What are the most popular games in your country?

What are the most popular games in your country?



Hungary csgo

CSGO/Overwatch I'd guess. How am I supposed to be sure though?

>nerf Zarya
>kneejerk nerf Road/D. Va despite D. Va having a hard counter and the problem being Ana

>Reinhardt never been nerfed despite being used in 100% of matches

does the balance lead have a hardon for Reinhardt?

Fucking Tigole Biggies

Hmmm, don't know actually. Probably gears of war

Arma 3
War thunder

League of Legends or Overwatch

Can you blame him?

I use reinhardt myself in ranked but not because I like him, because he's busted as fuck

he's boring as shit though and I wish he wasn't so good so the meta would shift

also non-useless mercy when?

That's because the game is literally designed around every team having a Reinhardt and a Lucio. Meanwhile there are characters like Widow and Torbjorn who only exist because they were ripped from tf2 and don't fit into the game at all.

It doesn't really matter though since there's nothing stopping people from always picking the 6 best characters in any given situation. Overwatch will never be balanced.

not true the must have support is ATM ana

reinhardt has never lost his god status

lots of characters fill niches in overwatch so it can be balanced, problem is Blizzard doesn't want to alienate their precious casual fanbase that can't handle characters like junkrat or bastion despite them being shitty so no buffs

Overwatch is shit.
i fucking hate playing with these autistic gooks.

League of Legends or CS:GO

Jeff Kaplan said Reinhardt is picked 16% of the time in game. Don't judge the balance of the game solely on pro games. Also, if you're not at least Master your opinion does not matter.

is that 16% only for ranked or all the other modes? I find that extremely hard to believe considering he's both easy to play and really good in comp appealing to everyone

Don't know. Also, being common doesn't mean he's OP. The AK-47 is super common in CSGO but it sure as hell isn't OP.

Ana is OP, but so is D.VA. Hook 2.0 is retarded, but Hog still needed a nerf.

>Reinhardt never been nerfed despite being used in 100% of matches
Reinhardt is an absolute. Either he will be picked most of the time, or pretty much never. Unless you rework his entire kit.

Don't play shit games. You have only one life to live.

>D. va OP

just pick Zarya and hold left click

I don't think Hog is OP either, the problem with both of them is Ana's retarded support.

the case with both of them is again casuals can't adapt

I'm grandmasters you tit. D.VA is overpowered. Her shield Matrix has made some heroes literally unplayable. Her armor/health ratio is ludicrous.

>just pick Zarya and hold left click
Being able to negate her shield matrix (not cancel it, just do damage through it) is not enough to counter D.VA. She can just fly away from a Zarya without taking any damage.

>I don't think Hog is OP either
Hog's cooldowns are too small. That's literally it. Hooks should be made consistent which is a buff/nerf. Granted, Roadhog isn't that op as he is easy to kill.
> with both of them is Ana's retarded support.
Quite literally false. Ana is too powerful, but it isn't all her.

>the case with both of them is again casuals can't adapt
You're literally retarded. The 3-2-1 meta is the easiest meta this far. It's the most casual friendly.

>D.va isn't OP
My nigga
If you aren't completely shit, D.va can be nigh-on unkillable. A friend and I were boosting some guy's accounts and people literally could not kill me as D.va, not even in diamond.