Hey /b

Hey /b,

Post your top 3 champs and let /b guess your rank

Mid main EUW

Froggen fanboy bitch. Probably bronze 5 you fucking shitter TSM TSM TSM TSM

Nope. I don't actually like froggen, but found anivia to be a safe pick that can carry easily, but is hard to master

>league of lesbians

mid silver - low gold

Jungle main EUW here

silver 2 because ur a noob and only have 80k mastery on your most played champ

good guess friend,

Silver 3. Only started playing a few months back, gone from bronze 2 to silver 3 in a few weeks, trying to get out

I'll assume you're silver 1/gold 5


>M7 Anivia
how the living fuck

silver 3, but dont assume, could have been a smurf account

plat 2, my guess




Played for 5+ years, was my first moba. Reached Diamond 5 season 4 then quit.
Wished I started out playing Dota 2 first. Truly a better MOBA

Stuck in diamond 5 forever... why the silver / gold guess? Made it easy showing border + icon, damn.

didn't pick up on it, only looked at the champions, very few masteries on the champs is all

if you played it for 5 years, enjoy the fucking time you played it and stop being a spoiled little faggot.

Savage, Fan of lucian and vayne, fun adc's. Cait is boring as fuck

cait is super fun imo

OP here,

How can you honestly play a game for 5 years, I get bored after like 6 months. Hoping league is different because of ranked and the different champs, but sheesh


> :^)

Just seems like a farm lane until they fuck up and you make use of it, least lucian and vayne have the ability to engage

Maybe nigger gave it away


I'd bet on Gold I
Diamond 3

If I used any word other than nigger it wouln't have banned me

No chat restriction or warning or 14 day either lol just the straight perma


can't tell if cancer silver yasuo, or challenger tier graves

I'll give you a clue. I only play yas when I do normals with mates and my main got banned like half a year ago.

yeah, wont always warn you, bought an account off G2A while my main was on a two week ban, came on one day before main was unbanned and the bought one got banned, no warning or anything

graves can be cancer or good, mostly shit KD, but I'll go for gold 2

close, im d2

Nice satanic trips.

D3 atm euw

My grind to diamond was finally put to rest. After 6 demotions from plat 1 and 2 failed diamond promos lost after game 5.

Really wish they gave me a perma like way earlier so i would've just quit or gave me a temporary suspension.


> On wrong device, can't post screenshot

one above got 555


Damn, Im aiming for plat as my first seasons goal, trying ot go from bronze 2, im silver 3 atm, but honestly I can carry most games until one lane feeds and they snowball. Wish i was in high elo to see how I'd play



You'd probably get popped in lane unless you're really good at laning, in which case you'd make mistakes mid-late game. Trust me, everyone is held back by themselves.

> zac
> raka
> cho

I'm just glad you're gone. Cunts like you are the reason I don't let my kid play this fucking game. You wanna be a shitmouthed little motherfucker? Go to Sup Forums. Keep this shit out of lol.

I am the guy you replied to. Honestly, low/mid diamond is pretty much the same as bronze or silver. People egos get in the way which results in a shitty game. It only gets better once ur d1 or higher but I still need to figure out how to get there.

where do you even mainahh right, I do make mistakes and I know it, im reducing them game by game, but honestly ive had games with 20+ kills, roamed and snowballed lanes, but they lose it due to not listening

Dunno. My best advice is to take 1v9 champion and pressure objectives. Take something like jax and push towers hard af.

Guessing you about upper silver.

Kindred 7
Nocturne 6
Vayne 4

plat 5
gold 3

silver 2-4

I play Top/Bot, don't main a role, just play whatever fits the champs i like, i play support whenever i play with friends since none of them ever do

Just hit silver 2 yesterday :)



plat 4

no one will guess

bronze 4

silver 3
gold 2
bronze 3

fagoots im bnot bronze



>dynamic preference
> ;^)
xiao wei xiao still at it I see.

keke lee is life


haha rekt

bottom 150 challenger players
>dynamic queue

still bronze to me LUL

37th Challenger

close but flattered

even if i was fkn arcsecond u guys would still find a way to bm get to my level then talk xiae waie xiao is a a scrub

I'm not near my computer but my top three are

>m7 Leona
>m6 Blitz
>m6 Singed

112 mastery

Sorry for no picture.

Started 1-2 months ago and i usually random, can i be challenjour?

k hashitshit LUL

Not sure how ekko is still in my top 3 but guess away.

silver 3 or 4


judge me faggots

120k mastery 7 amumu.
100k mastery 5 Braum.
80k mastery 6 Volibear.

Rate me, shitters.

563k on tf
98k on luc
123k on zed

what elo am i

Plat v?


Lemme guess, you play support Annie and you build 200+ ap?

Biggest faggot in this thread, lol
Wood tier

yea im gold lol



lol hes high elo ican tell or gold

Silver II

Support Main on OCE

Did I win