If you had the choice to be immortal, would you? (you can't suicide down the road if you choose to be immortal)

If you had the choice to be immortal, would you? (you can't suicide down the road if you choose to be immortal)

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Absolutly not. Life already annoys me sometimes.

i want to fucking kill myself on the daily so no.

That pic is like a DMT trip

Yes. Because it would be like my life is already. Watching the people around me die off as i stay the same. It would just be larger scale

God yeah. Better to be bored than not exist.

No, because even if my life was incredibly amazing for 10 000 years, eventually, I'll want it to end. And at that point, I'll still have an eternity left to live.

When humans are all dead, and our sun has swallowed earth and later exploded, and I'm floating through space alone forever, I'd probably regret my decision to become immortal.

I think you'd probably be able to be killed.

And to answer the question, yes, death terrifies me.

I know dem feels b/ro

I'd do it but I would want to keep my hot 18yo body but keep no limit on my mind and I would want to be able to choose which items to unsee.

No, because then, life would just be an endless cycle of outliving everything I love.

Yes if it's stay the same age forever and no if I'm a million and fucked up....

I want to witness the end, I want to know where this experiment is headed

The whole point of life is to live it to the fullest, that's what makes it so great (Although some may not think so) if you extended the time of your life clock to infinite, then you'd stop living and simply just exist.

new things would evolve, like most humans you think too small

ITT >I wait for dinosaurs to re-revolve so I can fuck them.

Absolutely! To be able to experience human's progression in technology would be amazing. I would give everything to be immortal and get to see and experience life forever.

I always wonder what t Rex tasted like bbqd

My thoughts exactly, I dont want an eternity in space l. There is the chance we end up kiving some where else in the universe though.

yes nothing scares the fuck out of me

Yes. I would fucking love watching humanity evolve, I would just shoot any president I don't like and even if I get like 10 lifetime sentences I'll just chill in jail

or just to see dat ass!

fuck no, I would probably have killed myself already if it was socially acceptable

Yes absolutely. Seeing what happens thousands of years in the future sounds amazing. The amount of change that has occurred in the last 100 years is staggering. Imagine where it will be in the future. That is, if you're saying immortal but could still be killed if some sort of nuclear war or whatever happens. If you mean I have to live for billions of years until the sun dies out and the planet is gone and have to float through space for eternity until I get swallowed in a black hole and have to be compressed to the singularity as billions more years pass, then no.

>Absolutly not. Life already annoys me sometimes.
first post best post

only thing I can think of more annoying than living forever is waiting in "heaven" or whatever the fuck fr a judgement day.
basically the whole religion crap.

Fuck yes I would. Would do almost anything for immortality

Yeah, but you'd get sick of living. Immortality is a curse.

...your life sentence would never end because you'd never die.

>That my good user is meerly a reaction to the situation you find yourself in now, you can not judge the future on your experience of the shittiness of today or the idiotic systems created around you to keep you in your place by oldfags.

Why the FUCK would you want to be immortal? Literally why. Once everyone you know dies, etc, your children, grandchildren, literally no point.

Unless you had some superpowers to go along that immortality (e.g: mind control), then it'd be shit and a punishment.

Nope it is a gift to a megatroll, just think of all the thing you could piss off, oh what fun we would have.

yes, absolutely, by all means, yes

no old person that I've ever talked to has ever said that they no longer enjoy new foods

if we can be so delighted by the same simple combinations of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, why would we not be excited by the unlimited possibilities of eternity?

Why do you care about the social aspect of it? You won't be around to hear it.

>knowing this much
Pretty sure a lifetime sentence actually has a year count, that's why when people get "x amount greater than 1" lifetime sentences, it means around 66-88 x that number.
I think a lifetime sentence is around 66 years, it doesn't mean until you die.

I think before that happened, you would wind up victim of a natural disaster. Stuck for millions of years buried under earthquake rubble. You are never found, and civilization above bulldozes and paves over you. Fuck that.

