This is flawless

This is flawless.

I don't give a fuck about gays.
I don't give a fuck about lesbians.
I don't give a fuck about bisexuals.

Transgenders are sick in the head. If I ran around screaming "I'M A DOG!!!" and wanted a tail to be surgically attached to me, and barked all the time, pissed up lamp posts and shit in the street, 'd be thrown in a fucking asylum, like these sick fuck transgender pieces of shit should be.

Why the fuck do we accept this!? They're mentally ill. They need serious psychiatric help.

Other urls found in this thread:

nice b8 m8.

How is this bait? I'm starting a discussion as to why people think something so fundamentally wrong is allowed.

I don't care that it is "allowed"
They can do whatever the fuck they want.
The only thing I have a problem with the morons expecting others to cater to their insanity.

You wanna chop off your dick and pretend you're a girl?
That is your right.

But don't expect me to call you that. You are just a crazy guy that cut off his dick as far as I'm concerned.
That is my right.

nice b8 m8

Brain damaged spotted.

See this is what I'm getting at. I'm a UKfag and employers have an actual QUOTA for this shit; they have to have so many disabled/transgender/homosexual people in certain workplaces. LGBT or what the fuck ever. Who you put your dick in or whether or not you chop it off shouldn't affect your employability. If anything it should make you less employable because if you want it cut off to be a woman you're mentally ill.

Cause they're not hurting anybody
>barking causes noise pollution
>Pissing and shitting in the streets is unethical and unhealthy
See? You as doge is more trouble

So I should care about the fact that you don't care?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

You should just not be a fucking hypocrite and expect me to reject my beliefs to cater to yours.

when someone is under 18 and has been convinced by bad parents that they really are transgender, their life is fucked.

kids as young as four or five are getting this shit from bad parents. they aren't even mentally ill, just young kids.

this is why suicide rates are so high among trannies. they are ill and instead of being helped, they are being encouraged to make themselves worse.

Fucking this

Nobody cares OP.

The fact that you do is something most people would read into.

I agree. One has to be happy with the way they are born. Your analogy of the dog is a good one also. If the obvious does not decide one's gender then when the fuck is it decided?(Did you just watch Australian Story?)

i think it's because those people have to deal with humans like you.
If you would more open to them. For example have a normal relationship with them. They would feel more included

if they really cared about being assigned shit at birth then why the fuck do they never change their names.

Acceptance of a delusion doesnt make the delusion any less harmful

I can not comment on why individuals change their name. I have never changed mine, you would have to ask the individual.

The fact that you give a shit at all is what you should even avoid. If its not affecting your directly then just ignore it. When it affects you, say, a tranny asks you to call them by their "gender" or some other mundane thing, then you can consider it. Until then, just work and vidya.

I, for one, would lovingly suck my girlfriend's feminine penis.

Its just they claim that being assigned a gender at birth is some sort of "Violence" when in reality if it were really something they didnt like they would go all in.

So here in Australia a female can get the aged pension (as far as i am awara) 5 years before the male do the men just go to their doctor and say they are female and get a fucking note to take to Centrelink and get their money?

If you believe that you are an alien living in a human body (transplanet or whatever), you get locked away. If you say that you are a male living in a female body, you don't. Gender is decided by chromosomes, not opinion. I don't include the crazy bums on main street, why should I do it with trannies?

But don't men live shorter lives?
That whole thing should be reversed, besides, what kind of woman actually has a job?

Just avoid them you autist.

You are right

How can they be avoided, some are the size of heavy weights dressed like a woman

OP here:

Spot on.



There are two types of people
In this thread right now:
Those with common sense and
and those with mental illnesses.
Trannies are disgusting fucking abominations and disappointments. You deserve the hatred, you do this to yourself.

Eh, not that hard not to give a fuck about anything that does not cause significant harm to you or others. Trannies do neither. So why do you care?

I guess it is nature's intention that some die of cancer but nothing is said when people try to change that part of natures will

Trannies hate themselves too. But their self-hate is partly fueled by society. If society could stop imposing gender roles there would be no transexuals anymore. That's my theory.

Implying that op has said mental conditions. Really he's just concerned about the degradation of basic rights in regards for people who don't need to be special snowflakes to get ahead.

Listen, I don't give a swollen rat's ass about anybody's sexuality... but things have gone too far.

At the entrance to my university there are three flag poles. The first flies the national flag. The second flies the school's flag. The third... you guessed it, the third flies the rainbow coloured banner of the LGBT community.

What. The. Fuck.

