What is the best way to check if someone really is from your country?

What is the best way to check if someone really is from your country?

In case of Germany there are two ways. Both work quite good:
1. Wait until dark and check if the test person crosses the street at red traffic light when the street is completely empty. If he does, he's not really german (maybe Austrian or other shit).

2. Ask the test person if he can borrow you a small amount of money (like 20 cents or so). Then wait a few days and observe if he reminds you that he borrowed you the money and demands it back. In that case, he's certainly german.

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talk to them

form a line and see if anyone comes too close

So germans are autistic jews?

that method is bullshit because Canadians sound very similar

If you start a conversation with a stranger on the street and they don't appear bothered at all, it's an American
Only people who do that shit here are aspies, old people and meth heads but Americans love doing it

>1. Wait until dark and check if the test person crosses the street at red traffic light when the street is completely empty. If he does, he's not really german
Seriously? Christ, the automaton memes are real.
>2. Ask the test person if he can borrow you a small amount of money (like 20 cents or so). Then wait a few days and observe if he reminds you that he borrowed you the money and demands it back. In that case, he's certainly german.
Worse than kikes.

Ask them to pronounce city names. One city name usually suffices.

's-Gravenhage, 's-Hertogenbosch, Scheveningen, Nijmegen, Amsterdam, Utrecht etc.

I do both of them despite not being ethnically german. Watcha gonna do now?


Most Slovenes do both of those things, so your test isn't all that reliable .

Place him in a Serb-populated area. If he is a Croat, you will see caravans of Serbs on tractors fleeing from the area.

If you want to see if he is a Dalmatian Croat, take him for a coffee. If he takes out and places his cellphone, wallet, keychain, sunglasses, lighter and cigarette box on the table and then starts complaining about everything, he is Dalmatian.

Is there a better way than singing a local song?


Ask him if he ISN'T french, most of foreigners fall for this bait.

just wait until they say "about".

Ask him what his favorite Indonesian dish is.

just check if he's white

Put some meat, veggies, potatoes and gravy in front of his plate. And see what he does.

A Dutch person will start mashing his food into astronaut food. And then build a dyke and put the gravy in the middle.

i can hear the slightest canadian accent

t. lived in michigan

desu I would make a dyke with my mashed potatoes and gravy

ask whether she/he is a Chinese or a Korean. if I were in his/her position, I would get mad instantly and finish the conversation.

You need to mash the veggies with the potatoes.


offer them coke in a glass bottle and a plastic bottle, if they choose the glass bottle they're mexican.

If they ask for a bag they're south american.

It's very reliable

This is a bit weird, but I found it only really works here:

You offer to pay someone's beer, or to pay the next round. If they accept without offering to pay yours, they aren't Portuguese.

And it's not showing off, it's a almost a good-willed friendly thing. You always offer to pay the next round, and it usually requires a couple of back and forth against someone else, and one of you getting slightly upset for not paying the round for the other guys, and promising to pay the next one.

In the end, everyone drinks the same, and everyone pays about the same (or it averages after a couple nights out with the lads).

You do have to leave the house with enough money to buy for everyone else you're going out with for at least one round.

It helps that a 33cl beer gets as low as like €0,50 or something is some places (usually college bars with bulk discount), but still.

I'm not even arguing that this is better than just agreeing/accepting a generous offer from someone else, but it is something that we do almost naturally, without no big spoken tradition behind it or anything.

if he can lend you money, not borrow.

>If they accept without offering to pay yours
That's not how to recognize the Portuguese, that's how to recognize mannerless trash from civilised people.

I've got to be honest that I never went to Poland, but in Germany/France/Netherlands/Spain, if you offer to pay for the next round, everyone just says "okay".

In here we almost start fights to decide who gets to pay.

I dunno, maybe the others guys just expected me to pay my country's debt, which I guess is fair, kek.

Just scream takbir in the streets. People not responding are not french

>in Germany/France/Netherlands/Spain, if you offer to pay for the next round, everyone just says "okay".

In the Netherlands no one would refuse that offer.

If you say X you mean X. And that's that.

>If he takes out and places his cellphone, wallet, keychain, sunglasses, lighter and cigarette box on the table and then starts complaining about everything, he is Dalmatian.

That's the most spanish thing I've ever see

>been to berlin last weekend
>jaywalked 1/3 of the times

Berlin traffic lights are completely retarded.

>People not responding are not french
Don't you mean the other way around? I'd expect the French already got used to it.
Ah yes, the infamous Germanic soullessness.

