Why do people enjoy this shit tier drug/ plant?

Why do people enjoy this shit tier drug/ plant?

When I smoke it, it just makes me overthink things and become a worst-case scenario thinker, dredges up bad thoughts and experiences from my past, and brings out all my insecurities to the front. I've changed for the better in a lot of ways, but when I toke I feel like the shy, insecure, low-self confidence person I used to be.

I feel you. It's the new alcohol. Everyone is doing it so it must be good.

Ketamine all the way mate

I don't like this. Nobody should ever be allowed to have it.

>you tried.

Some people just have bad experiences with it, personally i find it great as a medicine and a recreational

I guess you're just a bitch. Who knew.

maybe, just maybe, it doesnt affect you in the same way it does others? i smoke everyday, have for 7 years, you think if those symptoms made themselves apparent id keep it up? fuck no.

although im not insecure or low confidence at all. nothing really makes me feel such. sounds like you are too mentally insecure for drugs. protip, getting drunk is just going to bring those insecurities forward as well; any drug but a dissociate will

Don't know about you man, but I've had nothing but good experiences while smoking.

This happens to me when I smoke sativas, try a CBD indica like critical mass or some Steven hawking kush.

>I can't handle my high therefore weed sucks

Please leave

If reef makes you feel like that you should stay away from shrooms.

Sounds more like you have issues you need to work out OP and not the weeds fault.

what about Acid?
I've heard of people hating weed from having bad paranoia from it but being fine on acid.

That's different. I don't know. If your ina good headspace any modarate amount of drugs should be ok

That's me always awesome trips on acid and high confidence and self esteem. I feel excellent smoking alone but to get a bit of anxiety when smoking with people.

i like all drugs. i just like this one the most cause it's the least likely to destroy my life

holy shit. this is the most accurate criticism against marijuana (wtf did i just say) i have ever read.

i'm still a ganja fan tho, i find the "sober" life unbearable. but still, this is exactly how i feel when i smoke. also it induces some nervousness-related stuff but it might just be me.

still, being high is good. especially if ur with friends, it makes u laugh at stupid things, which is good. well, occasionally.

try jacking off while high

Its called being weak minded. You don't have the mental fortitude to deal with drugs.

oh and, on the contrary to most people, it keeps me from sleeping which is bad i guess. i wish i could use it for sleeping better. i envy those who can..


I enjoy a joint every now and then, makes me relaxed and happy.

dont know about you OP
but when i toke, i chll, watch a flick, listen to some good tunes and this pretty much distracts me from anything else
oh and the munchies is the most satisfying part, one of the main reasons of why i smoke

It's not the right drug for you

I suggest trying opiates

lol. my engrishes are not that bade

less we forget that weed is also a psychedelic OP and you must be in a good set and setting to smoke up

I agree, i used to smoke the qacky tabaccy but was tired of feeling like i was in a fog.

Because it's shit tier.

I like myself so I don't use drugs, that shit's for losers. Disagreements to this are just denial, grow up and quit getting high.

Most people don't realize that weed is a concentration drug. If you change your focus, it can be amazing. Stoners often get sucked into the couch because it's where they are at the time. If you get your ass up and start a task, after about fifteen minutes you won't want to stop. Give it a try sometime.

Ketamine is pleb shit. You want a dissociative? Try some fucking 4meo PCP you faggot. And before you go "oh no I'm a faggot and it says PCP" 4meo is as related to PCP as ketamine is.

if you aren't used to it, it can be used to get an epic fap

if you are used to it, that first hit in the morning feels pretty good. Staying high for the rest of the day is a bit of a chore tho

>smoked a fat ass bong then ran a 5k

that's literally what I do when I wake up to get myself ready for the day

stoner =/= couch

That's why i like it, sorry for not clarifying.

Kids smoke it to be cool.
Used to be edgy, now it's socially accepted so everyone smokes it feeling slightly badass. Soon it'll be as normal as alcohol and the kids will be doing shrooms. I guarantee it.

There are at least 113 different cannabinoids isolated from cannabis, exhibiting varied effects, and each person reacts differently to them

you're one of the unlucky ones that gets anxiety as a result, but for alot of people the experience is the exact opposite

Get a better strain faggot.

OP clearly doesn't smoke weed everyday

ITT: you'll cowards don't even smoke crack

holy fucking shit. you literally described EXACTLY how it makes me feel... but i cant stop smoking it... i dont understand why im so addicted so something that brings me down so much.

Pot is more of a slow your roll kinda drug I like to over think and be quiet for a change maybe try doing it after a bussy day

not that i had the same experience as op..just trying to speak the native tongue.

cool it viper, were talkin to kids here, they don't know anything about the streets

Because drugs don't affect everyone the same. For one its a pleasurable experience for another it's anxiety incarnate

Allow me to make am analogy: you're a faggot with a seafood allergy saying no one else should eat seafood.

unrelated question from op, but i just started a tolerance break today. any idea how long i should abstain to get fucked up like i used to?

2 Weeks, 3 at most. You'll smoke 1 J and pass the fuck out.

Taking CBDs will elimiate most if not all of these negative effects you speak of and also increase the duration of euphoria.

