This thread is a safe space. Post trigger warnings before submission, and do not post things that will offend others...

This thread is a safe space. Post trigger warnings before submission, and do not post things that will offend others. All are welcome if you follow these rules.

This is for gay niggers. Are you a nigger?


> Trigger Warnings
> Sup Forums

go back to tumblr pls

All niggers, gays, and trannnys deserve to be shot dead.


>triggered by niggers


You are being offensive. Please check your privilege and leave.


I dont liek Chocolate milk.
It sucks.


Is OP a faggot?

Except the color blue apparently. You skipped straight to indigo, racist.

Fuck off you disgusting fat SJW rape victim and you're probably a nigger too. So I hope you get PTSD and choke on a patriarchal dick!

I'm offended, that you didn't call me offensive for saying nigger trigger. That's racist, and won't be tolerated here.

I'm sorry.

Someone called me a faggot in another thread.




I'm sorry that happened. Could you please use "f-word", though? It makes others feel safer, but still validates your experience.

newfag bait

And I'll make sure to shoot you first, but not before flogging you with barbed wire and shoving a cactus up your ass.

Hopefully there won't be any fucking chinks in this thread. Goddamn yellow cockroaches go back to Mordor.

This triggers me to masturbate. Does that count?


That is entirely inappropriate and has no place in our safe space.


Are you a nigger or a faggot who things he was born a gay dolphin?

Fucking carpet munching lesbo rape ahoy!

All women have rape fantasies.

Its it true some women cum during rape?

Whale tastes pretty good.

or just Irony( I don't know what to think about memes since they turned ironical)

Does anyone have any nigger gore to show this faggot?


Fuck you gook. Japan should have finished those things off in the 1930's.


Thanks OP, I was in need of a safe space REALLY bad so I could get away from people calling me a faggot and just generally disagreeing with my opinions. Let's keep this a safe haven anons

Thanks sugar. Should we turn this into a gore thread or Spider-Man thread?

Yes fat people should be sent to camps to be starved and used as cum dumps while working rowing machines for fat fetishists until they are a shape that is compatible with humanity. No this is not irony.

Maybe you could say newcomer instead. It means the same thing and nobody's feelings are hurt.

Stupid nigger. He must have really been hitting the moonshine to get himself stuck up there.



>That's rude
>he's just hanging out

fucking gookey nigger dyke


Please stop. I should be able to feel safe here!


shoot the gays and trannys, put the niggers back out in the fields instead of letting migrant scum in

Kek. Nice one.

Go to Tumblr then, you fucking faggot.

Well, might as well play along.


kek... I really hope this I irony....

oh dear... we should give to newcomers a warm welcome and some nice words

You Faggot


This man learned one simple trick to reduce crime and increase property values with just 15 feet of rope! The NAACP hates him.


Is this where we can discuss Donald Trump and yell about free speech while indiscriminately banning those with dissenting opinions?



Please use the word homosexual, it's much less offensive. Second, please don't use that kind of language. You're being really disrespectful and should be careful not to trigger anyone with the F word you keep using. Some of us have gay relatives


>Are you a nigger or a faggot who things he was born a gay dolphin?

I am a bigendered ottersexual niggerkin.

I can understand that people can be gay and even trannies. There is research to back up that those are rooted in neurological and developmental factors. But there is nothing that proves you can be some totally off the wall thing like "otterkin" or whatever.

If you start putting names on every shade of sexuality, gender indentity and fetish out there, then you will just keep on going forever. Its like naming every shade of grey between black and white.

SJWs only aid pedos.
Fuck SJWs and feminists



Stop being a faggot and get the fuck out, you tranny worshipper.




Feminists are pedos


This is bait. If not just a gaylord fag puffs autistic shout to other amputee nigger loving crossdressers with bad fashion sense


This thread is for people who wanna be safe from aggressive people like YOU. Simmer down or else.

Trump for president

most retarded thread in all of Sup Forums this thread literally gave me cancer.
p. s. the creator of this should go back to tumblr and then hang himself.


These. Sjw is a joke until they start having laws changed

I love this bait...



I can do what I want, nigger.







plz stop fluffy abusers


i don't think so


Privilege checkers and Sjws's trigger me. Also anyone who says "trigger" in any form other than when used in gun talk. Also rainbows are ghey.

This is a much needed thread. There's way too many cyber bullies on this Web site. I'm tired of seeing all this name calling. Everyone is so mean to other here so it's nice having a thread that caters to me for once.





I'm going to have to ask those of you mocking and belittling this safe space to kindly leave and not come back til your priveliges have been thoroughly checked.
Thank you.

That's what this website is, Newfag