If the earth is constantly rotating, why don't we all feel dizzy?

If the earth is constantly rotating, why don't we all feel dizzy?

Checkmate, athiests.

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because, faggot

Earth spins on its axis once in every 24-hour day. At Earth’s equator, the speed of Earth’s spin is about 1,000 miles per hour (1,600 kph). The day-night has carried you around in a grand circle under the stars every day of your life, and yet you don’t feel Earth spinning. Why not? It’s because you and everything else – including Earth’s oceans and atmosphere – are spinning along with the Earth at the same constant speed.

Think about riding in a car or flying in a plane. As long as the ride is going smoothly, you can almost convince yourself you’re not moving. A jumbo jet flies at about 500 miles per hour (about 800 km per hour), or about half as fast as the Earth spins at its equator. But, while you’re riding on that jet, if you close your eyes, you don’t feel like you’re moving at all. And when the flight attendant comes by and pours coffee into your cup, the coffee doesn’t fly to the back of the plane. That’s because the coffee, the cup and you are all moving at the same rate as the plane.

If you’re drinking coffee in a steadily moving car or airplane, no problem. But if the car or plane speeds up or slows down, your coffee sloshes and maybe spills. Likewise, as long as Earth spins steadily, we can’t feel it move.

good point im converting to a Muslim

trips dont lie


both his facts and his trips


Because it's speed is fairly constant and you didn't pay attention in school

Bait. No one is this stupid

people on Sup Forums believe the earth is flat lmao

the earth is flat

checkmate sphere earthers

no it deffo rotates

i smoked so much weed and got so obliterated once, decided to take a hit of acid (a 100ug blotter paper)

30 minutes pass or so and i literally felt the earth's rotation

i blacked out after throwing up from motion sickness

If the earth was flat, satellites would not orbit the Earth and allow you to shit post on Sup Forums

satellites aren't real, you can't see them from earth

internet is wired on earth no satellites needed.

If you try to measure earth spin do it from a a plane but it has to go opposite. Just watch how fast water is if it is land. Winner logic!

You can though

yeah that happened to me before on 3 grams of shrooms

i never blacked out, just felt sick to my stomach and had a bad trip induced because of my nausea


>If the earth is constantly rotating, why don't we all feel dizzy?
because the gods don't want us to feel dizzy while on a spinning Earth

Checkmate, atheists and monotheists.

No you can't, those are stars, all nasa lies.

Fucking druggies, get out of this thread.

double dubs tells the truth

junkies have no place in scientific conversation, go back to being an introverted schizophrenic