I am drinking white russians for the 5th night in a row even though I planned not to drink anything tonight

I am drinking white russians for the 5th night in a row even though I planned not to drink anything tonight.

How do I identify whether this is actually developing an alcohol addiction or not?


Switch to jin and tonic and put on some frank sinatra

Drink some me see where it goes

See if it's difficult not to drink tomorrow night.

alcoholic here. if you've ever had to seriously consider cutting back on your drinking, that's a pretty good sign that you have a problem.

if you start considering you might have a problem, you probably already have a problem.

Doctors orders, give yourself a month no more drinking, then you can start drinking again.

Tomorrow night is Friday though. I never spend Friday nights sober. I guess I'll see how things go from after the weekend.

If drinking impacts your everyday life negatively you have a problem.

As long as you don't autoamatically speak russian you're fine.

If you don't consider sustained drinking stupid as fuck, you have a problem.

Partying hard intermittently with long periods between? Not a lush, no problem.

If your personality is "self pitying cunt" and you drink, STOP. All alcoholics are little bitches and it never gets better.

I love me a frosty libation and like to party, but alkys are shit human beings so do NOT become one.

It's a life of remarkably thorough misery.

>I never spend Friday nights sober.

Why not? Are you a slave?

Fuck it, stay hammered. I see your true situation of putting excuses for lushing over living.

Do something amusing for Sup Forums.

This fucking sucks.
I'm one of the people who used to say "Pfff I'm never gonna be addicted to anything." I am smoking cigarettes only when in social situations for like 8 years now without ever starting to feel addicted. I smoked weed a lot but always were able to just go without it.
And now here I am getting addicted to fucking alcohol? Feels bad man.

Problem for me is that I love coming home in the evening and having some tasty nice cool drink let alone only for the comfyness of it.

That's the interesting factor I guess because it does not impact my everyday negatively AT ALL. If at all it only affected my life positively.
And I only start drinking in the evening once I got everything I done that I need to have done.

I wonder if anyone is capitalising off selling this cardigan. I've only seen one person wear it, a girl on reddit uploaded an old photo of her dad wearing the same one.

Too soon to tell. You sound like you are aware of the potential for a problem on down the road, so that and your stated track record with others things scores in your favor of not a problem. Also, white russians are a pretty specific flavor profile ... you might get bored with it/tired of it too soon to have a problem with it.

>If your personality is "self pitying cunt" and you drink, STOP. All alcoholics are little bitches and it never gets better.
Not at all.
I only drink for the comfyness pretty much. And a bit for the effect.
But it's not because of self pitying or anything like that.

i know that feel, brah. last week i actually went from monday through wednesday without drinking for the first time in at least a year. it never feels like you're addicted until you try to stop

I feel this bro. I never feel the need for substances during the day, but it seems like these days I can't fucking fall asleep even without being drunk or stoned.
Then again my job is super high stress and I need to be focused to do it, but when I come home I drink, otherwise my mind just stays at work and I can't relax. Feels bad man

Is it a legit excuse if I only drink in the evening though?

It's how much you depend on it man. Unfortunatly alcohol dependency sucks, it's a vicious cycle that creeps into your life

eh, maybe. a drinking problem is a hard thing to concretely define. the fact that you are worried that you might have a problem leads me to think that you probably do. it's not bad now, but it will very slowly get worse. hell, i still usually wait until the evening to drink, i just have to drink every day