Facing reality is so beta. And it takes a real man to have sex with man

It's weird because I've had experiences from smoking that made me feel like I was trapped in an infinite time loop and the only way to break out of it was by remembering some key word.

But I couldn't remember the key word so I'd just like grab on to someone and yell in their face that I was on drugs, hoping they'd calm me down.

Literally I had no idea who I was, where I was, when I was, or why I was.

If that's egodeath, and I experienced it off 1 blunt - I'm definitely not going to experience egodeath off shrooms or LSD that's deffo not for me.

Worst feeling ever.

I like it Because it's shit tier. i didn't have the same experience as you, op, I'm just trying to speak the native tongue.


>plant worldly know for chilling out
>smokes plants, feels badman
>must be the everybody else that's wrong and not me!
>blaming a plant for own insecurities

sounds to me like you're living in denial
and need to see a therapist you fucking faggot
and get your priorities straight

but this is common...
its why many people who get high off it don't like it and quit after their first real experience

you act like everyone loves the plant lol

Don't blame the drug for your own mental health issues.

Or they're just pretending to be a pothead.

It empowers me to be like Emperor Selassie, and connect with Jah.

hmm looks like I'm missing a bunch of
"this is bait" memes
incase you're actually suffering from some kinda fagdepression
no it's not common, everyone I know who smokes it, loves it, best mellow, chill with the friends drug

Long time pot smoker here. speaking from 15+ years of experience there is such an array of strains and each one makes you feel a little different than the other. Indica is a "couch-lock" kinda high, but Sativa perks you up like a cup o' joe. don't even get me started on the hybrids there is a plethora of different effects you can get it isn't the same kinda high for every bud you smoke

Soo..you guys haven't met, huh?

I think they already made yup their mind, it's in a tier..wink wink.

Critical thinking is good for evolution of technology. You just need to pay attention to the world and your hobbies when you're stoned and become more self accepting,

There are 18 pot plants I have and they're bigger than yours :D
Talking bout getting 8k a plant here guys

Most people who actually know anything about it and its glorious uses do love it.

Are they 10 foot tall plants?

i smoked it for a year during my junior year of high school

it was alright for the most part but some experiences ruined the way i perceived reality

still psychologically scarred by it. i wont be the same again

Like money :D

overprice much?

More like 5-7, very dense, they're in 200 gallon smart pots ;)

Lol, the yield is around 8k "bud"dy, haha.

Don't blame a plant with literally thousands of various uses cause your fragile little psyche couldn't handle it.

Now i just don't believe you

seems like proof is in order

What? Reel me in.

When I'm drunk I'm open af. When I'm high I hate dealing with people and feel overwhelmed. I used to smoke before but took a break due to drug testing. When coming back to it a year later it made my body feel shitty and made me paranoid af for some reason. Still does to this day but not as much as when I started again.


Do you still have trouble with the pain, or do the tampons go in more easily now?

went through a lot of fucked up stuff in my early childhood, and I really only opened up to myself about it when I was stoned laying in my bed.

besides that smoking when im depressed makes me laugh at stupid shit, contrary to drinking which just makes me more depressed

>become more self accepting

How do I do that? Weed shows me the problems and makes me confront them, ok, but how do I fix that so that my subconscious accepts myself?

Guys guys guys, easy now, I have some picturese of harvest last year

Not saying i can find cheaper, it's just not a difficult job, especially outdoors. So yeah, 4k/lb is overarching when someone as smarty as you can do so much more to make money while you literally watch grass grow.

Google "Uses of cannabis" Easy-peesy

Refer to

Living in northern Cali really fucked my perspective on weed prices

I too have had my perception forever skewed by an outside force.

It was as is the coming void of the universe screamed deathly silence at me, and I was afraid.

I'm trying to cope, and am doing okay. Progress is hard though.
Keep your hope and spirit high dude.

1,5k a pound

I get that it's more the "don't blame...because you're psyche couldn't handle it"
Your words

Seriously. And even with such cheap prices you still get some really good product.

Fucking kek

Yo Bruh, it's not the plant that brings up the bad thoughts; the plant just amplifies what you're already thinking. Be good with your shit and you'll feel better.

Beers still cheaper

arund 2.8k/lb here in mich.

OP, when you smoke weed, you have to accept that your ego and sense of control will inevitably take a loss. Its not as simple as weed= anxiety. I love weed and it still fucking kicks my ass if I toke too much and put my thoughts someplace that it didnt have the strength to be under that mindset. Thats the appeal for many, dude. Its showing you a glimpse of the raw perceptions of reality that are grander and less susceptible to your neat and orderly depictions of reality. You just gotta take it for what it is and try doing something that has little emotional input on
your part... like crafts or video games or reading or nature. Anything that dosent ask much of you. Then when you get brave you can go back to
scaring the shit out of yourself in more challenging scenarios.

nice post

You buy a pound of beer?

Or tobacco

hey guys. anyone have advice on depersonalization? when sober I have no personality but then when i smoke it comes back to me. scary stuff. feel like a walking corpse when sober.

also can anyone hook me up in 215?

I knew.

>when sober I have no personality but then when i smoke it comes back to me

You got the same problem as them?

You must be autistic or something

Feels good for me, makes everything better

Just keep toking until you get over it.

drug is a tool for the mind. all those things were there before you smoked.