Redpilled or tinfoil hat

redpilled or tinfoil hat

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Anti-vaxxers are fucking complete fucking idiots who deserve nothing other than utter contempt.

literally every single one of these figures on the right are the result of other causes, hygiene, social and economical reasons, various awareness campaigns, etc.

the poster is just propaganda.

The issue is being strawmanned. People are resisting thimerosol containing vaccines not the vaccines themselves. Thimerosol has been banned in pretty much every civilized nation except the USA for some reason.

t. highschool dropout.

A single vaccine contains

Hydrochloric acid
Aborted fetal tissue
Live viruses

Any questions?

yep vaccines did everything, there were absolutely no other contributing factors at play

t. Straw McMann.

t. rused man


We don't need more people

t. The patron saint of sore bottoms.

t. A Highschool dropout.

This is willful ignorance. Vaccines have saved more lives than anything other than maybe antibiotics.

Yes, the reason sub-saharan Africa no longer has smallpox is because their hygiene is now so much better that what once was a disease that occurred even in the first world was eliminated "coincidentally" as the worldwide vaccination campaign happened. Funny that.

there is still smallpox in africa

and if you want to talk about the infographic above those numbers are not including numbers from africa obviously

So the reason that smallpox has been completely eradicated from the world is handwashing and awareness campaigns? This is fucking flat earth tier.

>there is still smallpox in africa
Ahh, how could i forgot about the zionist coverups that are surely going on.

>there is still smallpox in africa

Jesus Christ. What do they teach in schools these days?

>there is still smallpox in africa
No, there isn't.

yes there is

Trips vs. Dubs

Big sciency sounding words might scare you but not educated people.
Most of those are already in our bodies and the rest are in such tiny quantities they're harmless.
The mercury in vaccines is ethyl mercury, which passes through the human body without being absorbed. Methyl mercury is the bad kind and the differences between the two is the difference between vodka and gasoline. Even if it was the bad kind of mercury its less than you'd get from a can of tuna.
But go ahead, I'm sure getting polio is more preferrable than an injection.

>implying those two terms don't mean the same

thats funny, i never got a polio vaccine and i never got polio.

What hygienic practice caused this?

A banana contains more formaldehyde than a vaccine.

It's like those flat earther videos that are popular now. Or the Trump campaign.

Lots of stupid people out there.

because it's been eradicated in the US by vaccines.


it's just a statistical anomaly, not even significant

then we dont need vaccines if all these horrible diseases have been eliminated according to you

we need vaccines for the ones that haven't been eliminated

Not that I want to defend anti-vaxxers, but there could be a shitton of other reason for the decline in those conditions other than vaccination

I'll take a small amount of poison over polio. Maybe you should move to Liberia.

hurr high school drop out

Of course. That's why the flu is so rare today despite effective vaccination not existing.

stop lumping us in with those fruits

stop lumping in who with who?

Vaccines are fine for adults but do have terrible life-changing effects on children still developing. Especially children going through puberty.

Getting your kid vacc'd at birth is like saying, "i'm ok with just fucking my kid up for the sake of them not getting polio anymore"

>Ethyl mercury, which passes through the human body without being absorbed
>Wikipedia: Methylmercury and ethylmercury distribute to all body tissues, crossing the blood–brain barrier and the placental barrier, and ethylmercury also moves freely throughout the body

high school drop outs with anti vaxxers

oh shit

When I die I want to be preserved in bananas

vaxxies btfo

>defending the inoculatory Jew


Stop spreading misinformation.

it's as if people want to return to the pre-penicillin days

You can't "catch" autism. It's not an infectious disease.

Then why did I lose all my friends after I started browsing Sup Forums?


Depending on where you're from and when you were born you may have actually, but you could have been too young to remember it

good argument for a totalitarian state model


They did a good writeup on the subject. Deal with it.

It's fucking stupid that vaccination companies can't be held accountable for whatever percentage of vaccines that go wrong. It is inexcusable by all ethical and logical/lawful principals, unless some guy said, "I'm an alien who is going to destroy the universe if you don't make vaccination pharma completely protected from law."


If vaccines are so good why don't they have vaccine for cancer yet?

Strangely they only have them for diseases that no longer exist, funny that, huh

>good write-up
>opinionated, emotion-driven statements
>editor ties to tie it in with their pet issues

Show me better.

Literally any peer-reviewed academic journal.

>t. a selective research poster

>Trust us, our logical fallacies have fallacies of their own. More selective material from the people who brought you "I'm just asking questions.." is somehow bad.

Bananas set of geiger counters, that doesn't mean that they'll create kaijus or give you superpowers.

You're a retard who has no understanding of communicable disease.

I thought Anti-vax people just insisted that modern vaccines had unintended side effects most notably autism, not that vaccines didn't work.

please be bait, please

The Lyme Vaccine called "LymeRIX" was pulled from the market after being administered to the first set of patients in 1998 because the vaccine created an immunological syndrome that was similar the neuroborreliosis.
The vaccine carried OspA, OspC, the outer surface protein of the Lyme bacterium that causes autoimmunity and molecular mimicry in those diagnosed with the disease.

