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i prefer waklert. they're pretty much the same but waklert seems to work better on me

better how? like medical wise or for getting high?

I recently got some imported and they aren't as good as I had anticipated.

I'd describe them as making me feel really really awake and just maintaining that status for 2 days straight.

For getting high, for having fun, for feeling good, without doing any damage.

I took them last about a few months ago. I'm really eager to start them again.

pcp. nothing i've heard beats pcp stories.

As long as you dose reasonably and you get to sleep ok.

>doesn't do damage
>all my fucking keks

I'm telling you guys this drug is legit. I took it and after what felt like 5 minutes an hour had passed. It works on neurons in the CNS. It's real stuff.

I only smoke the dank weedz, so nothing really strong. Though, i did get "fucked up" smoking shatter laced pot as my first time smoking weed.

pot has no side effects, other than making most people pretentious about smoking it.

Has anyone else experienced this effect?

Have you tried it yourself though? because stories are usually not true or exaggerated.

Chronic use brings on psychosis

Also, if a person has some disposition to addiction, mania, depression, etc, it primes the brain, making way for physical illness.

>I don't even why were legalizing this junk


I smoke pot too and I can definately see how it's made an affect on my short term memory. Other than that not really anything else. Still, you must face the fact that every drug does have negative effects.

i mean compared to other illegal drugs, weed is pussy shit

Ive been heavily using medical grade dank everyday for the past 3 years and i turned out fine.

We'll speak again in 10

Ight, see ya in a few minutes

>every drug does have negative effects.

salvia divinorum. go

>Getting high

Are you fucking serious? Modafinil is like an anti-high. Great for getting shit done though

Any comparison to its older brother, modafinil? I took that for awhile, built up a tolerance and then quit taking it. The alertness faded, but it made me phenomenal at drawing dick dinosaurs.

I take Modafinil. Makes me feel 100% all day.

Can't overdose
Is actually enjoyable
The pot is superior.

it makes u fap and eat like a retard doe

What does this drug do?
Negative side affects?
Legal status?
Where to get?

It's an indirect dopamine agonist. It has effects on the dopamine transporter.

In the UK it's used to treat ADHD so it's technically legal to import and use but not to give to someone else. It makes you really awake and really concentrated, good for studying. Apparently some people use it for raves but IDK.

I've taken both armod and mod roughly 50 times. Over several months.

On my personal account:
Mod doesn't work anywhere as well as armod. Mod is like a strong cup of coffee. Armod is just out of this world. I can't describe its effects. Slighly psychedelic. Slightly stimulative. It feels almost as if you have been given a brain transplant.