Giving you fuckers advice on sex on and women

Giving you fuckers advice on sex on and women
Ask me anything
I guarantee my advice is solid

How to being of possess of sex but of not being having to force.

>don't want to be wizard
fucking help me

how do i be the guy in your image?

You wanna be aggressive but not force it?
What's your biggest issue, be honest.

>want to fuck mad ladies
>small dick
What do?

I have an fear of talking to women and being shot down also i can't lose weight and i believe that is why i can't bring myself to talk to one either
>>i'm not obese just overweight


Start by finding a chick with big tits
then find out her attitude towards sex
If she is open minded just flat out tell her I wanna fuck you tits, while u guys are in the middle of fooling around.

If she is closed minded, be joking and playful suggest doing it as gag. the key is to keep the atmosphere light.

Bullshit u can lose weight ur just too lazy

I'm extremely shy
I'm not just bad at talking to laddies, I'm bad at talking to anyone.

solid trips m9

When womyn are on of approach and in conversation many are never of willing to have. But not want to have had for night. Want real relationship last long time and marry.

Don't sweat your dick size, it's all attitude and technique. focus on developing a personality.

Read some books on sex and cunnilingus, Small dick can be forgivin if u can still get em off like a champ.

I also think I sound like an idiot when I talk

How do I make a girl cum

I just gave up soda completely
started jogging twice a week

Advice on making guacamole?

Get out more, find a circle of people into the same things you are. Even if it's Dnd.

Once you are in a comfortable social environment you'll have an easier time talking to the people there including women.

thats not gonna help at all if u dont burn more calories than ur taking in u need to be eating less and jogging everyday if u rlly wanna lose weight

how get boobs on snapchat

never have been drink of soda. Have get very good muscle not but have well fashion looks. girls not want man who respectable work hard. All want is asshole who not good of good for them.

Go down on her, work the shit out of her clit with your tongue. Pay attention to her reactions, when you find a rhythm that gets the best reaction stick to it and ride that shit out.

Not OP but

Let your avocado ripen in a brown paper bag overnight, and use fresh lime juice not that garbage from a bottle

All the shit you gave is on point interesting

How to approach women in a bus

You sound like a neckbeard, stop that shit. Stop worrying about who you think girls wanna fuck.
Just be confident and keep conversations light and funny.
Don't play that I just wanna be your friend shit, let your feelings be known, don't wait like 6 months.
Even if it's just jokingly, let them know you find them sexy.
What is most important is the 1 on 1 convo. Ask interesting questions, keep the topics fun and exploratory.

>Comfortable when it comes to talk to anyone
There is THIS girl i try to hang out with since febuary , her father is strict as fuck and it looks like i have a "rival" that i never met , i danced with HER during prom , do i move on and forget about HER and go instead looks for clubs-whores or do i keep trying ??

Fucking don't, that shit is lame and the enclosed space makes it uncomfortable if u get rejected. You make eye contact, give em a smile.
If it's a girl you see normally on the bus, just give a smile 2 or 3 times, say hi on the 3rd or 4th. Strike up a convo about always seeing them and see where it goes.

Neckbeard is not. Keep hair much well. Not change that girl personal prefernece.

How do i develop a personality?
I used to be mad funny with friends but after moving away and ditching my friends i was left more or less emotionless

Let your interest be know, let it be known you don't have time for childish rivalry bullshit.
See if she wants to grab a bite sometime.
If she jerks you around, move on.
Her strict father don't mean a damn thing if she is almost 18.

Sorry man, still sounding like a neckbeard.
Neckbeard isn't just a look, it's a mind set.
If you chalk your unluckiness with women up to the"douchebags they like to date" It means you gotta get your shit together.

am skinny and want to become geodude
then fuck all bitches in the world

Got full low-carb vegan. Eat all the tofu and green vegetables you want. You'll lose weight like crazy.

Run every day.

If you're doing that and still not losing weight please contact your nearest research university and let them study you to find the energy source that will save mankind when fossil fuels have been depleted.

What if she doesn't let me go down on her

Going solo after having a tight nit group can be depressing.
You gotta start socializing again . Find some co-workers you get along with build a repore. Hang out with them.
Start developing hobbies, legit interests. Nerdy or not. Reading, DnD, Guitar. Find something to pour your wasted energy into.