Is there any album more emotionally destroying than this one

is there any album more emotionally destroying than this one

oh my fucking god please stop

only this one

probably the single greatest rap album of the last 2 decades

its not rap you fucking retard

what is it then

It's basically Death Grips for christians

fuck off you sore loser
it's more rap than literally all the crap you listen to

Alternative hip-hop.


My little sister listens to this stuff, it sounds like justin beiber why is it Sup Forumscore?

>emotionally destroying

Joke's on you Tyler. All this album did was make me feel better about myself because I'm not you.

This one OP.


It's ironic Sup Forumscore, memed by people who want everyone to know that they have better taste than teenage girls.


Stop it




This one OP.