************************************CIVILIZATION THREAD************************************

************************************CIVILIZATION THREAD************************************


Orcs live in the hills. A hearty race of warriors. Weapons and armor are extensions of ourselves.

Dwarves, who dwell in the mountains. They are stout and intelligent, and have discovered the secret of golem-making.

Elves in their forests have unmatched ranged units, and scientific advances are their forte.

Humans of the coast are masters of the island's resources, possessing good farms and herds.

To rule the island, we must bring to heel or make genocide on the other races, until the whole of the island is ours.

Fuck it, elves.


Wealth: Acquired via tribute, battles, or production.

Food: 1 population consumes 1 food. Run out, and people start to die, and thieves appear.

Resources: Necessary to build town/defense upgrades, or to train soldiers.

Slaves: Each slaves consumes .5 food/turn, and produces .2 units/turn. May be allocated to gather food or resources. If food runs out, slave rations will be cut first. 5 slaves will die each turn food remains negative. Orcs may cannibalize their slaves, providing +2 food/corpse.

Soldiers: A barrack is required to train soldiers, the first structure built under A (see below). Soldiers require resources and wealth to be trained

A: Improve town (Structures that aid our tribe's advancement. Requires 10 resources and 5 wealth to choose this option)
B: Improve Defenses (There is a linear improvement scale. Requires 10 resources and 5 wealth to choose this option)
C: Improve Armor
D: Improve Weaponry
E: Improve Technology (Specify Domestic or War)
F: Forage (25-100 food will be gathered)
G: Explore (N, S, E, W) (New areas will be discovered, holding enemies, allies, great forests, caverns, etc. Adventure is out there!)
H: Improve Tools (Increases slaves' productivity)

B1: Train soldiers: (Specify unit type and number)

Random events will occur ever 2 turns, based on a random number generator. The number given will correspond to an event. Some numbers mean no event, some are a nice help, some start side-quests, some turn the world up-side-down, you get the idea.

Battles take place from time to time, using a turn-based combat system. Each unit has ATK/DEF stats, which can be improved via the C, D, and E options. Be warned: our tribe is capable of being slaughtered, which ends the game.

If trips are rolled, a very special event will occur (only once per number).

Ill be the hoomans

I'll explore north.

Dubs confirms elves. We are the Lodenaren, a small tribe of elves who have lived hand to mouth or worse on this colossal island, plagued by their bellicose orc neighbors, shunned by their ancient foes, the dwarves, and feared by the humans. Our band of 25 lives as they ever have, until one elf steps forward.


What will be our first course of action?

Double dubs, may i suggest we explore?

The elf is named Anita Sarkesian, and she will lead the charge to wipe out every last man in the Orc/Human/Drawf tribes

POP: 25
FOOD: 100

We set up camp along the sea, fashioning walls from simple logs and huts from simple materials.

Im dark matter

Excellent, set up troops to defend our huts.

Samefag here, i also suggest we set up workers near by, on what I'm not sure though, what resources are near?

Didn't pick a direction, so going with Anita Sarkesian places trust in her womynstincts and feels certain that if we travel to the coast, we will find males of several varieties to hunt. Stone tools are fashioned (painstakingly) and trees are felled. This does not sit well with most other elves, as trees are their religion. By sunset, enough logs have been set to erect a sizable palisade and some rough huts from the branches. We have shelter!

POP: 25
FOOD: 75


Build a mine into a small hill to the east to find iron to forge

This new area is completely foreign to the elves. The roar of the sea frightens all.

Use the template actions please!

Alright, I'll roll for hunting meat, elves are typically good with bows.

I guess that means forage. Rolling again.

roll for this

Satanic trips good enough?

Improve domestic tech

Also bump

search for food!

foods gonna drop hard with our 25

first off, replace orks with golbins, second of, add in kobolds and cave people.

Make a custom map and load this shit into Dwarf fortress.

We're doing civ, make your own thread.

Dwarves for me

don't ask so fucking much from OP, he made a game for us, the thread would be dead by the time he finished.


Satanic trips:

A rumbling in the earth, no warning, a ripple in the water. Thunderous booming cracks the sky and paints the clouds red, then black with ash and death. A pyroclastic flow begins its flow down the mountain, caving in dwarven settlements, englufing orcs, and deforesting half the continent, only marginally affecting the now coast-dwelling elves. The long-reaching effects of this are not yet known.


Foraging, however, was successful and the hunters return with bundles of hares and a good grab of nuts and berries. +75 food.

