Hi Sup Forums I need your help!

Hi Sup Forums I need your help!

Im a skydiver with just 130 skydives but in about 3 weeks im going on a BASE jumping course at Brento.
I'm nervous as fuck and can't speek to nobody about it, especially my mates with knowledge about this sorts of thing bc of the taboo.

The course cost me 3160 euro and it was a pre-order payment to secure my place in the que.

If I back out now Im going to lose my money, hence I cant tell anyone.
Why I did it? I thought I would be able to do much more skydives to practice this summer...
I had hopes to have around 200 jumps wich already is in the low end to start BASE junping...

So Sup Forums what should I do?
Should I risk my life and go through or should I be safe and throw my money in the lake?

Also: ask a Idiot anything thread

Sitting here posting on a forum with edgy teens hoping to get advice from another skydiver or basejumper, how pathetic I am...

bump while I read that mountain of text

does the course teach you?

some random girl shaking her ass

Somewhat but it requiers good knowledge in skydiving, which I have but if I have bad luck I probably cant handle an emergency

In base jumping u only got one chute and one chance...

Im so fucked

This thread is going to 404, i take that as a sign

You can do this.. You are letting your nerves get the best of you. I know plenty of people that have gone BASE jumping with barely any sky diving experience. Most people in the rock climbing community are into it with little experience otherwise.

Just be honest when they ask about your experience level.

Then they will ban me, it was 150 jumps minimum :/

Shit's legal, right? Just pay attention, and you do you, OP.

Besides, you're not gonna live forever. Might as well do something I promise nobody in this thread ever will.

You fucked up

Nope, its illegal hence no money back gurantee


Just suck it up and pray

Illegal as in...
Theyre not certified?
Safety standars?

All of them im afraid.
Brento Is legal i think but the practice bridge isnt

So you basically paid for something where not only you can get thrown into jail, even if you had the xp (200+ jumps) theres a increased % of you getting killed.
And after all that never in your head got a red flag?

Please jump.

Your initiating this process could be considered jumping the gun. Bite the bullet. Take the jump.
If you successfully pass the course, OP, your mates won't have to know about it. If you don't but come out alive, you can make up an excuse that some thugs beat you up.

For the plebe: what taboo?

I'd say risk your life....
You are already experienced. You can do it.

Basically yep, im so screwed.

This is my life long dream and I had plans to practice a lot this summer to get ready but our plane got a engine failur so I have hade a hard time, spendig every free weekend to go to other dropzones.

I could have done a lot of low jumps just to get my jump number up but I though it was better to do a few but with more experience.

Ahahaha wtf dipshit? You jump out of fucking planes for fun, but you are worried for your safety.... maybe you should stop this stupid shit and just go jogging or build some miniatures or shit....

For the idiot thing to start base jumping with low experience.
If I throw my money in the lake I can take this secret to my grave

Skydiving is such a exagreated sport, do you think so many ppl would do it arounde the globe if it was so dangeroues?

You have a reserve shute and a AAD who deploy it for you atutomaticly if you cant.
Now days ppl die in skydiving bc of they flying a perfectly function shute and do a low turn.
I have a whole sport called swooping which have the poit to fly as fast and as low to the ground as possibly with the chute

What if you lose the money?
What if your "friends" judge you?

Still got the next year, the sky is not gonna run out, idk which country you are but i assume there are at least 2 "dropzones" (know shit bout jumping) so these arent gonna run out either.
Cant see this "ultimatum" you claim...
Feels like shit losing the money, the judging and the impatience? Ofc it does, but you will be alive to feel it...

This is also how I think, loosing a lot of money bc of me being a idiot but at the same time I really want to go through with this and do the course but idk if i have the courage

Stop being a French little faguette and just do it.

Is not about "courage" is about a little superpower called "common sense". See if you can develop it.

Luckily enough for you a BASE jumper just happened to stumble across this.

I started BASE with over 400 skydives and now have over 250 BASE jumps.

At 130 skydives you are definitely at the low experience end.
Why will you lose your money? If you are doing one of the well known courses I'm sure if you talk to the boss there you can get some advice from them.
I am sure they would be happy to give you at least some of your money back.

I can assure you the last thing anyone in the sport wants is to see a low experience person get hurt because they got into the sport too soon.

And nobody wants anyone on their course to get hurt either - thus the minimum requirements. It's just stressful and a mess.

Even 200 jumps is at the low experience end, as you have mentioned.

Come clean and tell the boss person at your course your situation ASAP and see what they say.

Some people get into the sport early and are confident - some over-confident. It sounds like you are being pretty realistic, you're shit scared and I think you should be because you know you're not as prepared as you could be...?

As you must be aware, August has been a bloodbath out there in Europe. 3 people I know have died in the last 2 weeks. I went to Brento for the first time in 2014 and within a week after I left 2 people had died there (one of them doing WS proximity, but the other was a low experience jumper).

Honestly at 130 skydives I think you could probably get away with it at Brento but remember: it's meant to be FUN.
It does not sound like you are going to have FUN. :)

If you put it on hold, you might lose some money, but you'll lose more if you go, jump, and break your legs or worse.

I think if you got banned for making a wise decision like skipping the course that would be really stupid, I think that would be wrong.

Skip the course, lose some money, get better prepared, go back WHEN YOU'RE READY - and you'll have a fucking AWESOME time. I promise you it is worth the wait! :)

Ur probably right, my money is gone anyway.
I paid them last christmas and haven't had them since so it will suck to not get what i had hoped for but i will manage

Are you fucking stupid, doesnt matter how many times you jump out of a plane to compare it to a cliff. Your first time is usually your last, just do it faggot.

