/wend/ - Venedi general

"This is not /rus/" izdanje

A thread for all Slavs willing to write in the Latin script, avoid the Cyrillic and the Russian snobs for some fucking Slavic solidarity".

Why does eastern orthodoxy make countries poor and uncivilized?


Dobra nit čsi

Objasni kraticu "čsi"?
What does it stand for?

>A thread for all Slavs willing to write in the Latin script
Ebal ya v rot vashy latinicy, ny ladno, bydy pisat' na nej.
Tak sojdet idi chto?

Če sem iskren (to be honest)

It is hard to understand the Cyrillic for some posters, and the flood of Russian posts is discouraging. Especially your slang. I understand a good part of Russian but you constantly use slang

>Bosna crvena

>he actually made a /wend/ thread
absolutny szaleniec

This. Cyrilic I can handle. Prison slang, not.
Thanks btw.

>Bosna in Šverctrgovina
>kaj drugega kot rdeča

>literal country that invented cyrillic
>east slavs
>Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia
>invited in pro-latin thread

ah, didn't understand the map properly, nevermind

Greece invented cyrillic

what the literal fuck

>I understand a good part of Russian but you constantly use slang
Russian language is such a difficult because we didn't use same words more than 1 time per text/sentence.
Simple words + 1-2 old words (probably from the Russian Empire/USSR/Fucking Dark Age times) + prison/hood slang (Sometimes) + Russian board slang + couple of untranslatable swear words + Russian folk words + bunch of shitty old school words and phraseologisms etc.
Shit, I just realized how is Russian lang hard to translate and understand for foreigners.

Cyrillic is just dumbed down Greek alphabet

Čirilo i Metidje ba kako ne kontas

Mexican mestizos are literally more latin

Da, da. Pozabio sam
Mislim da i mi, Čakavci, imamo "ke"

Gremo se razumit nas dva, ko človiki. Tu smo z jubavi, nima priše. Jaz pišem v čakavski i zanima me koliko dosli razumiš? Pensaš, lahko bi to pribra? Virješ ili ne, to je kako se parla v našah dalmatinskah hiža.

Čiril i Metod, pravi Srbi bili, nemoj tako!

Opinions about głagolica?
I find it to be very aesthetic, but also rather impractical.

>ćirilo i metodije
bravo care

same goes for latin though

Glagoljica master race

inb4 ustaša


Razumem skoraj vse, samo
>Pensaš, lahko bi to pribra?

Even California mestizos are more latin

>>ćirilo i metodije
>bravo care
Glup si.To nikad nisam reko.Znam da je čirilicu napravio čirilov student,ali glagolica je bila osnova i oni su uspostavili i unaprijedili naš jezik

A Slovak in my thread
A kdi si, brate

ueu tip, reče se CIRIL

glagoljica je zasnovana na mešavini grčkog brzopisa i hazarskog pisma; ćirilicu su sastavili metodijevi učenici na osnovu grčkog ustava. ne lupaj gluposti, ako već ne znaš

Tu som :)

>ćirilicu su sastavili metodijevi učenici na osnovu grčkog ustava
Bila su brača,i htjeli su da dovedu pisment ovdje Sta seres čij je učenik bio.Čak i ako su bili Metodijevi učenici bila su brača i učili su istu stvar.

Ćirilo i Metodije su bili poslati u Veliku Moravsku (grubo rečeno današnja Slovačka sa okolinom). Ćirilo je umro u Rimu, a Metodije je nastavio misiju kod kneza Kocelja (Blatenska kneževina, današnja zapadna Mađarska). Metodije je kasnije, na poziv iz Bugarske, prešao tamo. Niti jedan niti drugi nisu doveli pismenost ovde.

Pensaš - "Pensare" (To think)
"Pribrat" - "To understand"

Višnji Gospod vede, pocen smo spreminjali naš jazik za tu štokavsku-murlašku besidu. Aj, muoj Slovenac, razmiš ti iča? Meni se vse parit ja uov je jazik kigodar bi potribali parlat v Harvaško

Mogu pisatj po-russki latinicej, kak budto vam ot etogo stanjet ljegche.

Where are the Czechs?

Sry...drunk in pub

On a Monday/Tuesday?
Quite troublesome...

Hello, /wend/? Hope you are alive and well

Čakavščina in kajkavščina sta izredno zanimivi čsi

Кaквo дa ти кaжa бpaтo.
Te нe ни paзбиpaт и ги бoли дyпeтo, чe нe пишeм нa лaтиницa.

He, чe нe мoжeм, aми e oбиднo кoгaтo e пoд тaкъв пpeдтeкcт.

Pretty normal.

Don't feel bad for being drunk in a pub, feel bad for lurking Sup Forums while drunk in a pub.

halo halo
tak tak

Naravski. Ima nič podobni međ naših jazikah, šigur
Težko je sdaj iskat podrobno, kašno je, no harvaški se čudo spreminjal ot 19. štoletja
Tako kak jaz pišen su parlali naši človiki v starih letah
Odkril sam včerah jen slovar/besidar čakavskih besidah...puno trešantno
Kmalo ću vzet jen trešantan libar z 17. štoletja
Uffff, kurbu ti fukam


I'm afraid there isn't enough wends on this site to keep the thread going, but Croatian and Slovene posters are always welcome in /v4/

Cyril and Methodius invented the Glagolic alphabet, after their death their students Kliment and Naum Ohridski (who were Macedonians from the city of Ohrid) invented the Cyrillic alphabet. Come on this is first grade history material, how can you guys be so uneducated.

petuhi ebanie v rot vam ssal

Zdravím. Nie je to ideálne, ale dá sa.

Wends weren't Slavic, actually. They were Finns.

>A Finnish historian, Matti Klinge, has speculated that the words "Wends" or "Vandals" used in Scandinavian sources occasionally meant all peoples of the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea from Pomerania to Finland, including some Finnic peoples. The existence of these supposed Finnic Wends is far from clear. In the 13th century there was indeed a people called Wends or Vends living as far as northern Latvia around the city of Wenden and it is not known if they were indeed Slavs as their name suggests. Some researchers[who?] suspect a relationship with Finnic-speaking Votians.

The Wend was made to serve the German and Dane

Literally kill yourself you danish piece of shit

Wow compelling

Чтo пидopы, дyмaли cмoжeтe yйти oт нac?

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Slovanski kurvi