Why do christians post this type of shit?

Why do christians post this type of shit?

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So Jesus gives them the strenght to hang themselves?

Because they want to gain attention on how much better they think they are and think God is a valid reason for it

Well religious people are better than you. Most of the Catholics I know live stable lives with two story houses, two car garages, good looking children, and still have enough leftover to donate to charity

In other words you live in a rich neighborhood. Living in a poor area most of my life, most of the Catholics I know are poor as shit and rely on charity from the church and government aid.

Yeah you can't make stupid assumptions like that when more than 83% of the US is Christian.
Sure most successful people are Christian, but most rundown rednecks living on welfare checks are also Christian

Explain Italian/Irish-Americans then, fag.

I live in sioux city iowa. Pretty poor area for the most part. The catholics have all the money and the atheists usually dont. The catholic school also always has the most athletic students that generally do better in sports despite only having 300 kids vs the public schools who have upwards of 500

this looks like someone hanging and dead

i don't get it

Idk where youre at but i just moved to NC this year from texas. Here and there both live in a redneck as fuck place. Aint no one here religious by any means buddy. So i wouldnt say everyone

Don't get it. Did god hang the kid? Weird death cult they got there.

that was the point of the post. through khrist, kill yourself

religions pay no tax so just campaign to make atheism a religion or create your own

i personally have made my ebay uk store a religion so that i don't have to pay any tax on my paypal earnings

I am both Irish/Italian american and our families stick together like glue and all of us are upper middle class. Im not even THAT religious but I was raised catholic and went to catholic school, so when comparing the people who aren't religious and forced to follow a ritual/consistent lifestyle usually live more chaotic lives than the people who dont.

On average, religious people are less intelligent than non-religious people. Therefore, if you're religious, you're probably a dumb cunt.

Religion is a mental illness. I take pills for mine. The religious get off scot-free

That is the american christians mostly. In France where i live, most christians don't go "Christ gave me this or that, Christ brings me light" and shit, unless they are in church.
But some american people are so afraid that religion makes them think they gain something by believing in it. When Belief should not be a lottery price, but just something you agree with.

Thats not even remotely true. Kids who go to catholic schools go on to secondary education at way higher rate than kids who go to public schools.

Anecdote does not equal data.

US education still makes retards nevertheless

What does being able to follow directions have to do with being intelligent?

Could post hundreds of links supporting my statement but you're probably religious so wouldn't believe or read them. For what it's worth, here's one: independent.co.uk/news/science/religious-people-are-less-intelligent-than-atheists-according-to-analysis-of-scores-of-scientific-8758046.html

because confirming their lies and delusion to each other is the only thing that keeps their false religion alive.

Yet they believe there is some invisible higher life force that manifested itself and willed the universe into existence? I'd say that's rather dumb.

Why does anyone post anything?

First thing I thought too lol.

I think it's supposed to be basketball but Christian photography skills suck

They think its insiring because its 'soo holy!' Oh wow! Such a great prophet wrote that. So much wisdom! Wow i'm a better person already! Now that i seen this imma get my good ass right into heaven! Their beliefs are clouded in corruption, dont worry about them too much, they cant help it. They we raised to beleive lies. Trust me i know, i used to be on that band wagon

So much generalizing here there isn't much that is meaningful. Even the original post...to which type of shit do you refer OP? Christians post all types of shit, some of it is well thought out and inspiring and some of it is suck. Just like any other demographic...and?

im religious but i have nothing against atheist, they are usually pretty good and chill people and dont give a fuck

but the worst of atheist are the ones that start telling that nothing exist because they are ugly and virgins

lol, what losers, worse than muslims and christfags

Because they can? It doesn't hurt you in any way so why don't you jump on some fucking sand negros and their "religion of peace" that commands them to kill people who don't believe in their pedo prophet.

>tips fedora

The meme image is specifically about how they can only accomplish great things through Christ and not by themselves

That is pretty deluded.

You are ugly and a virgin. There is no God. I guess I'm the worst of the atheists or the truth hurts.

That's because the French are mostly cultural Christians who only remember Jesus on Easter and Christmas

Nah, im quite the normie
I'm not good looking but with the right words and the right social connection here where i live you can get laid like crazy

Really, its not that hard, just go outside meet someone and be yourself

This thread needs some dick. And I'm the man to give it.

That's nice. But it's no reason to believe in God.

Exactly. Saying they're better than everyone else because they Jesus on their tail

Its not deluded. Its true, look around and accept that having structure and consistency will in turn make you a happier and better individual. This isnt some bullshit im spewing most of the people you see going to church every sunday own their own house and are generally doing better than those that dont.

not telling that mate
enjoy your life
i can only give anedoctal evidence about god helping me or whatnot

so, nothing really, chill out

Where is your covenant? You must cut half that dick off! Do you want to get into Heaven?

Can you just fuck off? You're making atheists look bad.

>having structure and consistency will in turn make you a happier and better individual.

This says nothign about religion.

You can have structure and consistency without fairytales, it's just much easier to believe in skydad than to ascribe value to existence on your own.

Nothing about the verse implies that the person quoting it is superior to others, it's about giving God the credit for your accomplishments in order to build humility. The Bhagavad Gita says something similar: "you have the right to action, but not to the fruit of your action"

New Testament did away with circumcision as a necessary ritual.

Don't worry bro. Believe to your heart's content. Your anecdotes are admittedly just that. Props to you for stating so.

And you can be religious without believing in the mythological aspects literally or in anthropomorphic conceptions of God.

Fuck off. Your perfectly infallible God wrote both. You either follow both or none at all.

>Religion that says there's a god
>You can be religious without believing in this god

That literally counters the idea of being a Catholic.