>from the only source I could find that claims smallpox existing in Africa today

Parents only vaccinate because they believe that there is a need to prevent children from getting measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, forgetting the old-age wisdom of knowing that these are the natural diseases that prime and mature the immune system of children, and not vaccines. If anything, vaccines de-immunize. Properly managed (meaning not mismanaged by the administration of antipyretics and antibiotics), having measles not only results in a life-long specific immunity to measles, but also in a life-long non-specific protection against degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, immunoreactive diseases (such as allergies, asthma), sebaceous skin diseases and cancers.


It's more of what is in the vaccines other than the bio-material itself, not including live viruses.

Why the fuck would you inject an infant with a vaccine knowing it's possibly tainted with any number of heavy metals or neurotoxins, such as what this guy posted..A single vaccine doesn't contain all of those but can contain more than one of those and there number of reports on this that get swept under the rug because they get to the heart of the reason why people don't want their children vaccinated.
It's not the vaccine, it's what they people in it on top of the material.

they put people in it*

>It's not the vaccine, it's what they people in it on top of the material.

You seem like an expert on the subject

FUCK, I meant "it's what they put in it on top of the bio-material"
It's called a typo buddy

>they get to the heart of the reason why people don't want their children vaccinated
Fear, ignorance, and backwards thinking is the heart of the problem. I'm all for personal choice, but when stupid decisions put others at risk, well, your right to swing your fists ends where my face begins.

It wasn't.
What do you want to tell me to make what I said wrong?

>It's called a typo buddy

Yeah well when you fuck up that badly twice in a row along with your half baked views on vaccines I'm inclined to think you're just retarded.

No evidence to suggest those things?

Legitimate fear of reported instances of heavy metals and neurotoxins in vaccines.
If you want to argue the point without sounding like you are using the simple "discreditor" tactics of ad hom and appeal to authority, you should find another user. If the companies manufacturing the vaccines have admitted they've released tainted vaccines, the parents have every right to look out for the health of their children.
Classic, "you made a typo twice so you must be STUPID".
Great refutation in work. Stick to the facts, not the names.

Your shouting epithets will get you nowhere with me.

how can someone look at easily one of the most important medical discoveries in the history of humanity and then look at a series on long debunked studies and go "nope this must be a conspiracy I don't want my kid to catch autism"

>long debunked studies
Sorry that's a subjective statement without evidence.
The bigger question is how we let an important medical discovery like vaccines get tainted with metals and neurotoxins.
The problem isn't vaccines, it's oversight and quality control. Get that out of the vaccines and people will probably be more trustworthy.

There are, and they aren't ever documented/reported because big pharma is making hundreds of billions of dollars.

The ones that do get documented are discredited immediately to remove public traction. God, people have no idea how this shit affects growth development.

>This entire thread

antivax is literally a bunch of rednecks looking to get out of being convicted for shaking their babies


>they aren't ever documented

that makes their authenticity very hard to verify, user


oh god it's spreading

everyone is shaking their babies

Literally the same arguments of global warming deniers

Understandable. I'm personally choosing not to trust big medical companies.

but you don't have any evidence of misconduct

meanwhile vaccines have a proven record of saving millions of lives

No, instead you're choosing to trust... nothing? You're literally saying that you have no evidence, but by dint of the fact that someone is making money they and their product are evil.

>a proven record
and you're certain that the reason there's movement against vaccines is because they're dumb and the records couldn't possibly be skewed?

are you seriously questioning the efficacy of vaccines

do you miss polio

You don't have evidence that they are ineffective.

There is evidence that they are effective.

You claim that the evidence is skewed.

You don't have evidence for this either.

Literally every part of your argument is baseless speculation, with absolutely nothing to back it up, against a huge body of evidence proving you wrong.

Yes goys err i mean boys, i'm sure the multi-national globalist trans-atlantic bilderberg conglomerate known as the WHO which is funded by banks from the US east coast has nothing but the best for public health in mind

My argument isn't that vaccines don't work, I'm saying that the cons of side-effects aren't documented nearly as much as the pros, which is hard to boot when you make a drug that cures something and then realize, "oh shit, this long-term problem can harm people, oh well, it's a small enough percentage"

mark my words, or don't, I'm an anonymous figment of your imagination, the future will tell of the times when an entire population was used as lab rats to perfect an imperfect drug.

This conversation is literally just people going, "I have evidence vaccines are good," and idiots replying, "but are they??????"

>hur dur scawy sounding kemikals
grow the fuck up
anyone who is not a complete retard knows toxicity is dependent of the dosage. 6 gallons of water is more likely to kill you than 1 microliter of antifreeze

Yeah,I got a question.
You're gay.

Honestly, though, if there are negative effects, it is a small enough percentage. These diseases ravaged mankind, and were the main cause of death for literally millenia. We beat the fucking shit out of them. Now, MAYBE, a fraction of a percent of people suffer negative consequences from the solution, but that's fucking nothing compared to the consequences of not using them.

>I'm saying that the cons of side-effects aren't documented nearly as much

so maybe you should document them

you know, scientifically