Is it true? Do men get too much credit?

Is it true? Do men get too much credit?

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credit for what? landing on the moon? inventing the car? settling the west?

I think it is true, considering woman give birth to men. Have to deal with more shit, ei bleeding vagina, tits, rapests, harassment, how would like to be a woman and think about it Fo a moment. Then consider how stupid it is to do this, since this only makes woman more needy because now they never get credit because society values a work ethic that is bad for us. It makes us sick, we need to take more breaks. Also slut shaming is stupid, you all could have had more sex if no one ever slut shamed a woman or man or what ever. Think about how much safe consensual sex could have happened without slut shaming? Maybe 25% of you would have not been kiss less virgins. ... so anyways I think I lost my train of thought

Everyone get's credit with Paul from the Diamond Center

Slut shaming is not stupid when you have to pay for their kids.


>Have to deal with more shit
>except war and conflict
>have to deal with everything but dying for their ideals
I know bitches be serving in other countries (implying women in the US mil do anything difficult) but that doesn't change the fact that women are built differently than males, making them less effective at combat on average. This must be bait. Strawman some more.


Have you ever had a hormonal imbalance? Woman go through this every 28 days. You are correct and men have taken advantage of this and excluded woman from making decisions, e.g. voting, who they get to fuck ei. Arranged marriages and treated like possessions whose value is related to the status of their sexual activities. This is futlrther used to control how women perform in the workplace since their roles as woman are use fu k it whatever man just believe what you want enjoy having a daughter one day and see how fast you recognise how her choices and options are limited only be a use of her gender.


Underrated post

Same fag

Women still get that huge benefit of being taken care of for no reason other than being a woman. I mean, look at all the social programs geared for helping you achieve to the max.

Scholarships and grants just for being women (though women receive better education, have better grades, higher graduation rates, etc.)

Domestic violence shelters (though men share about 40% of violence)

Hyper-gamy and class mobility

Better mental and health care

Favored in courts

And the list goes on and on. Men are biologically inclined to help you be all you can be.

This offends me as a vegan transgender atheist German engineer who vapes organic decaffeinated compressed soy breast milk on the regular and a person who does Indian naked crossfit yoga 5 times per week. I'm also a male feminist and identify myself as a pastafarian Apache helicopter dog who serves only to one master: my chihuahua which I helped cross the border of Mexico because I hate Donald Trump. My dog also walks me, if you find that weird you're an arrogant ignorant homophobic globaphobic sexist.

Well that was a mouth full

men give themselves way too much credit. no, the things other people have done do not count to your own accomplishments.
i'm talking to you dumbass

You are aware that men have both daily, And monthly hormone cycles, and we're just expected to man up and deal with this shit.

Women get to take a few days off every month, but Men are expected to work through it. Be a man.

well, the cycles are very different in their symptoms and such. you can always take a day off of work for being sick.

You tell me

kissless is one word


Got it:
Tessa Fowler

as an german engineer this offends me

>men historically don't want women to get out of the kitchen
>even today there is a good portion of men who don't want women to get out of the kitchen
>men complain that they get fucked by working and fighting

men kill themselves more efficiently
>Females attempt suicide three times more often than males.

i don't know about the custodial stuff. often men aren't interested in having the kid live with them? i know there are cases in which the man is disregarded for a woman who is less qualified than him but your number really doesn't lead to any kind of conclusion.

>homicide victims
now give me the statistic which talks about what gender does the most homicides. because if men do the most homicides then this is the wrong context to post this statistic.

>waaaaah men get too much credit for making the modern world
>I'm going to cry about the patriarchy while reaping the benefits of its labor

Petty, insecure peasants.

Why is feminism such cancer?

How the fuck does it matter if men get killed by other men? It doesn't "even out" just because the person who murdered you also happened to have a dick.

Your fucking retarded. Men don't just not want to deal with the kid. Believe it not moajority of fathers love their kids more then anything else you fucking dumbass. Women are just selfish fucking counts who just want to be spiteful and rip the man of what he loves

So quantify/qualify the symptoms and such? You're not making an argument. You're just admitting that women bitch about it more.

Slut shaming wouldn't exist if women dressed appropriately, let their bodies be natural and not plastic, and not cake their face in make up.

for one, it doesn't even need to be a thing. women have equal rights here. feminism might gain some ground in countries were women aren't equal, but there's nothing for them to fucking do here and it's obvious because your mighty man brain can't think down to that level they're working on
you can't see where they're coming from because it's imagined and wrong, you can't make the mental leaps to connect their "logic" like they can. some might call it delusions of the mentally ill

There is no win condition. Feminism is fighting just to fight. Put two feminists in a room, they won't be able to agree on what they're trying to do because there isn't a thing they're trying to accomplish.
Like everything else women do, it's a way to get attention. They get to freely bitch AND it's disguised as a "movement", they're "champions of justice" so they won't get questioned, it's just endless talk bitch talk bitch talk bitch bitch talk talk bitch bitch bitch

>Statistics are sexist

men kill themselves more efficiently
>Females attempt suicide three times more often than males.

So, they try it at about the same rate? Men are more successful at suicide? I'm noticing a trend where women suck at everything, even killing themselves.

>facts are sexist

haha, i bet 100$ this fuckboy originates from eastern europe

>periods are worse than war
Now I know you're just b8ing

OP is bait or socially retarded. That being said; women do have some significant inventions to note. The first programer was a woman. Women invented a significant portion of telecommunications technology. We wouldn't be able to be bigoted misogynistic fuckheads right now on the internet without women.

I want to do sex with small aged girl with great breast......I wanna to intercourse with the ball is the full with hot sperms

because this comparison is about how men are less privileged than women. let's look at an hypothetical situation in which the given numbers are true but 100% of the murderers are men. there is no reason to say women are more privileged by getting murdered less if mostly men are doing the murdering. you would look at why the fuck men are so much more prone to excessive violence.
sure, they do. but a kid is a lot of responsibility and having a fulltime job without a partner influences your ability to properly raise a kid significantly. women in a divorce are less likely to have a job. look i already told you i don't know the details to this statistic so don't get so triggered over things i didn't say.
>suddenly men killing themselves more efficiently isn't a problem anymore but a thing to be proud off
men are more likely to go for violent deaths like a shotgun to the head. women like to go for non-violent deaths like pills. OD's are less likely to kill you because the body is actually pretty resilient to dying.

If you want to play that game, it can go back to men inventing literally everything else and women wouldn't be able to program without those previous contributions.

Sure, but saying they didn't invent anything of significance is a fallacy. I'm not trying to disprove men have had a more significant impact on human achievement.

women can get pretty intense stomach cramps, bleeding is uncomfortable and they get an emotional rollercoaster.
high testosterone means you have more energy, an easier time to build muscles, more competitive motivation and a shorter temper. low testosterone gives you the opposite, you feel tired.

name one thing they "invented" and didn't just get credit for doing it first. and don't be gay, it has to be something decent, that other men weren't already working on.