Any police fags on here? I want to be a cop, but I have some skeletons in my closet

Any police fags on here? I want to be a cop, but I have some skeletons in my closet.

I've smoked weed 3 times in my life. Once when I was 16. 2 times when I was 18. I know there's a polygraph test before they hire you. I know one of the questions is about drug/Marijuana usage. I don't intend to lie. What are my odds of being hired? Is there a chance they'll look past it since I'm honest? Or will they shut me down anyway?


If that's seriously all you got then you are ahead of the curve bud. To become a cop here in Canada you can't have smoked pot in the past 3 years from the date of your application.

I imagine if you're a white male it's iffy depending on the department, but I assume it's possible. I think they interview people you know also to get an idea of your character.

It really helps to be black now, and possibly a woman.

Do you think it's similar in the US?

I'm a bit of a moralfag. I felt guilty everytime I did it. For whatever reason, that guilt won't leave. I feel like I've got to make up for it, which is what sent me down this law enforcement path. I don't want to waste all this money on CJ classes and then find out I can't get hired because of what I've done.

You lie. You tell them you've never done it. They'll test you, you're clean, no harm no foul.
They're going to make you feel like you've done something wrong, and that you need to fess up. They'll convince you that if you fess up, you'll have complete amnesty. But you've never smoked before. Ever. There's nothing to confess. Understand, OP?

>I don't know what a Polygraph is

OP you need to actually convince yourself that you haven't ever smoked pot. It's pretty simple, just don't think about it, and don't stress it. Go in with the mindset of "yea i did it but these niggers will never know", and absolutely destroy everything else.

You guys know polygraph tests are basically a scam right?

They can detect signs of nervousness, but not signs of 'lying'. The reason that they work is because you THINK they work - therefore you are much more likely to confess to something because you think you're stuffed anyway.

If you can't outsmart a polygraph, you shouldn't be holding a gun.
If polygraphs actually mattered, we wouldn't have a judicial system.
If you fess up to doing drugs, you don't get the career you want. Or at least you have to fill out stupid waivers, and that's a waste of time for everybody.

Take a look at your local police website and look under the job section (if it has one) it should tell you the requirements on joining including drug use. seriously they won't give a shit about you smoking pot 2 or 3 times. just don't lie about it like the dumbass suggested.

Not how this works. I have friends who are cops who tried to convince me to become a cop. I had the same concerns as OP. They care more about honesty than they do about OP smoking a few times. Be honest on the polygraph OP.

I can tell you first hand it's the same in the states. Are you looking at county/state/fed?

Generally as long as it's not within the last 3-5 years you're fine, but they'll ask about drug use for the last 10 years.


I've been turned down for a job as a PA because I've admitted to using drugs recreationally. I've also been asked by my current employer if I've ever used drugs recreationally, and I've said "no". Food for thought.

Polygraphs can be cheated and are frequently inconclusive. It just measures heart rate and blood pressure I think, and these are GREATLY variable to begin with. It's basically a good cop bad cop thing, the good cop (the guy giving the test) asks a question, if he thinks you're lying he'll say your readings are off and see if you get nervous and your readings get worse. Go into it calm and relaxed, practice your lies and stick to them.

But honestly, 3X pot use is not bad.....

but here's what you should really consider, there are HUNDREDS OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS for every one cop job. It does not pay well for the most part and any other skilled trade will pay better after you've been at it for a bit.

Anymore, there are so many applicants for every one job, that you MUST have something that distinguishes you on your record. Either a stint in the military (nearly all cops are former military) and/or a criminal justice degree (a two year crim justice degree is fine). The truth is that the application may say that you don't need military or a degree but almost ALL cops have them.

Next thing, do you have any *serious* skeletons in your closet? Because any cop application will explore your history *thoroughly*.... and some things may be dredged up that you wish they weren't. Then if you become a cop and get busted for your vices, you will be fucked and/or murdered if you aren't kept in adseg (hyper protected wing of prison), cops in prison are even primer real estate than chomos.

If you aren't squeaky clean, don't consider it. Also, if you aren't former military with a criminal justice degree, you won't be picked. If you aren't ultra fit, you won't be picked. I know there are many fat middle aged officers, but they want new recruits to basically be able to run several miles continuously. Can you?

The spotlight and scrutiny will be on you as a cop (or even as an applicant) and things that may otherwise slip under the radar will be notice

Don't have much info but I'll share what I've been told from police family members

Becoming an auxiliary officer doesn't hurt, gives you some experience which they like

Apply everywhere and dont expect to get a job quick, took some family members a fair amount of time to get hired.

Good luck OP

I really can't believe I typed out virtually the whole application process and what needs to be done without so much as a thank you.

I need to stop giving out thoughtful advice on Sup Forums and just start posting fucking spiderman.

Look. I'm not cheating the Polygraph. I am a fantastic liar. But I doubt I can beat a machine.

I plan to start taking Criminal Justice this year. Military is probably going to happen. I'm thinking Army.

No *serious* skeletons. I have no records. Not even traffic violations. Aside from the weed(I was never caught) I'm squeaky clean.

I'm pretty fit.

My step-father is the right hand man of the guy in charge. I don't know if him vouching for me will help.

you can beat a machine based on pseudoscience.

Lmao cop entitlement. Get fucked

Turn up to the interview and tell them you couldn't hit the broadside of a barn from ten feet with a shotgun and don't know right from wrong.

Here's the thing, the polygraph just measures heart rate and blood pressure, IT CANNOT TELL IF YOU'RE LYING JUST IF YOU'RE NERVOUS. But yeah, 3X smoking pot is not a deal breaker, you may as well just tell them.

It's a good cop bad cop routine. The good cop (test giver) is your friend and just wants you to get through, the machine is the one who's gonna call you a liar, and they'll fuck with you. On virtually everyone, they'll linger on discussion of your vices, say the machine is giving some strange readings and just see if they get stranger. They're just detecting your nerves, nothing else. But if they get you to confess anything major or change your story up, then they'll know you're a liar. Just stick to your guns and be calm, then you win. The test doesn't measure shit, but people THINK that it can detect lying, so they dig their own graves.

And the next question, you ARE on Sup Forums, which means you've likely seen some shit, even if it was accidental. They may see your web habits and Sup Forums alone may bring some uncomfortable questions.

There was a guy just a couple months ago interested in being a cop. He got to the polygraph and they asked him about Sup Forums (they do have your web records), he mentioned that he saw loli on here, they grilled him about it, frequency that this happens, etc.... and guess what, he's likely under investigation now because he just browses Sup Forums.

So there's what I mean, squeaky clean means squeaky fucking clean. Even if you've visited areas of the web where you may have accidentally seen a thumbnail that can be construed as intentional and this will not go well.

polygraphs dont work and everyvody knows it

Polygraph is a shitty machine. It's like beating the shit out of a toaster

>I'm a bit of a moralfag. I felt guilty everytime I did it. For whatever reason, that guilt won't leave
Nigga you won't last as a cop. No offense. You will make mistakes, bad calls, and might have to shoot underage anons when they go on a shooting spree. If you feel bad about smoking a plant everything else will eat at you relentlessly.

Shut up you retarded faggot. No one made you get on this thread or type anything up.

Is this seriously a concern
Are you seriously a real person
Or is this a bait thread being taken way too far as usual

>polygraph test
It's a confession bait for fools, not real at all. Just lie they can't actually tell the difference unles you give it away with facial expressions or being stupid.