Yo /b what is you experiences bringing personal weed through an airport?

Yo /b what is you experiences bringing personal weed through an airport?

i accidentally went through (pre 9/11) with seeds/stems in my jacket pocket that i forgot about. kept smelling weed in the hotel and realized it. flushed them.


Not much, but non-personal weed is a whole other story.

Well any thoughts? I've been packing it down inside cigarettes and putting tobacco at the ends. Takes way too long, better options?

up the butt

marihuana is dangerous, addictive and illegal.

Seriously, weed is so easy to find wherever you go, why would you bother smuggling it through an airport?

Not worth the body cavity search in my opinion. Then again, 95% of people here are closet fags or honest homos, so that might be a plus for you as well.


do you bring yourr golf clubs with you on the plane?

Because I travel 80% of time to random ass places and don't have time to find a hookup in every podunk town I come across.

> being this addicted to a non-addictive drug

Nope, laptop, cigarettes, clothing, tools, etc. One carryon, one checked

get one of those vacuum bag things, put your weed in it double bagged, and mail it to yourself
>people do it all the time with steroids, idk about weed

Sleep aid.

i'd mail my golf clubs to where I am going.

>idk about weed
Then stfu.

marihuana is addictive. only people who don't understand the difference between addiction and physical dependency say it's not.


Put an ounce in my carry on. No problems at all

Put a bag of weed up your ass, works 100% of time


Had an anxiety dream about this last night. I wouldnt risk it man, just pick up some wherever youre going. They got this new body scanner where you stand inside and lift up your arms, and they x ray your bag. Its just not worth it really if you consider risk vs payoff

If they have dogs you're busted
I heard that coffee covers the smell but i wouldn't bank on it