Immortality is a curse...in movies. In reality it would be amazing. To see how our world advances in thousands of years would be incredible.

I would wait until everthing had gone then start evolution off with my snot and creampie mix.

Then wait and see how it turned out and then infect it with funky pox to annoy it.

I just threw up in my mouth a little

good job

So if I flung myself into space I wouldn't die? I'd love that. I can travel the universe forever and eventually find new civilizations who do an alien version of shitposting and talk about killing themselves.

Yay! winrar!

You might float for eons before even seeing anything though. Wouldn't you go insane?

That time has passed

Of course, I would do anything to be immortal

I think about suicide very often but live to make the world a better place. Will i stop aging when I reach my prime?
I don't know if it's worth it either way to be honest. I don't know if it's worth it now, how much can one man do?
Will I ever be able to do more good than harm? It doesn't seem likely

every x years, you can appeal your sentence, at some time you can be free or they deny your freedom. Depend upon the crime

You are only as good as you want to be, being immortal means you don't have to give a shit about anything unless you desire to.

What if 10k years passed and you meet the ayylmaos. You could travel all through the universe exploring all kinds of shit, meeting different life/eating new foods.

>u ppl are stupid if you think being immortal would suck

Immortality is only the wish of someone who is ignorant of how the universe works.

Wishing for immortality would be dooming one's self to you own personal darkness and hell given enough time.


You haven't thought this through.

By the time that happened the technology would probably exist so you wouldnt jus be staring inot space . I imagine floating around in some form of pod either in a coma plugged into some kind of virtual reality thing where you could keep yourself occupied

People like you are the ones that should an hero the most.

to experience everything you'd get to experience i'd say it'd be worth it

>this guy gets it

It depends, I would do it if my I could continuously get smarter throughout life, like if the immortality allowed my brain cells to regenerate or whatever. If I have to remain as stupid as I am now, there wouldn't be a point.

I would. Eventually, I'll learn enough to be able to create a bridge between universes and abandon ship to one that ISN'T about to end one way or the other. I would essentially become Rick Sanchez only I'd live forever

you dont get it... the short time (in comparison to eternity) that you would be able to do these things would not be counterbalanced by the rest of eternity being alone in the cold and darkness while your very protons decay.


On a long enough time line you would have experienced everything there is to experience probably 5 times over. Then it gets mundane and trivial. Then nothing will excite you and you won't have the enthusiasm to keep going because you've seen it all and done it all. Then you will wish for death but you can't die. That's where the nightmare begins.

Is it like Wolverine Immortal? I can't bleed out and stuff? Plus what if my head gets destroyed? I'd lose all my memories. Or is it some magical bullshit where I always come back good as new. In that case, yes. I shall bring death to the mooslims.

worth it to what end?

still i'd say yes

FUCK YES. Rather be safe than sorry, Who knows whats on the other side. My biggest fear is our bodies die but our conscious lives on, our dying moment comes and everything just goes black. We'll be there alone with just our thoughts for eternity.

Maybe you would eventually have the ability to travel amongst dimensions, and start all over with everything being a new experience again. Of course, in those dimensions, you may not be immortal.

why must an immortal being be contained to a single universe? Given all the time in the world I'd immediately work towards finding a way to escape the void of a dead universe


you're not the only one afraid of this

theres no point to living whatsoever.

The universe is infinitely growing.

I know I'm Missouri a life sentence is about 35 years.

>you cant escape the complete equilibrium of energy and matter in any universe.

everything runs down to nothing, all light dissipates, all matter cools to absolute zero.

you're not thinking about dimensions. You're talking about universes in the multiverse. Dimensions are length, width, height, time, etc. Travelling to higher dimensions would essentially make you a god

Are you talking about Biological immortality like what a lot of animals have? You don't die of age, but can still die if something kills you? Or literally immortal, can't die even if a meteorite smashed into you destroying the whole city?

define this immortality.

the fuck does not being able to die have to do with traversing multiple universes?

