Why do asian girls have such low standards? I saw this qt with a 4/10 guy with tiny eyes, acne...

Why do asian girls have such low standards? I saw this qt with a 4/10 guy with tiny eyes, acne, huge ass ears and a bowl cut.

He probably makes more money than you


His Dad is very wealthy and all the other girls are lining up for him.
Asians, with a long history of famine and poverty, are very focussed on accumulating wealth, not just for themselves but for their family past, present and future.

That makes me a bit jealous. Whites have superior looks, but it's useless.

cuz he isnt a loser like u

Its not that they have low standards, its that white women have high standards.


>its that white women have high standards
Your Mom certainly doesn't, does she?
Oh, wait...

Yeah but my mom is literally nuts and crazies dont count.

They'll always have this mentality that nailing a white male is the epitome of success though. Probably because they feel that being white = being rich

Probably because in their home countries it's all asian men, so finding a whiteboi is like finding diamonds

Probs. All those girls there will jump on a white dick if given the chance, no debate about it

Is this actually true? I need to go to China

This thread is being screencapped for the next cringethread

Dem superior white guys

Stop posting my friend


I like these images, it actually helped me to stop texting like a spurge

ITT: angry asian men

Except you linked me twice an i amwhite.

I am faggote white boy with asian friends who hets creepy okc messages

Because he doesnt keep severed animal heads in his sheets you fucking fuck. He's probably also not a bigger with babboon lip

Some white guys are creepy, but plenty of asian guys are geeks who think they have game



Pick one. Filipino women are the worst flavor of Asian out there. Slutty and money hungry.

Most white guys are creepy.
I also got hit on by a male dual color dyed hair smoker weeaboo who another user went to an anime convention with. He tried to rape people with his fursuit or some shit.

They aren't Filipino