Sup Forums, why should I not kill myself?

Sup Forums, why should I not kill myself?
>no life whatsoever.
>never done anything with my life, failure at school
>19, virgin
>fat as fuck

You made it one year into adulthood and you're done?
You gotta try all the drugs first I mean why wouldn't you.

Yes please take the coward exit you piece of shit, don't even try to improve yourself. You're too lazy anyway

I mean, I guess. I'm a fucking pussy when it comes to that shit because I've had absolutely horrifying experiences in the past.

here ya go

It's not that I'm lazy. I just see no purpose in life at all, and with no purpose+0 self esteem, it's pretty fucking hard.

stop eating like a pig
get a construction job and stick with it

there both problems solved

If you're going to kill yourself you should at least do some bath salts and get naked in public screaming and braking shit and then fight the cops and or B. jump off a building with a rope around your nuts so before you hit the bottom the rope suspends you in the air by your dickle for everyone to see or it rips off

Not lazy? What have you accomplished?

>not even able to legally drink and wants to kill himself
wew lad
at least do what every other fucked up person does and resort to drugs, better than just offing yourself. Killing yourself is so fucking pointless its hilarious.

If you wouldn't dwell on the negative aspects of your life, you might realize life can be fun sometimes. Self loathing just leads you to being more depressed in the long run. And it makes people tend to avoid you, as a result.
Try to reroute your energy to positive things.
Give yourself positive reinforcement.
Get a shower, go outside and go for a brisk walk, say hi to a stranger, lift weights, go for a swim. Before you know it, you'll feel great, love yourself and life and others will be drawn to your positivity.

how much time do you spend in the sun?

Making up excuses doesn't help, take responsibility for your life and change it. No one can fix it but you

First of all OP, DONT GIVE A FUCK. Get an easy job and save up. Btw having sex is not as good as it seems when you are a virgin. Second of all, find an interest, do you like computers? sports? music? get hobbies, over time you will meet girls. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and gain some confidence, also, just work out man. walk, run , something

Dubs don't lie


There you go faggot. There's your reason. You're young and you have many years to make something of yourself. You might now. Actually, probably not, but you might as well ride this one out. Maybe if you weren't such a faggot you'd feel better about yourself. Instead of bitching on Sup Forums, scratch that, being on Sup Forums why not go for a jog? That'll fix your fat as fuck problem. I'm not even say run a marathon, just go for a three minute walk, jog for two minutes at a steady pace, then walk for another three. Rest a day and do it again, pushing yourself maybe another thirty seconds or a minute. And if you suck at school, maybe just put some more effort into it you dumbfuck. School is fucking easy as shit. Even my dumb as fuck Mexican class mates could do well. Yeah, fucking ghetto ass Pedro that has to speak Spanish at home because his abuela can't speak English for shit did better than you. Why? 'Cuz he put some effort into it. Put down the videogames, or anime, or whatever you waste your life doing and study and do your homework. And do it well, look up the answers and keep on trying until you can actually do that shit right every time. Listen to some music, that'll help. Maybe if you drop some pounds and become smart enough to not be a drain on society, people will actually become attracted to you. Probably not the girls in a sexual way, cuz you're still a disgusting faggot and all, but you might make some friends at least. Then a girl in that friend group with low enough self esteem might fall for you. Then after that, you might feel good enough about yourself to do something with your life. Maybe not something worthy of even a glance but something to call your own. Or you could just continue being a faggot on Sup Forums. Don't know why you'd choose that, but you probably will. Asshole.


come on faggots OP has textbook depression he is just venting, why play into this delusional thinking.

Get a job or maybe a profession

I mean, I'm not going to deny the truth to that at all. It's all completely 100% true.

Issue is, I just don't give a fuck and my issues won't just magically fix themselves but I just haven't found a reason to give a damn other than I don't have a gf.

Lmao. Life hasn't even begun to fuck you yet.

what the fuck kind of advice is this..."or maybe a profession"...only an idiot could say this.