box? 10 and change gets me 2 Big Macs 2 cheeseburgers 10 nuggets and 4 fries

quarter pounder

then pound your mom
