Been taking Sertraline 50mg daily for about 4 weeks, still feeling pretty shitty tho...

Been taking Sertraline 50mg daily for about 4 weeks, still feeling pretty shitty tho. Been smoking weed and occasionaly popping xanes tho, dont know if it will be affecting the sertraline. Any other anons on it?

Pharmacy fag here, ask your psychiatrist to increase the dosage m8. I was on 100mg for about a year, now down to 50mg. As for weed and other stuff, it will have an effect on your serotonin levels and shit, but dont stress it too much. I smoke every night and like i said, my needed dosage is decreasing, not increasing


Sertraline isn't all that great. I was up to 200 but didn't take it all away.

Did you find 100mg helped, think he put me on 50mg cus its the first anti-D I've had. How many weeks in did it start affecting u and how did it make you feel

Yeah it isnt a wonder drug, but its a relatively safe and effective way to manage depression. Doesnt work for everyone though. You find something that worked better?

It definitely helped me, started to notice differences between a month and 2 months after starting. Basically it just blocked emotion for me, both good and bad emotions though, but no emotion and feeling is better than that crushing, hopeless feeling depression gives you

Sertraline does fuck all for me. Been on them for 4 months upping the dose and they are useless, but all other SSRIs ive taken gave me headaches.

>no emotion is better than depression
just to clarify, i mean that feeling nothing is better than feeling depressed

I'm on 50 mg daily.

>been on/off them years
>breakup with ex gf
>stress started anxiety
>anxiety into panic attacks
>still have to work with ex
>gets to me a little
>I think sertraline is starting to kick in now
>Panic almost gone
>anxiety barely managable
>got to go back to docs on friday to see how I'm doing
>I want higher dosage

How can I tell him?

Ask for a higher dosage. It's literally that simple. If he says no ask why, if he says yes, all is well.

Just tell him that, he'll understand

I been on paroxetine 45mg 1 year ago. It was amazing, zero anxiety buy i had to quit because it caused me a lot of apathy.

Now i am on fluoxetine 20 mg and its causing me excessive sleepiness and total lose of appetite. If it continues i will quit and try other AD.

They advise that with Sertraline the first 3 or so weeks can actually make you feel worse. Somewhat the case when I started on 50mg, too.

Not too hard to imagine 4 weeks would still have that effect, so I'd continue on that dosage for another week or so. But for sure, enquire about raising to 100mg. For me, it has seemed to do the trick - perhaps it was the extra time to get it to kick in, or maybe not, but I've been comfortable on 100mg for a few years.

(My situation is that I will likely be taking this very long-term, unlike many, though.)

Yeah will do, he asked me to go to cbt but feeling as shitty as this, I can barely make it to work.
Hope he's not a cunt about it.

what is this drug and how do I abuse it?

And yes, SSRI interact with weed. But you are on a low dose anyway.

I used to have anxiety until I realized emotions and feelings are the product of neurotransmitter imbalances in the brain, and don't hold any more weight that what we choose to give them.

Doctors are rarely cunts about things like that in my experience, remember, higher dosages are available for a reason. If they weren't needed by some people, they wouldn't make them, so you are far from the only one on high doses.

Also CBT has worked wonders for me, but I had it to treat OCD so YMMV

Have fun abusing an SSRI, they tend to blunt emotions. They are just about the worst drug to try and abuse.

Im guessing taking MDMA / pills is a no go as they fuck up your serotonine


Yeh I used to think that my heart cancer was limiting my life, until I realised that it doesnt hold any more weight than what I choose to give it.

Dont want to sound like a cunt, but if it was that easy for you to just drop it, thats great for you and all, but that wasn't serious anxiety.

You need 200 mg a thaaa thaaaaaaaaa

been on 150mg daily for about a year now, takes the edge off it most of the time


I could I abuse it to do bad things without emotional influence?

Ask you doc lot of bentzos and opioids, lie about your backpain.

Because consciously deciding your negative thoughts and emotions are worthless is impossible when you have serious anxiety? Ok then. Good luck with that serious anxiety. I'll be cheering you on.

I was on Sertraline for 2 years and it was the downfall to my beginning years of highschool. It made my life dull and even more depressing while only reliving stress and causing me to be lazy. When I stopped taking it within two weeks I felt like I could feel happiness and excitement. Now since then I will NEVER go on a SSRI ever again

SSRIs do absolutely fuck all, little more than a placebo really.

Lamotrigine has been working pretty well for me.

50mg of serataline (Zoloft? ) is a pretty low dose

Don't talk daft, they don't work like that, they will probably do nothing if you have normal serotonin levels.

Used to take that
Been on antidepressants for about the last 5 years.
The best ones made me feel normal the worst one lead me to self harm. Current one is decent it doesn't make me happy but it helps me care enough to fake being happy which is good enough for me.

Could i swap it with my grandma medicine without accidentally killing her?

I've been on sertraline for almost one year. 50mg is a begginner's dose to get your body used to it. I'm prescribed 100mg daily for OCD and severe depression, along with quetiapine and xanax.

My sincere advice is to drop the xanax as soon as you can go through your day without it. xanax really fucked me up. especially my memory. to the point where I'd forget to take xanax anymore.

Are you in control of chemicals in for example your liver? Your kidneys? Since you clearly aren't, how is your brain any different.