You say your gender/sexuality doesn't matter at all? That it doesn't define who you are? THEN WHY IN THE FUCK DO YOU NEED TO CONSTANTLY RUB IT IN EVERYONE'S FACE?!

How do you think things would go if I petitioned the board of directors to fly a straight pride flag? Holy fucking christ I would be chained to a pillory and publicly flogged for my insolence. Do straight people even have a flag? Maybe, I'm not sure but I AM sure that I'VE NEVER FUCKING SEEN IT because we don't think we're special little snowflakes who need a god damn flag and a parade to let everyone know what we do or don't shove in and out of our buttholes during our spare time.

Give it a fucking rest homos.

>imposing gender roles
>my fucking sides
Go back to tumblr. It's a choice to be transsexual. All you have to do is stop, and *poof*: your life quality increases exponentially.

Thing is OP, real confidence cannot be taken down by an entire army, for instance when a man feels super manly he can be surrounded in every day life by bitter haters who want nothing more than to make him feel unmanly for reasons beyond me because I'm not mentally ill.
Because he has real confidence
(Same story for a girl who feels super womanly and sexy)

Fake confidence is the opposite, it can be broken like a bubble bursts with the slight touch of a needle, which is why these people, even in societies that do nothing but encourage them and support them still feel insecure about their identity, because fake confidence

Because even they deep down inside know they're lying to themselves, that's why they must create a world that tells them and reassures them every second of the day that they are what they think they are, and they're trying to get me and you to join in, because they're selfish cancer

Even after they create a world that does that, reassures them every moment of every day, they will still be depressed, because the voice inside their soul knows they are lying to themselves, their ego wants them to be X, but they are not.

There is a snake man running around in the world. Not only would you be accepted but you could probably find a sick fuck surgeon who would get you a vestigial tail.

You shut your fucking mouth you fucking faggot. Maybe this shit would have been funny years ago but that time has long passed. Get off my Sup Forums you horrendous faggot and commit suicide. You offer nothing to this site and this world so why don't you just end it? You probably typed that out with your Cheetos covered fingers, stroking your neck beard while you consider what to write next, all while you grin as if what you're doing is clever. This thread is going to die along with your shit post so that little feeling of happiness you get pressing that post button is going to fade you faggot. You'll realize you're back in your depressing rut of a life that is waking up, jerking off, eating, getting on Sup Forums, being retarded, jerking off, eating, getting on Sup Forums, jerking off, eating, sleeping, and repeat. Your parents probably raised you hoping you'd turn out to something important and helpful to society but here you are, a filthy neckbeard, with nothing better to contribute to society but typing out stupid shit on an anonymous image board. Seriously just end it, you make me as well as everyone else around you sick.

You got it in one, they cant keep to them selves

OP here holy shit.

" Anonymous 08/20/16(Sat)10:43:27 No.700337400 ▶

Thing is OP, real confidence cannot be taken down by an entire army, for instance when a man feels super manly he can be surrounded in every day life by bitter haters who want nothing more than to make him feel unmanly for reasons beyond me because I'm not mentally ill.
Because he has real confidence
(Same story for a girl who feels super womanly and sexy)

Fake confidence is the opposite, it can be broken like a bubble bursts with the slight touch of a needle, which is why these people, even in societies that do nothing but encourage them and support them still feel insecure about their identity, because fake confidence

Because even they deep down inside know they're lying to themselves, that's why they must create a world that tells them and reassures them every second of the day that they are what they think they are, and they're trying to get me and you to join in, because they're selfish cancer

Even after they create a world that does that, reassures them every moment of every day, they will still be depressed, because the voice inside their soul knows they are lying to themselves, their ego wants them to be X, but they are not."

I don't think I've ever heard it put so perfectly, user.

I know some decent homosexuals who think the same. They just live a normal life with their partners and hate being identified with those hardcore-look-how-gay-I-am-homos.

Do you believe that depression doesn't exist? This question isn't really related but still.

That shit's assaulting to the eyes dawg. No one wants to see bearded lady landwhales. Tumblr-spawn is a disease.

I dunno why it copied the whole thing, I only wanted this excerpt:

"they deep down inside know they're lying to themselves, that's why they must create a world that tells them and reassures them every second of the day that they are what they think they are, and they're trying to get me and you to join in, because they're selfish."

That is perfect. Perfect, user.

That's deep user.

I think that fart that I just dropped may be trransgender....had a flowery smell about it

you are saying what im thinking



The trannies are the ones that get themselves bashed not me, that is their problem

the whole gay/transgender rights comedy is that they want everyone else to think everyone else has a problem

It's like nobody knows that hermaphrodites exist and that gender can be incorrect.

