Couple hockey players come up the produce stand the other day

Couple hockey players come up the produce stand the other day.

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I'm CIA.


buddy you couldn't wheel a fuckin' tire down a hill

>tucked in with no belt

welcome to canada

Your cousin put a catfish in your glove box because he heard you called him a fucking dial tone on the internet

you come in enough men for both of us

>nice onesie does it come in men's
>I think you come in men enough for all of us

Your friend had a clear win in a scrap with a skid the other night but he put on chapstick right after which makes it a draw really.

You're fuckin' ten ply bud.

This is what most of Ontario is like outside of the big cities.

Your friend thinks his girlfriend is sexy when she's wearing his underwaer. What's he trying to accomplish?

Your buddy shows up at the bar with only 20 dollars for Big Buck Hunter, pedestrian showing.

dirty fuckin' dangles boys

I live in BC and basically every single hockey player is like this. I love Canadian bantz though.

BC'er as well, can confirm. It's almost scary how right they got it.

Your little cousin put a stink bomb inside a nerf gun and fired it at his bus driver. Fuck, no more kids table with those big boy moves.

You take your gal into Pizza Delight for a nice supper and there were two kids birthday parties in there huckin' fuckin' crayons around.

Alberta. Show is too comfy.

desu I didn't like the first episode. It was too awkward, you could tell it was made by amateurs, and the sister was too valley girl for my tastes.

But the show grew on me. It's definitely different, the shots are really stationary and feel like a modern-classical painting almost. And the sister grew on me.

It's a hard life pickin' stones and pullin' teats but sure as God's got sandals it beats fightin' dudes with treasure trails.

Cuz I buy pants the fuckin fit

I love you

Those are some very sloped shoulders, dude is basically triangular

Pump the brakes, bud.

The dude looks like he was chiseled by Michelangelo himself

What does pickin stones refer to?

btw the captcha for this post was fucking Tim Horton's


Great day for hay eh

man's got a neck like a fuckin pot roast if he called my sister a slut I'd still fight him but I'd call the hospital in advance, book a bed

Stay away from my sister


Pommy cunts

Tims, McDonalds and the Beer Store are all closed on Christmas Day and that's about your whole fuckin' world right there.

Tim's, McDonalds and the beer store are all closed on Christmas day, and that's aboot your whole fuckin' world right there.

yooooo buddy great minds think alike.

You drove down to buffalo to watch the leafs play and sure gas is cheap but fuck, if they don't even have any all dressed chips in that shithole.

I kind of hope Season 2 has some of the boys do a cameo

Canadian here. Tim's is always open Christmas day. You'd get some blueberry muffins to go with the eggnog.

Fruit explosion and a double double, you fucking ChiCom

As a proud chicken farmer you feel entitled and obligated to say that the chicken salad sandwich at Tim's is a fuckin' joke.

>What does pickin stones refer to?
Fields need to be cleared of large stones so they can be seeded without damaging equipment.

>"You guys do crossfit?"
>"You can cross-fuck off"

Cross fart.

Here's a tip, its hard to get tuna outta yur dickhole.

Weird show - gets the humor 50% right - the other 50% are the gay jokes that they won't allow on air


That fucking neck

It IS a fine day for hay. What's it to ya?

Boys. Boys. Quit talkin' the same. What do you share a set of testicles and a tongue?

it's not even the quips that are funny, it's the little bs between them that cracks me up


I think you mean chirpz

fun fact that guy was a hockey player

What fuckin' Satanic clown orgy did you just crawl out of?