Hey Sup Forums this is a bit different, sorry

Hey Sup Forums this is a bit different, sorry

18, m. I just got back from my doctors office. I have a malignant brain tumour, with a shitty survival rate even with chemo. I'm thinking about staying off treatment and dying naturally. It's better than gollumizing I'm my last few months.
I don't really know why I'm posting here. I think it's because I don't know who else to tell. What would you recommend me doing with my remaining time?
Pic related, it's me on my graduation road trip.

Other urls found in this thread:


i say do it, whatever makes you happy, be free in your last living days/weeks/months

Whats your estimated expiry date, and how much money do you have?

I was given six months, and about 2k

well if I was you, I would try to fight that fucking tumor dude. Dont let yourself get defeated by that thing. Dont get me wrong, I have no idea what kind of repercussions a treatment could have but fuck man, you just want to throw everything away like that? Dont go down without a fight!

Hang in there user/ (not actually user since your pic is up but okay)
Curious: whats the cost of the treatment and what is actually the survive rate for your condition?
Either way don't go down without a fight m8

get all of the 90 essential nutrients. It works better than any treatment for most cancers. The body heals itself if it has the buildingblocks.
look up andreas moritz, and dr joel wallach.
you might very well be able to reverse it and make it go away.

Treatment ups my survival rate a bit,(from basically 0 to about 20%) but I'm more likely to die quicker. Costs are beyond me or my family, hundreds of thousands.

Thank you, I'll look into it

Great. There's a lot of money to be made from cancer patients when they take conventional treatments. Not so much from taking nutrients. Why you don't hear so much about it.


>blow 1.5k on one hell of a night out.
>500 on gun
>skip out on the hangover

OP do you really? That fuckin sucks man.

gtfo hippy. we tested all the herbal shit, we found out what works, and what worked we refined, and now we call it medicine.

90 essential fucking nutrients. fucking hell.

>the body heals itself
You know that cancer is literally parts(cells) of the body that refuse to die?

has to be bait. 4/10, made me reply

Ill smoke for you OP

that sucks...
the government should aid financially people in your situation

See how you feel in a few days after your emotions have ironed out a little.
Everything is your decision, nobody elses.
Regardless, I am so sorry OP.

Fight it, a friend of mine fought until his last breath.
Those 4 years i had with him, were the most intense i ever had with him.
Give it all you got!
What do you have from not trying to?
Not so much pain ?
Pain goes away, cherish every moment you breath.

Spend your last few months snorting coke and fucking whores, my dude. God speed.

They wont but theyll let shaniqua and her 5 kids live for free and free medical

You are beautiful OP

this tbh fam


Thank you thank you

well reading what you posted it seems like you dont really have the fiances for the treatment anyway so it doesn't seem like an option, do whatever the fuck you want man, hell maybe you fuckin survive and have one great story to tell, go do some good, and good luck

I feel for you OP live fast and live hard

I've come to realize pain is an important part of life, not just happiness. That resonated with me a lot

if true then this is just fucked man

you look way too good to go down without a fight :D
do the chemo and whatever it takes, also consume a ton of weed pls

no, you breathe, until your last breath.

kill self


Fight op, fight.

cast out the demon of cancer and just go on with your life.

Ik Sup Forums aint all about Jesus but he fixes stuff in person still. Well, his dad does it technically but you feel me right? It worked for my bipolar, it was just a demon of madness from when I used to worship them and cheat on my fiance.

So yeah, good luck

Hes right...OP... And eat a lot of vitamine c... It s the only vitamine that you cannot overdose on FOR A REASON. Next gen cancer cure will bgased on high concentrated vitamin c.

It's not "some herbal shit" it's essential nutrients that your body needs to function..
this is fucking science. it has been tested through and through. look it up.
If you watch the videos I posted, you will know that most cancers are caused by congestion, lack of vitamin D i.e. sunlight and lack of sleep/darkness at night.

fight to the end. don't take no shit from no punk ass tumor

Yeah, I want to leave a positive impact on people before I leave. Meet up with old friends, tell them how much they mean to me, and then die.
Believe me I smoke my fair share

Take out a bank loan and enjoy your last days. I'm sorry to hear this Sup Forumsro.

Hey man, just wondering what kind of autism you have?