I like this new world because now we know straight off the bat who's fucked up, back in the day it could be anyone who's just hiding it, now you know who not to make business with, who to fake smile at and cut the small talk to get to work fast asap, because narcissistic snowflakes don't give a shit about you and this is the evolution of nature's way of showing us who's a parasitic vampire who just wants to leach off our energy to feed their god complex

Yup seems like someones pissed off. I always skip these rants, don't really care

Its a form of pride and vanity. "Nature can't craft my identity, only I can."

At this point, so few of these people have actual problems. Its just another way they can make themselves feel different from the masses.

It was basically a rabid tumblrite foaming at the mouth lol.

OP here, that's a pretty good point. On the bright side, yeah, at least we know who to just actively avoid and socially neglect. Sure, we can't be mean to them, but next time I'm going bowling, to the cinemas, paintballing, escape room, having a party at mine or a friends, I know who won't be in the group message.

"Oh I'm sorry Daniel- I mean Dani, I don't have you on Facebook anyway."
"So add me!"
"Uhh, yeah, sure, just add me I'll accept it sometime, to be honest I hardly use it."

In that case both sexual organs are disfunctional. Please don't compare disabled people to wannabe-crazies.

Yes you dense nigger, in the case of hermaphrodites. The other 99.9999% of the time, if you're born with one clear set of sexual organs, then your gender is fucking obvious. Quit calling a fork a fucking spoon.

I think they can do what they want and they shouldn't be thrown in an asylum. They don't deserve that, pretending to be the other gender/sex isn't seriously hurting anyone.

BUT I also think I should be free to call them their birth gender, rather than being fined for it. It's the truth, we shouldn't fine people for the truth.

Yet, that's what New York's SJW mayor is trying to do.

Our society should not go down the dangerous path of telling lies in order to placate the mentally ill. If a dude wants to dress as a chick, sure, fucking go for it. But don't expect me to call you female, especially if you don't even vaguely look like one.

I don't care that you're "allowed" to live
You can do whatever the fuck you want.
The only thing I have a problem with your dumbass expecting others to treat you like a human.

You wanna have no empathy and pretend you're fit for society?
That is your right.

But don't expect me treat you like a person. You are just a sociopath that tries to blend in as far as I'm concerned.
That is my right.

Shame that you don't have a neutral pronoun like in german. We could just call them "it" like dogs and cats.

>people get fined all over NYC just for misgendering
>people get scared of misgendering, don't talk to people they're not sure anymore are a man or a woman
>transexuals get excluded from social communications, get even more depressed, kill themselves because they don't have the attention they need

well done ny

Who the fuck the society?
Where does he live?
What's his favorite snack?

See this is the bullshit that proves that tumblr folk are never satisfied, you named an intangible entity and blamed it for the failures, and everyone under it is it's victim, how the fuck are you going to stop something that's been happening since the dawn OF FUCKING MANKIND? every single household teaches it's boys to be strong and teaches it's girls to be nurturing, because if you teach them both to be equal you would have an army of weak cunts and your grandchildren would be raised by two moderately nurturing people, gender roles are the pillars of great societies and the pillars of nature, not telling boys to be strong is the reason civilizations get raped pillaged and ended, not teaching girls to embrace their sacred femininity is the reason some societies grow rotten kids.

Own the fuck up nobody is the reason there are trannies other than trannies themselves.

Never tried to imagine that transgendered people aren't delusional about their gender... But that you're delusional about their gender's validity?

It was pasta you negroes.

gender isn't a social construct, but what is considered masculine and feminine is. those retards do not understand basic biology. gender is how we separate sexual based species.

i.e., men have penises and women have vaginas.

No, I'm not delusional.

Male: You were born with a dick.
Female: You were born with a vagina and breasts.
Both: You are misformed. A freak of nature. Like someone with three arms, or a second head. The fact that it's your genitals that make you a mutant is irrelevant.

Ya same rhetoric we hears during gay rights. Haha you are so silly with your lack of perspective and thinking it's a choice.

If your theory were true then there would be more trannies throughout history when gender roles were even more strict, we are probably at the least time now in history with gender roles and look how many trannies there are, if anything your theory proves that the lack of gender roles create trannies.

Hermaphrodites are mutants, user.

He literally never said you had to care about his opinions, but that was a nice strawman.

If it is not a choice why is it some males believe they are girls and not other?.

