Legit_Mizard from Fluffybooru here, AmA

Legit_Mizard from Fluffybooru here, AmA



Why are your drawing such shit?

1. Because I'm new to the community
2. I use a mouse because I can't afford a decent drawing pad
3. I only Use. MSPaint becauseit's the one program I know how to use correctly. Also because it's easily accessible.






How long does each comic take you to make?


Do you have like a list of abuses and plan out each comic?

Or are they more fly by tho seat of your pants?

Each comic usually takes a couple hours to make.
single pictures take about 15-30 minutes.

I wanna fuck a fluffy pony. What do?


They just come out of nowhere really. Although, I do want to make a comic based on my Xenaria story, and I want to make some comics with my new character "Trevor". The problem with making the Xenaria comics is that I'm simply not skilled enough. The problem with Trevor is that i have no Idea how smarties would act if they continued to be spoiled and pampered even after developing smarty syndrome.


Also, I'm not sure how to answer your question, but try sticking a fleshlight in a doll and see how far you get there.

Throw yourself in the deep, flaming bowels and caverns of Hell itself, for not even all religion at once can save your weary soul.



