Name one fucking flaw

Name one fucking flaw.
Protip: you can't.

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No Tom Bombadil

It isn't Fellowship of the Ring

Not enough diversity

The Legolas shield/skateboard scene. I don't hate it, but it's the only flaw I can think of.

Aren't you glad they fixed that with the Hobbits


Ents in the second movie were kinda boring

That's actually the only flaw I can think of

Still my favorite movie (the 3 count as 1) of all time

>(the 3 count as 1)

Actually now that you say it, why is there a huge fucking moon in the backround?
What the fuck is the point of that?

thread theme

When the fucking forest walks up to helms deep and kills the remaining orcs in the EE edition.
Fucking stupid.

Blame Tolkien

The Two Towers is the most underrated LoTR movie.

Saruman was cool
Rohan has the best music
Rohan has the best aesthetics
Uruk-hai armor is cool as fuck
Best battle that isn't overly saturated with CGI
Best supporting characters
Best memes
Best menus
Best soundtrack
Best fucking everything

I fucking love this movie so goddamn much

That bit is GOAT you lunatic.

Yeah thats canon though but at least Jackson was still sane enough to know he should cut it from the theatrical release

It diverges a lot from the book for no good reason, and the fucking Legolas skateboard



The Elves turning up at Helms Deeps out of fucking nowhere, still triggers me today.
Totally didnt need to be included

I dunno man, dat fucking horn and music

I want /tg/ and its irrational hatred of Elves to go. Now.


It also completely changed the whole Theoden storyline for no good reason.
I blame that dyke screenwriter for that
Who the fuck said anything about hating elves? The guys in Lorien were busy fending off an invasion form Dol Guldur at the time, they could not send a contingent to help the Rohirrim

it was epic nonetheless. u know u loved it
>implying this wasn't pretty hype

It's probably more visually interesting than the brown cloudy background on the rest of the cover.

>Theoden being literally possessed instead of being just bambloozed by Wormtongue
>the evacuation of Edoras
>"Oh no Aragorn is dead" drama
>Elves at Helm's Deep
>Faramir becoming a whole other character
>the whole detour to Osgiliath
It's a good movie but the worst adaptation, at least the changes in TFotR had a function in the economy of the movie, here most were just nonsensical

Eh, they didn't really do anything except get themselves killed.

In the end it was the Rohirrim + Aragorn leading the charge to buy the women and children time to escape and the reinforcements that actually drew the Uruk-hai fucking shits away were all Rohirrim.

>lotr cucks getting insecure of the upcoming medievalkino that will btfo their beloved """"franchise""""" in all directions so they keep spamming their shitty threads 24/7

>le metzen will save cinema meme


LotR are most comfiest threads. Makes me wanna watch the whole damn trilogy again

You know what, I'm going to do that right now. whats the best version to binge on? Extended?
please reply.

Extended, always.

not nearly enough actors of color #middleearthsowhite

The CGI hasn't aged so well in places and was never that good compared to Fellowship.

It's strange to be on an online forum and not see constant ELVES IN HELMS DEEP.


>Light Shines
>Gandalf Roars


the entire plot of Aragorn's fake death, as if anyone fucking believed he was going to die that cheaply. I watched LotR with the most naive of people and even they went "he's not really dead is he" after that scene. By extension, Aragorn being the one who finds out about the 10 gazillion orcs marching towards Helm's Deep, as if Theoden doesn't have any scouts at all that would spot such a colossal force.

That's such a minor detail in a fantastic film though. FotR is a masterpiece, TTT is near-perfect, and RotK is great but not as good as the other two.

TTT has both second the most emotional scene in the trilogy for me (the Elves coming to Helm's Deep as a military-style version of the Lothlorian theme plays) and the best song (not composition) of the entire trilogy, Gollum's song, which should have won that fuckingOscar if the world was just. All respect to Eminem, Lose Yourself is his last good song, but it doesn't fucking compare.

7/10, not bad actually


Why didn't they fly the eagles to mount doom?

Because dude lazy writing excuse lmao.

FotR had equally bad CGI, it's just that there was much less of it since there were no big battles yet. The troll looks dreadful, though really the movie is so good that I don't care at all.

But TTT has by far the best EE only scene:


Gandalf was the only one who was friends with the Eagles but then he died while they were trying to get to them. Before he falls in Moria he says "Fly, you fools" As in literally Fly on the eagles to Mount Doom.

Is that really an EE scene? If I rewatched TTT, it would feel incomplete without this scene.

Boromir and Faramir was such a nice dynamic, and seeing how much Boromir loved his brother was so sweet. Boromir was such a based character, especially how much of a good hearted person he was, all he wanted was to protect his people.

Yep. I'll never be able to rewatch the trilogy in their theatrical versions, even Rotk, which has a lot of bullshit added to it.

the entire plot of Aragorn's fake death, as if anyone fucking believed he was going to die that cheaply. I watched LotR with the most naive of people and even they went "he's not really dead is he" after that scene.
That wasn't necessarily its purpose, but rather to show all the others love for Aragorn and him having a bautiful shot with Brego and finding the Uruk army, which contributed to the plot. It also put Aragorn in a fucking badass light since he would still continue without any rest even when falling from a cliff and nearly dying.

>It also put Aragorn in a fucking badass light since he would still continue without any rest even when falling from a cliff and nearly dying.