Oh thx god u replied!

Its not just the course, its the plane tickets, hotel and those sorts of things.

I have trained a lot with my trackingsuit, tracking in differnt angles and done a shit tone of flips to try to get stable, i have also much experience in cliff diving (professional) but the things thats worring me is the offheadings/ linetwist

well you only gain experience from doing it, so getting ass much from others experiences before actually going through with it should make you more prepared. Or die. It's your choice really.

If the guy tells you "you dont have even half the xp needed" dont try to sugar-coat it or delude yourself with "i know stuff too".
The same with your view of the course, you look at it as if it where a big thing, it may be your dream but it is not a proud thing to get hurt dumbly for your dream.
It looks to me you started this thread to get confirmation instead of a honest opinion.

I just told him bc he knows how it is and can give me advice, I dont try to sugercoat it i just want him to give me the risk analysis of offheadings and line twist, everything else i got covered.

I am fast on my toggles but a skdivung chute opens much smoother than a base chute.

They say the bridge is fine and Brento is also safe but maybe the course ppl try to sugercoat it bc of the sound of it from this guy ppl die there all the time..

To the base guy:
What happened to the inexperienced guy who got killed?

>What happened to the inexperienced guy who got killed?
Preeeeety sure he dieded...

OK, well I still think you should be honest with the course organiser and let them know your situation and see what they say.

You can make money back. I know 3000 euro is a fuckload of money, but if you lose some money you can make it back eventually. You should be able to cancel a few things like hotels and airfares and make a bit back?

Professional cliff diving should be a good foundation that not a lot of BASE jumpers have, in fact that should help you a lot.

As far as offheadings and line twists are concerned, they should worry you and will always worry you in BASE. You always have to plan for them.

At the end of the day it's up to you, but I can 100% assure you that no BASE jumper is going to think less of you for making a decision to put off jumping until you feel ready.

If you do decide to go, focus on your instruction, be conservative, don't make stupid choices or rash decisions or be led astray by others, just focus on doing everything right and you will probably survive.

But then your other problem is what are you going to do when you return home and want to continue jumping? Who will know you and what will they think of you?
Do you want to be that guy who lied about his experience and got hurt? Or the guy who showed good judgment, and took the harder, longer, more expensive road?
I know who I'd rather jump with.

It was a girl who died, she didn't track far from the wall, got line twists and hit the wall. She had around 70 BASE jumps I believe and it was her second trip there.

I believe there are a lot of incidents at Brento because a lot of people go there with low experience and do silly things.

If you are on a proper course the course instructors will look after you but they can't stop you getting a tension knot or opening low if you get silly.

I do have that as a promise to my self if I do go, if anything dont feel right a will not jump.
Maybe at the bridge but only if I have a chance to land both upwind and down wind, not wanting to do any low turns.

Thats the other thing im worries about, im a good tracker (not as good as most base jumpers but im best at my dropzone, of my 130 jumps I have done 80 trackingjumps and 50 of them in the trackingsuit but when do i know to open the chute? Ppl say its better to track those last seconds to get further away from the wall instead of opening high but open low terrifies me; i even get groundrush watching videos from the walley

Fellow skydiving fag here. Phoenix, Arizona reporting in. Now unlike your lucky ass, I'm still unlicensed and only have 25 jumps under my belt.

Should you do it? FUCK YES you should do it. This is what we fucking do, OP. We're thrill seekers. Think about why you became a skydiver in the first place. You wanted more out of this boring ass society. You chased your dreams, and now you're a fucking badass and I look up to you. Don't back out now. This is who we are. We face our fears and we literally jump. Don't be afraid to die. Be afraid to live your life in a box. If you die, you die. Let it kill you. Let it be your fucking legend, OP. Fucking jump.

see you in the next wrekt thread

Dude, they're probably going to ask to see your log books..

Please jump before him.

Is that supposed to imply that I wouldn't? Like I said, I'm unlicensed, so I"m very limited and restricted. I can't even solo jump outside of my home dropzone. Fuck, as it is, I'm not even current so I can't solo jump at all at the moment.. I'm probably going to do a recurrency jump this Friday. I want that fucking A license.

Op here and you are one those who need to slow down.
Maybe im a hypocrite but when i started skydiving i couldn't dream of basejumping for many years, only after years of research, two years of practicing and a good look at my self I was able to confirm that I was going to be able to do this (before our plane crashed)


Questions about line twists and when to pull are best asked during a course. You should have an idea already of what you're dealing with with line twists and what causes them.

I really think you should speak to the people you are doing your course through with your questions.

Like I said, 130 skydives is very low experience but it can be done, I've heard of people doing it. I would never advise anyone to get into BASE with that low an experience level but it can be done.

At the end of the day it's your choice. I just think you'd be better off if you waited. If you are shit scared now, trust me that is NOTHING compared to how you're going to feel when you're standing on the exit and it's your turn to go. It is scary as FUCK.

Op here again, good to hear bro. Get that A license! Skydiving is a lot of fun and you should not do as i did and miss out fun jumps to practice :)

I've actually been slacking.. I haven't jumped in like two months, so I'm WAY out of currency.. Freaking sucks. I just want to be consistent again, otherwise I'll never be licensed.

Oh, I'll never miss a fun jump, unless I'm trying to watch my money. Haha. Freaking party jump out of that C208, tandem jumpers with us and all. Best thing ever. :D

I was looking forward to doing a skydiving course to later be able to use a wingsuit, what are the minimum jumps you need?

Around 500 jumps most ppl go wingsuiting, many many many more for wingsuit base.

U can du around 70-200 jumps a summer