Sup guys so I am unsure of a situation so you decide what I do

Sup guys so I am unsure of a situation so you decide what I do.

So a friend of mine wants to smoke weed but he has never done it before, but we have a stoner friend that lives by me. So she suggested that my friend stay the night at my house and we leave in the night get high and come back home. The problem is I am a fag and don't like getting high (paranoia) and sneaking out is difficult in my house. I still want to help out my friend. Without getting caught. I was thinking stay at my friend's house and wait for it to fizzle out but we can't stay there. I would prefer to do it during the day and give some excuse to leave for a few hours What would Sup Forums do.

>not be such a total slackjawed faggot

would be my advice
fucking first world kiddy problems

This is the most teenager-level problem I've seen on Sup Forums in a minute.
Quit being a fucking pussy and toke up, bitch.

Also have your guy deliver it to your window.
That or just stop being a queer and get it yourself.

I got one word of advice for you
no matter the situation

Op here

So I'm going to what's my excuse

you're gonna go take a walk

>OMG mommy will see my red eyes and me talking funny. I'm so dense I can't even make up an excuse like "I think I got a fever,I feel bad and I'm going to bed"

What do u mean

I mean be in control of yourself and your situation, nobody knows you're high until you act like an idiot

Just stop being a faggot and tell her you're playing pokemon go or something and there's a super rare pokemon nearby.

but also, don't think about how high you are or how hard it may be to manage, because then, you will laugh

and once you start laughing it's difficult to stop

just don't go overboard and you'll be fine

Thanks guys

Underage beta fag learn to take a hit

I used to be an expert on this type of shit. It's time to man the fuck up. Come up with an excuse, leave & bring eye drops & axe, toke the fuck up, use eye drops and axe. (if it makes sense w/ the weather wear a jacket to smoke in and then take it off), go home, go straight to your room & get on vidya or something & if your parents try to talk to you just seem busy or tired

fucking smoke it nigga

Nigga get a flat

People like you shouldnt be smoking weed.
You give it a bad name.
Wtf is with 'stoners' and people who dont like smoking around other people and all this shit.
Stfu what are you 12?
Are you that novice/ retarded that you cant hold a conversation with someone whilst high?
I bet you fuckin eat corn chips and play video games and giggle and shit and look around the room going "woaah man thats trippy!! Hahahajahah" like a bunch of fuckin 12yo girls.

Bitch i munch on joints almost everyday before going to Uni.

Wtf... are you still in that point of your life where you sneak out to go drink aswell?
Do you sot in a group and see who can drink the most in one go and who get the most 'drunk'? I bet you are the kind of people that visually emphasize the effects of the high aswell...

If you chase the high you are doing it wrong and shouldnt be smoking...
Smoking should be like smoking a durry or having a beer with lunch. Not a big deal at all...
Tl;dr - you are a faggot, dont smoke weed.

Maybe wait until you are 18, and don't be 12 making dumb mistakes. Shit, even at 18 you're liable to make a ton of mistakes.
Try to have some wisdom beyond your years. Or help your friend smoke a bunch of pot, whatever.

You're takin this shit too serious dawg. Most of us were there at some point. Let the damn kid smoke, he'll be there some day. We don't all have parents who don't care about us.

Kk, I'll be the one to help out the teen. Make an excuse to leave the house and if that doesn't work just leave/sneak out. Go to stoner-girl and if you really don't like getting high just take small hits at a time (if you don't have any you will literally look like a bitch), also make sure stoner friend gets high and try to penetrate her and ask if you can stay the night at hers (not for sex, just for a place to crash on the floor). Problem solved. If she doesn't want you staying over sneak back home, or if you want no fuck ups or mistakes, just do it during the day or at a party so you won't need to be sneaking around or anything.

Wait what the fuck is the difference between a spliff and a joint? I always thought they were the same thing.


Make a Gravity Bong/Waterfall Bong using a 2 Lt Bottle lmao

I thought a spliff had tobacco.

My parents are amazing and i am middle class white male, kind of parents that would ground me if i did shit in school, smack my shit up when i got in fights but also praise and love me when i do good.
My dad hates drugs but he knows i smoke weed. Im a responsible adult and he knows he cant stop me. My mum doesnt care because shes the same as me and doesnt see it as a big deal at all...

If my dad knew i was smoking bowls in his house everynight from the ages of 15-20 then hed probably be pissed off but whatever.
I talked to my dad many times whilst high, a few times even minutes after i toked.
Hell i even helped him build a table for the garden whilst i was high af..

Im not mad at the kid. Im mad at the whole 'stoner culture' and all the shitty stigma that comes with it.
Uneducated kids like OP are just fanning the flames and ruining weed smoking for everyone.

Im sick of the shaggy and scooby stereotype.

Thread was ended boys, sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave

A joint and blunt both just have pot, the former uses light rolling paper, the latter uses brown tobacco paper.

A spliff combines both tobacco and pot.

I knew the difference between joints and blunts, but I've never met anyone who mixes their tobacco with weed. Is that a European or Australian thing or something?

Its called "spinning" your weed. I live in aus and i mainly do it when smoking a bong because the tobacco gives you headspins/ makes the high better whilst also making your chop last longer. I dont know anyone who would spin a joint though..

Amerifag here. Not many people do it, but I have on occasion, except by halfway emptying a cig and filling it with weed. just for times when I wanted to look like I was just smoking a cig. shit was too loud tho

Maybe try not being gay