It also made him look rugged as fug and hot

I noticed two things watching fellowship: the backdrop where gandalf is trapped on Orthanc had a cloud covering the moon and it doesn't change or move at all. It's not a huge deal but it's always bugged me.

That, and the darkness scenes just before the Balrog. The shadows and the weird flatness from the poorly done lighting. They have shadows and stuff and idk. It just looked off and it pulls me out of the scene every time.

>the backdrop where gandalf is trapped on Orthanc had a cloud covering the moon and it doesn't change or move at all
It was probably a painted matte, if I recall they used quite a lot of them in LotR

He never gives up and that scene showed it. True badassness.

velly gud but y r sam & frodo so fucking gay

Because they're divine beings and can't be just fucking called upon whenever like flying mounts.

Sauron would've seen them and stopped them

>tfw the first movies I watched with my gf was the LoTR triology
>tfw she laughed when I cried during the Gray Haven scene
>tfw she will never understand

Gandalf knew that after 5 minutes of flying with the ring, the eagle would have killed Frodo and put it on their talon.

Reference to 9/11 attacks.

How the fuck did peter jackson become goerge lucas? Those two created one of the finest kino in the history, and when they figured they need to make more movies, they turned out to be a complete pile of shit. Is this some fantasy/scifi desease or what. i was putting so many hopes for Hobbit and its such a fucking cgi circlejerk like phantom menace it pains to even talk about it.

I think the power gap is even larger for LOTR and the Hobbit than Star Wars.

I wonder if people were butthurt about the name when TTT came out. It was only a year after 9/11

I agree. George Lucas only directed the first Star Wars, and that's a 8/10 at best.

Jackson directed all 3 LOTR movies, and each one is 10/10. It's mindboggling how much the Hobbit movies sucked

Well, they were different cases.

Lucas overestimated his own skills as a writer and director while Jackson got stuck having to direct two whole movies with to time of pre-production whatsoever which got turned into three by the studio halfway into production, despite the book hardly having any material for it.

I can't say if Jackson's cgi circlejerk was a result of saying "fuck it" and letting the Visual Effects artists handle everything or if he truly became a hack, because I think he ended up realizing that he could achieve the same results of going to the top of a mountain in the middle of New Zealand or shooting three months of battle under the rain with simply having one or two actors wriggling their swords around at nothing in a greenscreen set.

>best menus

Meat being back on them would've helped


They did this to avoid building two identical but differently sized sets. I wonder if in LotR they actually built two sets.

Casting Eliza Douchekoo as Froyo

Tom wasn't in the two towers.

Did faramir try to take the ring in two towers? I know even jackson admits he made a bad call on that.

Probably the tacked on subplot about aragorn and the warg and getting lost, or some minor changes to the entsigorney.

>I wonder if in LotR they actually built two sets
They did, LotR used the green screen very sparingly

They did have to use green screen for plenty of the size difference stuff in Bag End.

It's amazing how much effort can go into one trilogy and so little into the other.

The excuse that Jackson had no pre-production time doesn't work with me, I'm sure he had enough gravitas to change the climate of that deal and if he didn't then he shouldn't have signed to make the bloody thing.

They did it because forced perspective wont work when you film in 3D.

it was really a huge error

should have been del toro like originally planned. a different vision and feel completely instead of a cartoony, hollow mess that was the resulting afterbirth of a somewhat familiar jackson middle earth

I don't get why people were so against film-Faramir. I thought his movie version was boss, book version was too pure. He had completely legitimate reasons to try and take the ring, yet he saw reason and ultimately was the better man than Boromir when it came to fighting the corruption of the ring.

Yeah, I would have preferred del Toro, he's already proven to be able to make a good fairytale movie

Plus he would have only made two movies. Altough I bet a shitton of autists would sperg out over how different in tone and style it would be compared to LOTR

My bad, I should have said that they used CGI very sparingly

>implying he would have been able to tell the studio off

George was always a hack, his ex-wife should be the one credited for making the original trilogy great.

Hobbit was fucked from the beginning (Originally a Del Torro vision and Pre-Production hell) and Jackson came on last minute. Then he got screwed over with the studio demanding a third movie half way through filming.

BUT even if PJ had his prep time with the Hobbit, I don't think it would've been a masterpiece as LotR. I don't know why I think this, but making the LotR in the late 90s/early 200s, was a perfect time for it.

>his ex-wife should be the one credited for making the original trilogy great.

Also the production designers, John Williams, the Visual Effect artists and Ben Burtt

Without how Star Wars looks and sounds it's just a generic hero's journey movie.

Jackson wasn't the first choice to direct the Hobbit movies. Also, studio interference is rumored to have played a big role in why they turned out to be stretched thin pieces of CGI excrement

The crazy thing is that the original LOTR trilogy came out around the same time as the SW prequels. The restraint, with regard to CGI, in the LOTR movies is part of their greatness, especially when compared to the prequels. And yet, over a decade later, they didn't learn anything from Lucas's fuck up. They even added shitty looking CGI characters. The albino orc is one step above Jar Jar

Exactly this aswell.

I agree, I thought the film made faramir more interesting

Hobbit trilogy is the textbook definition of a rushed job, lad.

It's the most stagnant entry in the trilogy.