Calling all med fags so 5 days ago i fell from one story and the pain only lasted for 2 days now with little that...

calling all med fags so 5 days ago i fell from one story and the pain only lasted for 2 days now with little that little bursitis as you can see can now there a bunch of the yellow shit around so should i go the doctor

That's trapped pus.
Go take a needle and let it out.

could be jaundice.

Had same thing

Went to doctor

Woke up with this

That's just bruises, silly

its called a bruise retard

that yellow ness is a bruise stop being a pussy

these dubs say it's aids

To sum up what everyone if saying without being rude.

Bruises turn yellow in late stages, tissue underneath is healing, and will heal on its own with time and will not require any treatment at all.

There is no way to speed up this process. Just chill/relax.

they're lying. it's a contusion

Not really.

I thought that was a large penis at first.

Technically heat will increase circulation and speed up the healing process. Best bet for OP is a hot bath and warm compress. But there's really no reason to.

Who taught you that word?
I see no contusion,
You're a moron.

lol thank you im high right now and i just looked at it for the first time

If the joint doesn't hurt when you use your arm no biggi.

Is the hair in that area falling out or easy to pull out?

3 years med school. I'm diagnosing you with a case of serious retard. please pay the nurse on the way out

The yellow thing is your bone marrow leaking through microfractures in your bones. You need to get that fixed asap, if you lose all of them your body won't be able to create new blood cells.

Is your nurse also your secretary? You sound like you'd make a shitty doctor. Can't even tell the difference between professions. Maybe you should have went to business school instead.

whoops, I am pretty bad. you're not retarded, just autistic

>3 years med school

>3 months pregnancy
>changing diapers

>being this stupid

>game 1/3 installed
>starting campaign