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Okay Sup Forums, I was going to put this /x/, but it may not need to be on their, depending on what it was.
Story time.
5 days ago I was sitting in my garage blazing.
My garage is a pretty chill place, we have couches and chairs and shit in there, and that's where we smoke, so we made it homey in there.
Be like 12:30 am, i'm smoking in there, and I hear this really eary noise that I'd never heard before, I don't normally scare easy, but this had me creeped out enough to go back inside.
This to me, sounded like Predator from Alien vs Predator, and I was pretty stoned, so I was even more creeped out.

I was messaging my roommate about it. I tried describing it to him as best as I could, but it was hard to mock. He was at his girlfriends place at the time, so I couldn't get him to hear it.
About 30 minutes later I told him I was going to check it out, and I'd film it if I heard it again.
I recorded it, and it picked up the noise, and I was wondering if someone on here could give me some answers? It might just be a mouse or something, but it really doesn't sound like it. I've never seen a raccoon where I live, or any other rodents like that.
I heard the noise three nights in a row, almost around the same time. My one roommate also heard it one night with me. We went up into the attic part to look, and nothing had been disturbed at all. No animal prints in dust, nothing stirred up, no shit or piss, nothing.
I uploaded the video onto YouTube, can someone give me some answers? I know this is a very shitting constructed story, but I'm stoned and don't care.

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bump for you

Check the video out and tell me what you think.

I've also recorded the noise two more times, so fucked up.

I watched it dude, no fuckin idea. You're probably gonna get eaten by some fuckin monster or some shit. Gg bro, hope you kill it before it kills you.

First, how do you get high surrounded by all of that filth? That is by far the most disgusting living/recreation area I have ever seen a person from the first world live in.

Second, it sounds like either the piping has a faulty valve or you have animals living in the fall away space that seperates the insulation from the structure.

It's the garage dude, we don't really care, our house is pretty clean.
We've went up into the attic, there's no space between where we can't see and the roof. Like I said, this is a garage, meant for vehicles, concrete floors, all that shit.

Sounds like it might be a mountain lion, sounds scary but leave some meat around to see if it'll be lured out. Don't be too close to said meat if you're gonna try to film it.

In that case, it was nice talking to you before whatever demonic creature that lives above your garage comes down and devours you.

Fuck that bro. That shit has nope written all over it.

The even creepier part is, we went up right after we heard it once, and there wasn't anything up there. We crawled back down and heard it like not even 10 minutes later.

Sorry, wrote this before I saw the other info, I'm stumped on that bro. Well good luck and try to stay alive

Just take your cat, or friends cat, or steal a cat and place it up there. It sounds more like a large insect than anything else.

Also, I'm going to say it again. You should check to see if you have pipes running around up there, it really does sound like a faulty valve or seal.

bumping, also try putting some camera in the attic, you might find something on the video

aren't all noises "eary", afterall?

This. Sounds like water pipes to me.

OP, do you have a pic of the outside of your garage?

There's no pipes connected to the garage. I wish there were.


Nope, I could get one though.

Go into the garage. Get very high with one or two other people and then kill all the lights. Sit in perfect silence and just wait for it. If it makes noise, don't say anything, just listen. You're "The" Apex Predator, act like it.

Is there a tree or anything by it? It sounds to me like it could be a branch or something rubbing over the surface of the roof. Depending on what it looks like you might be able to tell if that's plausible


Just gonna leave this here, sorry to freak you out more user, probly just "pipes"

There are trees close by, but nothing close enough to be touching the roof at all.

"If it bleeds, we can kill it"

I also have two other videos that I could upload. Both videos you can hear the same sound, but were filmed on different days.

I was thinking insects, but we don't really have big insects where I live. Nothing I think that would be big enough to make this noise. At first I thought it was a moth stuck but flapping it's wings really fast.

One moar pichure en thes tthreaad

Did you check corners of the attic, sounds like the type of shit that sits up in them waiting to pounce. Post more picks from attic

Lol yeah, the attic isn't very big. The spot where we can climb up, you can see all four corners with no problem.

The more I listen to it the more it sounds like aliums and OP is a dead man.

I'll admit at first it sounds like pipes,but then it sounds like some kinda animal

Op you gonna get ate

get friend over, get him stoned and force him to explore attic. if he doesnt come back down run

op? you live in america, right?
here is pro step: get your gun.
be witnessed shiny and chrome in valhalla

We've both been up there 3 or 4 times.

No we live in Canada. We aren't accustomed to violence.

upload them, more info afterall

If I have enough people interested I will

Zinnia Jones6 years ago
Thanks for stopping by my channel :)

You're gay. ZJ is a man, baby!

From experience sounds like an alpha male mouse drumming his back foot on an object which is resonating nicely, Deer mice in BC do this.
IDK if male rats do the same

and so the troll speaks - my 2 cents(TM).

more: you're the one putting up that mystery, keep it going without begging for attention.

If I listen closely to those snippets, it's like someone slides his fingernail down a horn hair comb.

class, anyone?

I wish I was trolling man.


That sounds pretty plausible, I hope that's what it is.

That could be what it is. We are going to set a few traps up there and see wtf. It's weird that there is no mouse shit anywhere up there though.

At first it sounds like aliens or pipes but I think it may be some sort of small rodent

They've spooked me before now doin that shit inside my walls..
Check that youtub link..

then you really are fucked
thank your liberal gods
afterall, it is 2016
stop exercising your white privilege on that spook, you shitlord

Peanut butter is the king of all baits.
Just a tiny bit inside the indentation where the bait goes...

I checked it out. That almost sounds like some kind of static, or a phone on vibrate. The speed and tone of this noise change so I don't know.

And don't rub your stinky human hands all over the trap..



clearly some kind of rodent


Your voice is qt af

Why would you heat water that's already hot?


Sounds like a shitty xylophone or somebody fucking around with a vent.

3/10 for making me reply and watching your shit video that involves too much talking