Oh ok, so being not poor makes you a good person? Typical answer from a scum Christian, the whole religion is based on money. that's what is always been about with you faggots

Humans wrote both. The religion has evolved dramatically over thousands of years and reflects many different times and cultures. The circumcision rule was rescinded when Paul decided the religion should be open to Gentiles. Originally Gentiles had to first concert to Judaism and be circumcised before becoming Christian

>religious without believing in the mythological aspects literally or in anthropomorphic conceptions of God.

Being religious means precisely believing in myths and an anthropomorphic concept of God.

What you're referring to is spirituality.

Never said that, just that you don't have to think of God as a sky wizard. That's a child's conception of God. Read some Meister Eckhart, or Thomas Merton, or St John of the Cross. This ain't new.

Nope, Catholicism accepts both and it's the largest body of Christians on the planet. Episcopalians are also cool with those perspectives, and Unitarians of course

Do you ever get tired of jumping through these mental hoops? You admit it was written by men and accept a God. Based on the text? OMG.


Lots of assumptions there


Yeah why christians compared to everyone else who does that bullshit

Like what?

Being poor shows you have no self control and not willing to climb out of your hole. Poor people are fucking scum that need to be eradicated, robots will soon take over your jobs and all you are is a burden on the evolution of mankind. People like you are what holds us back from interstellar travel

because they need that

Haha. If it weren't for your parents you'd be a sewer slimeball.

that´s one of the reasons that theres more christians in jail than atheists.
they blindly believe they will be forgiven & go to heaven even though they do monstrous things.

Or maybe whatever uncited shit you're referring to came from a country where Christians outnumbered atheists in the population? Just maybe.

It's called cognitive dissonance. Religious people are masters at it. That's pretty much why I stopped debating them. They can hold two completely contradictory statements in their mind without a problem.

Yeah no shit. In turn I'll teach my children the right ways to live life and they'll be better off than your kids. This cycle will continue until the end of time

OP here, can't believe this thread is still alive.

The whole point of this thread was the dude was hanging himself.

to feel superior

religious people tend to be quite insecure and vain

You just cant accept that religious people have life figured out and are way higher up on in social status than you ever will. Peasants..

Dude he was responding to here, no cognitive dissonance. He just mad that I'm not a cookie cutter Christian that his pre rehearsed arguments can all stick to.

God is real and he has sent his agents to this thread to debate all of lucifer's hellspawn

I'd never have kids. The world is heading for oblivion. You're killing your own kids.

I think you're right

My children will teraform mars and leave all the nonbelievers to die on earth.

Lel. That's hilarious. I'm hoping you're baiting. Atheists are, in general, wealthier, happier, less likely to commit a crime, more educated and more intelligent than religious people. Religious people are lower down the chain in almost all areas that matter. Good bait, though.

The saddest thing about the Christians I know, is that every last one of them would be perfectly happy in their heaven, knowing full well that friends and family would be tortured forever for the crime of reading the wrong holy scrolls.
What a monstrous cosmology. If you weren't already a sociopath, you would have to become one upon death to enjoy "paradise".

Good luck with that. Your God purposefully designed our universe. Mars is a terrible land platform.

As a heathen living with a christian family, here is the simplest answer I can come up with: throughout the last few chapters of the bible, revaluations or whatever, it basically tells them to spread the word, the good news as they call it. They see it as their mission to make sure everyone knows about and believes in the bible, so this I guess is the modern christians way of distributing the bible, even if it is piece by piece.

You're so wrong its hilarious. So Jews and Catholics are poor huh? Thats why every kid who goes to a private school is fucking loaded

Data don't lie: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_and_religion

Our god challenges us to make us better. Only the best of the best get to mars

not to mention rather too far from the sun to be warm, lacking a moon to generate useful tidal action and too small to have enough gravity to maintain our bone density.

everything about populating mars is a chest beating pipedream. its no wonder america is so committed to it.

Google "anecdotal evidence ", or just enroll in the nearest Junior College.

From the Wikipedia article: "The GDP of countries generally correlates negatively with their religiosity, i.e. the wealthier a population is the more secular it is."
If you're struggling to understand the statement, you might be religious.

Taken from the first fucking paragraph
>According to a study from 2015, Christians hold the largest amount of wealth (55% of the total world wealth), followed by Muslims (5.8%), Hindus (3.3%) and Jewish (1.1%). According to the same study it was found that adherents under the classification Irreligion or other religions hold about 34.8% of the total global wealth.[3]

only christians in america do

the OGs in europe do not and aren't as retarded. guess that must be the difference in education

The great commission is in acts not revelation

Someone doesn't understand how statistics works.

actually its china thats commited. and there won't be any humans on mars till at least 2050, until then its up to robots to build a base for us

55% of the worlds wealth is held by christians
And thats just christians

Lol, yeh, it's exactly the kind of expensive, dangerous, pointless idiocy that Amerifats enjoy, like nation-building in the Middle East or building a Great Wall of America.

>Catholicism accepts both

Since when?

Oh well, I guess it's clutching at straws nowadays. Adapt or die, it seems.

The argument isn't about total wealth, it's about per capita wealth. I'm going to assume you don't know what that means. Read the following sentence slowly and multiple times until you understand it: on average, non-religious people are more wealthy than religious people.

more likely doesnt understand how people fill out surveys. because they went to church twice in thier life and had some creepy dude in a dress pour water over thier head they feel committed to fill out a survey like they follow a football team.

probably 3/4 of the worlds 'christians' should really admit to having no religion other than a loose cultural association.

The bait is stronk

if christians are so greate how come all the smartest people end up in some sorts of hippie religion?

I was always talking about the average family income from the beginning. You brought a countries GDP into it which has no relevance to this discussion. Here is an infograph from that wiki article that shows catholics and jews make more money than atheists do yearly.