Pic related is the last condution of the terrorist that made New Year bombing in Istanbul after his interrogation

Pic related is the last condution of the terrorist that made New Year bombing in Istanbul after his interrogation.

Do you think it is just to treat him that way?

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No, Mongols deserve more respect. This message goes to this board too.

And pic related is the condition of Norwegian Terrorist, Breivik who still makes Nazi Salute each time he goes to court.

But he went viking... isn't that was Norwegians do? They go out and about viking around?

He won a court case for unhumane treatment.



It is always them...

Humanity is overrated.jpg

Yes, he should be tortured

Turk's being animals? Wow, its not like that they impaled people with stake's during the WW or butchered 1.5 million Armenians in ways almost unbelievable for even seasoned criminals like Judeo-Russian revolutionaries or Chinese Red guards.

Fuck off racist

It's not an issue of if he should be beat up if he did it, it's an issue of being sure he did it.
That's why this kind of shit is bad, because mistakes happen, the guy they got after the truck attack in germany was innocent.
You can't pass punishment without due process.

I wish my apartment was as nice as that. Fucking convicts get better treatment in norway than citizens here.

They decent housing sure but they're isolated pretty much 100% of the time and subject to literal torture see so its not all great.

There is nothing more terrible than living in sterile, well-kept environment for criminal, who is repenting and feels quilty for his crimes.
If you repent, you want to be thrown to some destructive-labor camp (Solzhenitsyn's words) in middle of nowhere and only when you've lost every bit of self-respect, strenght, absolutely everything, you might feel being able to return to society (this, of course - even in civilized societies - is not possible for mass murderers.)

But for a criminal mind, who does not repent for a second - much like Muslim does not repent for raping, pillaging and murdering non-believers or like communist doesn't repent for genociding 'enemies of the people' - good environment after doing his bloody deed is nothing but a gift and this is something that 'civilization' has hard time dealing with.

well Breivik himself said that he is going insane



Asking turks to treat other humans nice is like asking a scorpion to not sting. It's just in their nature to be assholes.

That is probably the case.
Some other contemporary Scandinavian criminals, like Varg, has said the same thing; going insane in that lovey-dovey prison environment.

if I could get internet access in there I'd immediately fly over there and commit crimes

no wonder the refugees are so crazy

He will have his revenge. More fake turks will die.


syrian genocide coming soon

I need to get arrested in Norway.

>its not like that they impaled people

Lmao what do they teach you guys in school about us.

And how is he going to accomplish that?

The truth, Cemal.

Its only bad if he didn't do it
If he actually did do it, they went too soft on him

Nothing, why would public school system teach about some irrelevant nation inhabited by barbarians? Your so-called 'glory days' of the Ottoman Empire are over, thank God.

Luckily education (or learning about past events) does not need to end there in the West.

He did it , he was wanted ever since that day
>isis millitant

*Kills 39 people in a nightclub in the name of all*h*
*Kidnaps 2 14 year olds from nearby villages to use as sex slaves in the name of k*rdistan and communism*
*While the army is away fighting at the front, revolts and raids villages in the name of armenia then cries of genocide afterwards*

why should they, thsi fucktard killed random people in club that were just having fun, hope mehmet makes him 2 new assholes

every turk looks like that, they're literal asian rapebabies and proud of it

he didn't lose an eye or a finger.
they were very polite with him.