No it's not, the universe is already infinite in size, it isn't growing. What is growing is the stuff inside the universe, it's like a cookie crumb dropped into a dish of water. The crumb will expand and spread out, but the water stays the same.

I'm not saying there are universes that don't die, I'm just saying you can find one that isn't as close to dying as the one you're leaving. After you know what to do it's just a matter of doing it again

>i want to fucking kill myself on the daily so no.

However, being immortal does sound pretty nice because if suicide doesn't work then what have you to worry about?

If you can't die you could probably just enjoy life, which would be fun. Plus I'm sure in a trillion years of floating around in space after earth being destroyed, intelligent life would find you.

don't do that dawg. it's mine too.

>the assumptions here are too vast to even sum up in 1 post.

needless to say, the laws of thermodynamics will always win.

They're saying immortality would suck after our universe dies and you're left with silence and darkness for eternity but if you jump ship you'll be able to keep going without issue

>Be me
>Copy someones content and pass it off as own
>Sued by content creator
>Minimal evidence because no original ideas since Babylon
>Outlive creator
>Lawsuit carried by estate
>Outlive estate
>Artists work falls into obscurity
>Own work takes place of original
>MFW I'm Zuckerberg

It's more than likely that even if you were immortal you would never livee to see a day where that's possible and surely you wouldn't be able to figure it out on your own.

Ah yes. I stand corrected. However, it's speculated that other universes exist with properties as we know them to be backwards (time, polarity, etc.) You may stumble upon one where every living thing is immortal, and you are the only thing that can die. Game over man.

ITT: People who don't know they are immortal already.

You exist because you must exist, you exist because you have always existed and always will. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, we only change form and move from place to place. We will always exist, maybe not our personality but we have never not been.

I would take the opportunity without hesitation.
Do you have any idea how fucking amazing it would be to aimlessly float through the universe after watching everything that goes down on Earth? Or even following the remainder of humans to some far off a planet after Earth's demise to see what happens.

This is literally my dream. Wouldn't have a second thought if the opportunity should arise.

if by being inmortal you mean theres no way of die or getting killed by literally anything, yes i would definitely do it
>b-ut muh family
fuck em, youll get bitches 24/7 since you have all the time in the world to whatever you want
idk 10 being fit as fuck an another 10 years doing nothing at all
plus, you get to enjoy technology over the time
again, all of this only if you cant die by any means

do you become immune to pain?
i feel like enduring our sun supernova-ing would be worse than death, let alone getting stretched/trapped in a black hole

well that's a bit bleak. If you want to do something that's never been done before you have to believe it's possible. And who says I would work alone? I'm sure Hawking would be interested in seeing how an immortal being reacts to being sent into a black hole

What if you get put in jail for a lifetime


you are assuming that the laws of physics are on a universal level in the little space that humand can interact

so I managed to not only travel to another universe but I found a loophole in my immortality that would let me finally feel the sweet release of death? Win fucking Win right there


Hell yea, assuming I stop aging right now, life would be pretty good for the next millions of years.

Container this:
what if we all actually are immortal through the concept of reincarnation?
At some point we leveled up due to thousands of carnation cycles and unlock the achievment of memory restorage.
Even get to the point where we are able to step out of the wheel and become godlike Übermenschen or like the wormhole entities in DS9.

You arent taking the long view dude.

Humans have that problem, they see everything through the eyes of now and disregard the fact that everything runs down to nothing, all light will be gone, the universe will attain absolute zero, and your protons will begin to decompose.

since you are immortal eventually wouldnt you be able to control when you sleep and for whenever long. If I could choose to go into a coma like state during the boring parts then i'd do it, heck even without the sleeping bit i'd still do it


you can outlive everyone and the prison :/

eventually you'll stuck with the heat-death of infinite universes. I don't think many of you understand how infinite infinity really is

I'm sure you could train yourself to do something like that and in a dream state you'd be able to escape the harsh reality of a void.

your energy, not will or conscience

We already are. We are all eternal beings that have created and escaped reality in order to live a life that we are are convinced is the opposite.