They smile in public

And that's fair enough, don't get me wrong. I'm not expecting people to pay when I offer to, It'd be fake and hypocritical otherwise. We truly offer to pay because we truly want and expect to pay for it.

It's just something we do, I guess.

Yeah. If no cars coming, I cross the street. So long as I'm not making anybody slow down or risk someone crashing into me and having to call an ambulance, fuck it. It's my prerogative.

this is the only Slovene that truly matters

Our manners are not the same as other Germanics desu.

Here polite forms can be seen as trickery, dishonesty and deception. You spread confusion.
Directness is honesty, reliable, you show your intentions and speak from your heart.

Look at him and smile. If he smiles back he is Brazilian

>Look at him and smile. If he smiles while eating a banana and shoots at you he is Brazilian

fixed that for you


See? It worked

Here, you ask what the others want, order and pay.


Interesting how Brazilians are pretty melancholic people, yet they are always smiling and seem light-hearted.

It's like that episode of Rick and Memey where the Old guy makes a small body that always seems happy except when he produces any sort of art he always lets his sadness through. Bossa Nova is so often considered happy and light, but is usually about rather sad feelings.

You guys even developed a happy version of a sad-sounding language.

Do Brazilian songs sound happy to non-Portuguese-speakers?

Look at him and smile. If he asks what's your kurwa problem he is Polish.

ask him who won the vietnam war

>If he takes out and places his cellphone, wallet, keychain, sunglasses, lighter and cigarette box on the table and then starts complaining about everything
Top kek, that's me.

explain. pockets too small, no wallet or what?

>Brazilians are pretty melancholic people

you have to listen to the words, not the inflection.

It is fairly deceiving, but check it out:

you're shitposting

Alright, I'm not explaining properly:

They are more melancholic than they let on. They aren't more melancholic than everyone else, but still a deceivingly fair amount.


only to a non-native-english speaker from another continent, to me they sound Canadian

I used to do that when I was young, but haven't done it recently

It's actually true.

Actually, it’s curious you say it, because there is a singer here that made a sad song about suicide and, in one interview, He said that the public sings that song with a smile. But I don’t know if it because of Brazilians personality or just ignorance. (haha) The song is something metaphoric and poetry.
About Bossa Nova, I think that its because Bossa came from samba and in the samba, at least at the old school, the sadness is always present. So, Bossa its like that has sadness and love at the same time.

I mean, most of the real Bossa heavy-hitter songs is about girls you don't/can't have, presented in a very neat and happy sounding melodies and harmonies.

Maybe I'm looking too much into it, and I'm definitely biased, but it feels very connected to a vaguely Portuguese mindset, except it shows itself in the very opposite way, at least at first glance.

Maybe the other user is right, and Brazil's violence/poverty problem outweighs it, but I think it's very obvious that you can still find a collective, calm and reserved voice from beneath it all it that's unique to your country, which is very very rare in newer, emigration-based countries, especially ones so big as Brazil. In fact, I'll go as far as to say that Brazil has managed a very impressive artistic output, second only to the US in terms of sheer size, without a tenth of their resources and stability.

And this comes from someone that used to really not like Brazil.

Simply by looking at person tells you if he/she us foreign. I can spot a finn just by a glimpse of seeing their clothing or way they act

say 'how are you going' but mush it all into one word with three syllables - howyegan
if they know what you said they're australian, actually you can do this with any question and foreigners never understand what you said


Ofcourse, most Canadians won't speak like this, but if you notice even a bit of an accent from the video, you can be sure that they're either Canadian or from Minnesotta




watch how they handle queues

if they queue, then they're british
if they cut in, then they're continental

if they teach, they're canadian
if they're drunk, they're irish
if they're overly happy, they're australian
if they shout so loud the whole fucking room can hear them, they're american

In the hateful Eight, the guy guessed the woman was foreign, how did he do it?

I don't know.

My girlfriend is even more autistic than me. She doesn't even cross there street if there is no markings or traffic light at all. It could violate the law and cause insurance problems. But she is not German.

How do I find and attain a qt autistic gf?

ask them who to blame for the housing bubble. If he says boomers and local councils, hes either not Australian, or works in finance.
If he says Chinese, he's Australian.

They say bag like "beyg"(they do this with other "ag" words too)
They say eh
They say aboot

Aussies are right miserable cunts when they are out of their sunny paradise unless they are drinking, just like us.