50 yo guy here

IMO, if you were 40+ and had lived some life already,
I'd say yes, if you wanted to make the last of your remaining time then skip treatment.

But if you're only 18, you haven't even begun your life yet, and your body is at is strongest for healing itself.
You have to throw all your time and energy into surviving this, because you have so much to gain.

Go fight isis, do some good and save some poor christians from slaughter

OP if it were me, I'd choose a warrior's death, atleast then you have a chance to enter Valhalla

Juice bro, pure nutrition. Give your body some good fuel, it wont do any harm and it will make you feel better.

Yeah hes sayi g they tried that already and we have camcer drugs for a reason because of better success rate over some stupid herbal shit


So much this. Lack of Vitamin D is a fucking serial killer

But... But.. you are so cute...

I'd recommend spending your time looking for any kind of ways for how to treat this. And I don't mean chemo therapy which would only fuck you up even more.

There's endless amounts of knowledge on the internet, most of it is free and not something a doctor would tell you about. So if you actually care about your life spend your time on that.

You better survive

I agree user a warrior death is the only way to go

get drunk everyday and do lots of drugs why not experience it all in such a short time just dont get hooked so quickly

dafuq dude ?! get rid of this shitty "no treatment" thoughts and rise again !

take this words serious

Hey I'm down
Again, Thank you, I'm blushing

And get plenty of vitamin D also. take it with calcium or it will not absorb in your system.
you can't get it all from sunlight. look into it. you cant even absorb most of the vitamin d as it is made of two components. I don't remember exactly you'll have to look into it. you won't regret it. Your body can stash vitamin d for months, so you can just take what is needed once a month

I wholly agree that I haven't seen what life has to offer yet. I'm just starting to fall in love with a long time friend too. I don't know how I'm going to tell her, or if I should. Sorry, I don't mean to gush, but I'm just really torn by the circumstances.

the MD's make big bucks on desperate people if they give them cancer treatment. and its not some herbal shit, it's molecules.. It doesn't treat cancer. its cures it.

Yeah, i'll be sure to check out that YouTube video and not any paper/study I've ever read.

Fuck me, are you saying not going outside causes cancer?
>pro tip, that's called a vitamin D deficiency

A congestion of what? A congestion of a lack of something?

>'look at all that traffic on that empty highway' - nobody

Cells have a built in end date. Some cells have abnormalities and do not 'die'. Your body is pretty good at catching these and nipping it in the bud.

Sometimes your body misses these cells, and cells have this awful habit of replicating themselves. So now there's two that wont die, now four, now eight, 16... etc etc.

What did you think a tumor was?

And why do so many sufferers of insomnia not have cancer?

How do people live in places like northern Norway, where its dark for 5 months at a time? Surely they'd all have cancer by now?

You are a fucking retard. You know nothing of medicine, yet spout your bullshit anti-advice to a dying man. If OP was going to opt for chemo, and you talked him out of it for your bullshit sage and lavender massages, you deserve to be indicted. Just as the chick who convinced that kid to kill himself did 6 months ago.

Its irresponsible. Its bullshit. And you, for even hinting at it as a viable, tested option, are utter human garbage.

Ive never meant this more....

Fucking kill yourself

Well not to be crude but there's nothing a girl loves more than a great love story. So it will work if you tell her. Just not for the right reasons...

>summon demon
>sacrifice family
>ask for cure

See /x/ for details.

>Costs are beyond me or my family, hundreds of thousands.
That's what insurance is for. And it covers pre-existing now. Thanks, Obama.

Treatment will at the very least but you time. Of there's a 20% chance, it's worth doing. My mom-in-law has a brain tumor that is so aggressive and rare (melanoma originating in the brain) that she was given a


About vitamin D


i hope lots of years later, you'll say that an user sent me this fuckin good song when i had cancer.


Doctors are paid to treat people. To make well again. Doctors use drugs made by businesses. Businesses that charge high prices, because drugs are expensive, not to manufacture, but to research, test, refine, idiot.

>hurr durr big pharma tho, MDs all corrupt,

If they had a cure for cancer, do you know what they'd do?


