How do we solve the refugee crisis?

How do we solve the refugee crisis?

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Solve a lot of other problems.

You're not wrong. But where do we begin?

Set up concentration camps and ghettos?

stop letting them in

No one will listen to your opinions until you do something that draws national attention.

You start by making the world listen to you by force.

Send anyone who identifies as muslim back to the desert and then blow up the desert.

Boom, the world is a much happier less scary place


Spread a killer virus that only kills non-whites.

Rally up the true patriots of the country and slughter the mudslimes in the streets

Start by not poking your noses in other people's lands, no us/nato-led war = no refugees.

That's about 40 years to late m8

set up "fun camps" for all muslims currently in the country and their children and make have gunships shoot down anyone else that tries to come in

Build the wall you fucking retard.

Send them all back and make them fight their own battles

What about elderly and children? Are they supposed to fight too? Rust would be the cut off?

Let them fix their shitty countries that they ruined


yeah if they have to retard.

Well, as you sow, so as you reap.

Germans are still called nazis, so are Japanese & Italians blamed for genocides of about a 70 years-past-crime. Turks, Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis, Russians, Koreans, etc.. the list goes on.
And there can't be anything such as "too late". America is suffering the consequences of having had slavery still. When slavery was abolished, the pre-slaves weren't given lands or proper jobs, which meant they remained poor, and hence had to resort to crimes. This led to the police targeting black people, and one has a huge problem on their hands.

Killing them would be a good start

They don't have to literally fight but if necessary then yes. Elderly could be used for brains, taking care of soldiers, preparing supplies, etc. Children could do the same or even fight as well.

Kony pls go

Woops meant the image for
for the decent response. Didn't expect much out of b but I was surprised

But my ancestors came here just as poor as them, were discriminated against and didn't turn to crime. I grew up poor and didn't resort to crime, I made a little business for myself in high school to buy my clothes and food. You can't blame being a terrible citizen on being poor.

Child soldiers have always been around. It wasn't until there was an abundance of people did it stop, which is actually pretty recently even in the U.S. so in 3rd world counties it's not a big deal

Yes, being poor doesn't mean being a terrible citizen. However, there were ghettos and segregation, both of which are breeding grounds for crime.
In most countries, crime usually occurs when a bunch of unemployed, poor and discriminated-against bunch of lads are put in a ghetto.

I will take that compliment. Also OP did pick up a good topic (instead of how do we get rid of refugees, he said, how do we solve)

It's still barbaric to use children in warfare. I don't like the idea of them having to fight for something they had nothing to do with or know nothing about. It's can drag ears on with people not even understanding what they're fighting for.

Kids not knowing what they are fighting for reminds me of the 5-monkey experiment:

To quote Somni-451: Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.