Found the faggot

I mean... Flying a straight flag is like having a straight pride parade. It kiiiinda doesn't make sense, it's meaning would be like an oxy-moron. Straight is the norm, statistically and definitely historically. So what you view as 'always being shoved in your face' can possibly be happening to a bunch of gay and lesbian people who live in a heteronormative society. Which isn't a bad thing, just, two things... One, it's nice to have institutions acknowledge support of LGBT during times of civil rights. Second, it's nice to let straight people know that straight isn't the only thing that exists in the world.

Ha, yeah, you found one :)

>Female: You were born with a vagina and breasts.
I agree with you overall, but some dudes also have tits from being fat, and some chicks have no tits from being flat.

It's safer to just say "born with a vagina" so sticklers like me don't jump down your throat.

Let's play a game of argue gymnastics, every argument loser's choice of game since 1955!

Quit using inaccurate metaphors?

Also, quit thinking that something is obvious when you have the chance of being wrong.

>Second, it's nice to let straight people know that straight isn't the only thing that exists in the world
user, do you seriously think any adult looking at that flag didn't know what a gay person is?

But listen you dense motherfucker. I don't have a chance of being wrong.
It's literally black and white, simple as can be, clear as day. If you're born with a penis, you are a male. If you're born with a vagina, you are a female.
It doesn't get any simpler than that. Any other opinion is in denial and also delusional. And how is that metaphor even inaccurate? Jeez dude, I'm not convinced you're not b8.

If you can not stop yourself from choosing to be gay you should at least stop yourself from engaging in homosexual acts.

Stop trying to be acknowledged, the world has bigger fish to fry than to keep reassuring you insecure faggots that you're ok, people have lives and struggles to deal with, how bout doing the same, you're so annoying?

Wait, is it calling them by what they look like or investigating what genitals they had upon birth? Does surgery to make a vagina from a penis change things? If not, how do you acquire your intel to correctly call the 'dude' with a vagina "he"? If it's by birth, then do you refuse to call someone by their new name if legally changed? What about changed for religious reasons? Man, I'm so curious, you seem to have it all figured out. Also, really impressed that you refuse to acknowledge what someone tells you about themselves. Someone with glasses tells you they have good vision? Nah, fuck that, constantly call them out for having bad vision because you know better than them what their vision is like (esp. compared to yours), even if you're color blind to certain hues without knowing it.

If it is not a choice why is it some males believe they are gay and not others?

See the irony here?

Well, I mean... Getting butthurt because a flag is somehow CONSTANTLY RUBBING IT IN EVERYONE'S FACE, then yeah, maybe?

You don't know what gender means, do you?

you're that guy from the sack in honey jar thread

no you don't, shut the fuck up

We should just open season on the gays/trans whatever. Kill the 1% for the betterment of the 99

It was a serious question. Something has to be different in the mind for the result to be different

cool logic, still a cunt

Hahaha uh huh... Well, biological sex, turns out, isn't always the same as gender. And, if I'm to take your route of proof: It's literally black and white, simple as can be, clear as day. If your gender matches your sex, you're cis. If not, you're not. If you're cis, I understand, it can be hard to grasp what you've never experienced. But... It just takes a little thinking outside your narrow mind.

>global wars
>less and less nature
>all time low depression and confusion amongst all (yes ALL citizens of earth, you don't monopolize being confused)
>deteriorating society
>civil unrest

Meanwhile you're all like


Wait what? I mean, to be fair, I'm not a person that advocates or takes part in flying the rainbow flag. I'm explaining why it might be there and why it's not that big of a deal. I'm literally responding to someone who thinks it's a huge inconvenience by saying what you're saying: The world has bigger fish to fry.

I mean, it more seems like you're looking to talk down to someone. That this thread is a giant circle jerk of people who want to be a tribe in order to shit on another tribe of people for no reason.

How I see it is you can be Male or Female. If you want to switch, fine do it, But none of this in the middle or none shit. It doesn't exist, you aren't snowflakes.

Satanic trips checked

>Civil unrest
Because they're becoming trannies
>Deteriorating society
Because they're more concerned with changing their gender: Becoming trannies
>All time low depression and confusion amongst all
Yeah, because they're changing their sexes and whinging and... Becoming trannies.

It's not black and white you dumb cunt there's varying degrees of manhood and womanhood some men are super agressive and some men are a bit feminine it doesn't mean they're girls they're just girly men and they've been around since the start of civilization and some women are really loud and agressive and they've been around too stop acting like you're a new breed and you're special because you're not, you're just looking for any way to stand out from everyone else because you're basic as fuck

Your question already implies it's a choice by asking why some believe x and others don't. It's not a belief.

That's like asking why some babies have a penis and others have a vagina. Um... It just is? That's how it works, it just happens.