Yeah, my dad's looking into insurance, and I know I'm irrational, but I feel this ache that I'll die after months of trying to keep me alive on tubes, and I'll be remembered as a husk.
I know, I'm a pussy

This is more my mood rn

You can either blow your cash on drawing out the pain a little longer, or use it all now while you're able-bodied enough to enjoy it.

is 90 nutrients a new meme?

That exactly my outlook

Please let my dying legacy be a meme

>essential nutrients

you are dealing with shit that none of us ever had to deal with. nothing pussy about this

>Fucking chemocancer
Take viral therapies, dumbass.

> not going outside causes cancer?
yes. you need sunlight or you will die. unless you have something that can produce the equivelant.
and if you dont get complete darkness at night, then certain chemicals are not produced which tells the cells that it is time for them to die. it is all natural.

How do people live in places like northern Norway?
they all take vitamins, if not they will die from related deseases.

it's not bullshit. There are lots of scientific studies on these things.
I'm not going to argue with you if you call me names.

Also new copypasta?


No, they would not. because there are cures, and they don't cost shit of what they make from chemo.


you already have your war paint on your face. wtf are you thinking ?

Did anything trigger the tumour?

I love how idiots think that the medical trade would make more money if more people died.

I fucking love you guys
It was clay I found next to a lake, and like the faggot I am I thought it looked cool, so I took a pic

cant be, that actually makes sense

Spend most of whatever money you have left on the best party ever and then with the rest of it buy a gun and kill yourself, I've had a friend die of terminal cancer, you don't want to actually die of it, its awful

Yeah but reworded copypastas are the greatest

wow, that didn't take long at all.


One of my good friends died at 26 from a brain tumor like 6 months ago. I swear to god, it still weighs on me.

I say fight though. You probably have a chance to beat it and if you dont fight you'll probably die relatively quick.

>most cancers are caused by congestion, lack of vitamin D i.e. sunlight and lack of sleep/darkness at night
>most cancers are caused
He's not trying to prevent cancer, dipshit. He already has it.

>they all take vitamins

No they fucking don't. Don't just make shit up.

I never said that.

didn't say that chemo never works.

the people who is saying "throw a party, take a gun" i wanna share with you this masterpiece

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I know it's hard when you're 18. It's very hard to have foresight. You don't have the context of living yet. You have nothing to look back on, only your 18 years so far. But I promise you that those years 0-18 become SO small and insignificant as you get older. Life is truly a weird thing. Now I'll be honest, I'm only 21 and i already see this. 18 is like a strange dream, a million miles away. It meant nothing.

I know you probably want to bang girls and travel and such, and going out in tubes instead of doing that over the next few months doesn't seem worth it in your mind. You'd actually rather have several months of living instead of several months of fighting with a chance at survival. But if you're going to fight for this you NEED to do that. 18 means nothing, and you will regret it for eternity if you got lazy and slacked off the fighting. Again, not to sound insensitive.

Use the money to hire a hooker and tell her you have a brain tumor, try to find a good hearted one too. Maybe she'll give you an extra few free fucks. (She'll have to be independent for this). You're 18, lot of hookers i think would understand. Do this over the course of the next week and then start fighting. OR, tell that close friend what's happening to you, and with the right conversation I guarantee that will be an easy lay. No desperation. Just present the facts of your situation and how you'd like to see her naked before you go.

Then once you get that out of your system in a week, fight. A lifetime is not worth giving up for horniness or the "fun" an 18 year old can have. If you survive you can do it when you're 19 or 20!

>I'm not going to argue with you if you call me names.
Get off Sup Forums

but they eat a lot of fish then, and get it that way.

I know.. and it will begin to reverse if you get these things.
The cells don't know that they should die, because they don't get the signal to die. simple.

It's better to burn out than to fade out of sight.... that's what someone told me anyway.

when did pills invented bro, a million years before ?

Well I have a girlfriend, so the hooker stuff is out, but I see sense in the rest of your arguments.

I'm trying to help someone with their cancer.

So, if chemo 'sometimes' works, and the global medical conspiracy group llc, doesnt want to cure cancer... why are they selling chemo drugs?

And why aren't these nutrients so valuable if they have these miraculuos properties thatll stop cancer, period. Surely someone wouldve tested it, written a paper, get it published (it is the literal cure for cancer after all), or could it be, just maybe, on the off chance, are you talking out your ass?