Shieet. The only time getting trips is a bad thing.

well shit, umm, is there any way for us to be gaining wealth right now?

POP: 25
FOOD: 125

I'm taking a wild guess here, explore west.

hell yeah! west or bust.


I'm okay with this as well. Could help food production.

west is only option

Anita takes notice that berries must grow for a reason, and apportions an amount of berries for planting. -5 food, Farming 1 developed.

Human fishermen are seen by our elf scouts, not far from our settlement. They fish for their food in the water we now claim. What shall we do? 7 or one vote for an action decides.

fucking kill them, right now, heads on spears surrounding the town

POP: 25
FOOD: 100+10(FARMING1)

okay so 2 more farms are in place so this all goes smoothly, after dealing with fishers, I say another farm please

A: Kill them outright, they don't stand a chance
B: Diplomacy
C: Intimidate
D: Other

Take their males, castrate them, force them into slavery. Also while their working we have two people come out and fuck in front of them because fuck them so +1 pop

yes this, slaves will help

Wait we're good archers right? Why don't we just RYU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU them?

dead people < slaves

Sigard, the human fisherman left home like it was any other day, kissed his wife and said goodbye to his little one growing inside her belly. She grabbed his braid the way he liked as he left, giggling like a girl. He knew that smile was all he'd ever need.

It had been a good day on the sea, with enough fish brought in to eat, and some left over to sell. Maybe he could finally buy Igrid a fine dress like the other women. No, she's a practical one. She'd want the roof rethatched before any money was spent on frilly nonsense.

He hauls his catch to the shore, a little later than normal. The sun is setting, and in the low light, he never stood a chance. Creatures from stories take him and before he can scream his testicles are gone.

Good job, guys.

POP: 26

hell to the fucking yeah, put him to work at the farm

I'm voting in favor of peace, they can be useful later, trust me ass kissing goes far in civ.

Next action is?

explore west, and put slaves to work at farm

Put the slaves to work, more resources and then sell them for gold. InsertJewPicHere

Upgrade armor

To be clear, them means the resources, sorry for bad English, very tired.

Roll for this



I agree with this. Should we sell a small bit of food as well?

I like the selling food idea


only wanna sell food when we gain more then we need

Let's roll on it then.

Check em.

Can I be smeagle? One who just dwells in the dark caves and gets high with an unlimited supply of weed and cheese pizza?

Sure, why not, so long as you take as minimum as possible.

upgrade weapons tech! we need to be prepared for those filthy orcs

7 gets it.

The slaves are set to work gathering peat and burning it, and producing iron resources. Our scouts are sent to the west, closer to the mountain. The stench of death thickens with every step, and soon they come on the ruins of an Orc settlement.

Charred bodies litter the ground and blasted structures stand weakly. Weapons and armor are found, sturdier and deadlier than our own. +1ATK/DEF to soldiers.

Bands of humans pass near us and our scouts are sent out to trade with them. 15 food is sold at a tidy profit. +30 resources

After we put slaves to work, yes. Assault tech upgrade.

I will. I may even give back to the earth with all my semen I will produce. I am self sufficient. I just don't expect anyone to bother me though.

>POP: 26
>FOOD: 80+10(FARMING1)

no shit we don't want resources, we want wealth@

OP here, my bad. +30 wealth.

Produce good offspring, and I'll reward you a bit.

haha its cool, now improve town

Repost stats.

POP: 26

send a scout up to visit smeagol, and form an alliance in which he reports information about actions and movements of other tribes in exchange for 1+ food per tip.

Improve town using stone as material. Remember elves don't like using wood.

this sounds smart

Also stone doesn't melt as easy as wood.

Dubs decides it so!

smeagol does not need alliance. He has psychosis and is unstable. The only knowledge smeagol has is lurking the dark web and stumbling upon classified while looking for cheese pizza.

I vote put smeagol in a cage


Every elf grew up hearing legends about the dangerous monster of the mountain, Smeagol, One volunteers to seek him out for his well-known spying capabilities.

If dubs, he flips out and kills the scouts, if evens, it works, if odds, he cannot be found.


>-1 pop.

Can we take one or two slaves to do experiments with them?

fuck you

please? like feed them to themselves

This guy is not too wise. What if Bilbo Baggins killed smeagol?

Good job. The legend of smeagol lives on. -1 Elf

No. Pardon your dubs, but our slaves are rather valuable.

what is this bagginses

Nop, I was thinking like discover medical treatments or anything like that