Did anyone else enjoy this more than Civil War?

Did anyone else enjoy this more than Civil War?

Nope. why?

Nah, but I still find it enjoyable.

what the iron mens from to the sky to be friend of stark with america?

No, but I enjoyed it more after civil war

You alright?

>Winter Soldier makes Cap 1 retroactively better
>Civil War makes Avengers 2 retroactively better

Yes but who was phone?

Hell no. I fell sleep in Ultron, Civil War was only kinda boring

I felt like they should have had Ultron work out for a little while instead of immediately going berserk, it would've been more powerful if we actually felt like Tony's idea was gonna work for more than a few minutes

>Did anyone enjoy this turd better than this other turd?

Also what's the difference between Ultron and Jarvis? We're supposed to believe that Jarvis isn't capable of the same level of thinking but functionally what's the difference? It seems like some vague thing you'd never be able to pinpoint. Is it because he's bound to Stark's command while Ultron can make choices? Jarvis can make decisions based on analyzing his surroundings too, he's just vaguely only able to make ones Tony wants him to.

Also Iron Man 2 retrospectively better

Yes, but they were both atrocious films.

Im not sure they were about equal, both were pretty mediocre

Jarvis was designed as an A.I. specifically for Tony's use. Ultron was designed to be an A.I. for the entire planet. Tony overstepped his boundaries - he more or less even admits it to Banner in his "We're mad scientists" conversation.

Yes because Civil War's plot was really about giving them a reason to fight one after the other than a strong overarching narrative.

This was a steaming pile of shit compared to Civil War.

I pirated Civil War, did the opening scene and fights look like Power Rangers to anyone else or did I just get a shitty version

>other than a strong overarching narrative
And Ultron was just pure shit

Whedon > Russo Sisters

Based fucking Whedon
