100 Medals... Looks like those fat, slow, lazy Americans just showing off that all they can do is eat burgers

100 Medals... Looks like those fat, slow, lazy Americans just showing off that all they can do is eat burgers.

>we dont have this thread every 4yrs

The athletes are in shape, you aren't. Now get off your computer you piece of shit and run 10 miles.

All your medals were won by negro's though

>Say it on a computer

This, stop being proud of something you have absolutely dont contribute in any way or form.

awful bait

Why the fuck do people put apostrophes when they try to spell a plural word

"absolutely dont" lol

You aren't seriously putting forth the proposition that Americans don't enjoy burgers are you? Because if you are, I have some very bad news for you...

>mfw europoors would make this thread if their country wasn't shit.

>mfw another reminder of the USA's superiority is hurting their butts

We're won by negro's what?

I think you fucked up in the "we're"

The USA 313 million people. 100 medals.
Australia 23 million people. 27 medals.

Well over 10x our population but not even 4x our medal tally.

And it's the same with most countries. If we all had such a huge population the USA would be way down in the rankings.

>mfw grammar is a lie



No, because America is not taking 10x more athletes to the Olympics than Australia.
America's team is composed of 555 athletes while Australia's is composed of 422. In other words America's Olympic team is 1.3 times bigger and has won 3.7 times more medals than Australia.

You idiot, those 555 come from a pool of 400 million people, ergo they are the most talented out of those 400 million. vs 422 most talented out of the 23 million.

Don't try explaining to morons, you'll just hurt yourself.

Having a bigger population doesn't guarantee that you'll produce better talents.

Apply that to Great Britain.

>Great Britain is the smalleat country in the top five.
>Took the least athletes.
>Is second.

Quality over quantity.

Exactly this. Messi, probably the greatest footballer of all time is from Argentina, a country of only 41 million. Meanwhile, China has 1.3 Billion people and produces fuck all for players

Nothing is guaranteed, but if we're specifically talking 400 million vs 23 million, the odds are 17x more likely to produce them.
You're 17x more likely to have somebody seriously contending for a medal.

There is almost cultural things that come into play. China doesn't have a big emphasis on football, but on the other hand Argentina produces fuck all ping pong players.

I don't think China has a thing for sports at all that aren't ranked high in the social order. Football is a sport built for poor people (factually.)

The parity is what gets me, its fucking insane that we have virtually equal medals in everything, we must be getting a medal in virtually every sport somewhere.

The most popular sport in North Korea is basketball, yet they are all shit

are you retarded or some shit


>who is Michael Phelps
>who is the most decorated Olympian of all time

Jesus Christ


Reminder that the first gold medal won by the USA was for shooting.

Most of our athletes are too busy making millions of dollars playing real sports. Either way, sports are fucking gay.

With air rifles at 10 meters.

If the shooting sports weren't all watered down to appease the damned no gunz pussies in Europe then we'd really own the planet.

Its a real pity, bolt action .308s at 500 meters would be pretty entertaining.

> of all time
I love that expression.
Acting like it's a surprising feat for an athlete from this era to beat someone from the past.

that's because these games aren't limited to one or a few countries. the international exhibition of athleticism that's been running since fuckin ancient Greece. of all time nigga.

>not surprising
>took over 2000 years to happen

> 2000 years of guided development in athletics techniques, tools and 'helper substances'
Yeah, I wonder how modern athletes do it ...

My point was that almost exclusively the modern athlete will be better than the previous one. So chances are if you're the current champion, you're the champion OF ALL TIMES!!!

and yet you were here to witness it being broken, never having seen the first champion. the fact that he's a champion living and winning in our time should be reason enough to praise lord phelps

Who gives a shit chineese chemist made youre athletes great.

So don't be proud of all sports teams, academic competition, your country, your military, your friends, the musicians of your country, your family, your language, your culture, your countries achievements. If you can't be proud of things you yourself didn't do most people wouldn't be able to feel pride, and even then only for certain things. That makes no godamn sense.

not to mention... some of them are even white!

You retarded?
user was clearly referencing the reletive size of each countries talent pool. It doesn't matter how many athletes the Muricans took, it matters how many potential athletes they had to choose from.
When adjusted for GDP too the USA drops to like 60th in the medal table for Rio.

Hmm, weird. Maybe people should do more things they can feel proud off, instead of leeching their pride from some institution they occasionally pay attention too.

I'll praise him once he saves me from drowning.

If Phelps had won that number of gold medals as a track and field athlete there would be no doubt about him being the greatest Olympian of all time. But he enters about 25 fucking races each time...

that goes for shitposting as well and we know how well australia does it