It wrong I want to fuck my brothers fiance

It wrong I want to fuck my brothers fiance




no, it's not. It is wrong to do it though. He may kill you, and if he doesn't...well, then he's just a giant pussy. Maybe he even deserved it.


That is the hottest thing I've seen in a while!

Everybody want to fuck her


Need to see more pics before I can determine if its wrong


You'd be fucking gay if you didnt want to fuck that girl. So don't feel bad. It's your primal urges bubbling to the surface. I'd fuck her given the opportunity. Fuck your bro.

>having any serious chance

pick one


She's good looking so nothing wrong to want to fuck her.

But obsessing over her, or actually trying to fuck her is creepy as fuck


OP does she have an iphone? If so you could probs see them nudes atleast

Be happy for your brother, fap to her at night, move on.


Wasn't she the one posting in the other thread about wanting to fuck her fiance's brother?

Very funny