What medicine is she on? Out of curiosity.
And leave your grandma alone, I wish I still had my grandparents.


>hey everyone I made myself feel better by deliberately misunderstanding a common illness, and will deny this because my desire to win overrides my desire to understand, and even as I'm reading this I'm denying it in my head

Not sure some sort of muscle relaxer and painkillers. Sounds tasty

Why don't you just ask if she has any spare, don't rob them off the poor old dear.

If it doesn't get better soon then your shrink might have to put you on anti psychotics. A low dosage works.

My family knows about my habits hence why I would need to swap it with something. But I'll respect the quads and leave her pills alone

Fuck me! First time I got quads.
Yeah man respect her but still you could always ask for spares.
I'm a codeine addict and I sometimes have some of my mum's co-codamols. But I ask first.

Listen to in flames - disconnected
The lyrics are no bullshit

Those meds disconnect

I'm paying people to buy me store brand ibuprofen and codeine at the moment ,

Further on this point.
Went through Setraline, Venlafaxine Xr, and several others. Was on Venlafaxine Xr for a while along with x2 25mg Quetiapine.

> serotonin syndrome
> went off Venlafaxine (225mg XR) cold turkey with aid of diazepam, zoplicone and Valerian root for sleep.

Depression probably a 4/10. Not very active. Still taking Quetiapine. 1 at morning (with a coffee) and 1 at night.

Negative mood doesn't dear arive.
Been like 2 months now off of Venlafaxine.
Think I might have a Seasonal Association Depression Disorder. We'll have to see when winter arrives how things go.

But I would deffo recommend looking into anit pychotics especially on a low dose. They help to stabilize your mood. When moved with AD's they might cause the AD to be a bit too strong as I experienced but hey at-least now I am not reliant on ADs.

Venlafaxine (SNRI) causes bitch of anxiety.

Dude, check into newer drugs like SNRI's. Less side effects and better chance at working. Manufacturers offer coupons online.


Taking both for over a year, much better since

>SSRIs do absolutely fuck all, little more than a placebo really.

>Lamotrigine has been working pretty well for me.


Ah, I have to drive to different pharmacies and remember the ones I have been to recently, so I don't get caught out.
All within a 10 mile radius.
I cut right down during happier times, it is possible.
Back to Solpadeine Max and Neurofen Plus for me.

So much easier to just buy this user. No ibuprofen or paracetamol, just pure codeine. 600mg per bottle.

I'm a Britfag, don't think we have that here.

I'm a britfag too. I buy it online, shipped internally within the UK (no local pharmacies stock it). Totally legal.

Still better than spending £150 a day on coke from niggers on street corners

whats the name of that user? and can i get it in the US, mainly florida?

Codeine Linctus. I have no idea if you can get it in the US though.

Where do you order it from (site)?
How much per bottle (pounds)?
Are there limitations on amount/frequency of buying this?

Try clearchemist or pharmacyfirst
Usually something like £6-7 with delivery
Some sites limit to once per 3 months, almost all limit you to 1 bottle.
Lots of sites carry it though so I just rotate through them. Search codeine linctus, you can find more than the sites I just listed.

Is the site selling genuine above board or does it not give a shit

Totally legitimate but EU directives don't allow them to ship outside of the UK mainland.

Thanks for the info user, I swear I'll get off this shit when I'm happy again.

Suppose it's for the best if it was easy as buying nos online i would end up killing myself

I'm on Sertraline 100mg, and I have to say that it has saved me. I have been avle to graduate from Med School and make some new friends

I hope you do get off it user. But at least this is safer than taking the stuff that has ibuprofen/paracetamol in it.

I know what you mean user, my liver must be so fucked with how much I drink anyway.

take kratom nigger

ITT: retards convince other retards their imaginary disease is real. Everyone goes through life facing the same bullshit you do. Man the fuck up and go find things that make you happy, because you sure aren't going to find it at the bottom of your drug and alcohol bottles.

I hope you die a slow and painful death you scum of the earth

Cool story bro.

fucking normies ruining even more this wasteland, I don't know why im amazed but everytime I see one of these is like, fuck man, how the fuck make shit even shittier, so that's what you are a person who can push through the barriers of shittness, congrats!

well fuck, my english just broke

don't drink or smoke weed when you're on SSRIs you fucking jackass

50mgs a day is a low dose. at least give it a couple months working your way up to a couple hundred mgs a day to see if it works before you do other drugs/drink

how about you get your addictions under control instead of picking up more of them you fucking degenerate

Does zoloft make you guys yawn alot? I had to fucking stop taking it . And i had a weird smile that I couldn't get rid of. I switched to 10mg of Prozac. Fucking wish I took Cymbalta though. Shit is a miracle drug.

I had that, I think its because it loosens your neck muscles which would make sense for treating anxiety. I also felt like that sort of lurch just as you throw up, except milder and sort of all the time.

That's right, I did push through that barrier of shittiness. So did every single other normal person on the planet. Every single one of us is going to die sooner or later, the difference between us is that you're going to die trapped in whatever sadness or anxiety filled delusions you convinced yourself are actually real.

I dont know if you are just trying to let off steam or if you actuall believe those things, if its the former, sort yourself out, if its the latter, kill yourself. You are an evil cunt.

Yeah I had the same sensation of puking but extremely mild.